finishing a novel

Guess what. I'VE FINISHED MY NOVEL, THAT'S WHAT! (Evidenced by the full green bar on the right side of your screen. 101%! Hahaha!) Here's what the inside of my head is like right now: IMAGINARY INTERVIEWER: I heard you finished your novel in under a month. That's impressive! ME: Thank you so much! I put a lot of effort into it. CONAN O'BRIEN: Tell us again what your novel's about. ME: Um... It has something to do with the universe. CONAN O'BRIEN: Go on. What else is in your novel, aside from the universe? ME: Um, teenagers. CONAN O'BRIEN: What happens to the teenagers? ME: Uh... They stumble upon a portal... That, um... Takes them to other dimensions. CONAN O'BRIEN: When can I get a copy? ME: I'm flattered, Coco, but I'm not giving copies out to anybody right now. CONAN O'BRIEN: Why not? ME: To put it gently, my "novel" is where good grammar and coherent story lines go to die. CONAN O'BRIEN: Well Ste...