random MS Paint thing of the day

If I had to pick a book genre I'd have to stick to writing for the rest of my life, I'd definitely pick children's literature over anything else, because in a kid's book, anything can happen. Dogs can talk, trees have faces, and Harry Potter is real. 

That drawing you see above is the result of a little experimentation with the new features of MS Paint, and of course a little extra time. (Halfway through, I got lazy and decided to type out "the magic paintbrush" instead of actually writing it.) A short explanation: Kit Something is a bright young girl who always gets mistaken for a boy. (Her name's not really Kit Something. I just couldn't think of an appropriate last name for her, so until I do, she will remain Kit Something.) She finds a magic paintbrush one day, and with it, she brings paintings and drawings to life. 

...That sounds like an episode of SpongeBob SquarePants, doesn't it. :|

Well screw you. Plagiarism is legal now. 


  1. Spongebob: "He was simply a 2-dimensional creature lost in a 3-dimensional world,longing for a purpose."
    *Blows bubbles*
    Patrick: "So he's a drawing?"
    Spongebob: "Exactly Patrick!"

    :p lololololololololololol

  2. trolololo Plagairism is the bedrock of English 12!!!

  3. He's still kinda creepy lookin'.

  4. Achi, Harry Potter IS real.


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