going back to Manila

My plane leaves tomorrow at 6 AM. 
Reasons why this makes me sad:
  1. I hate waking up early. Hate it hate it hate it so much. 
  2. I don't want to go back to Manila. 
  3. I don't want to leave home. Again.
  4. I don't want to leave home, ever. 
  5. I'll miss my family.
Reasons why this makes me happy:
  1. My mom bought me some nice clothes I can wear to the airport, which I guess is pretty cool.


  1. aww aimeee! >:D< we'll take care of you! and it won't be so bad! and you'll get to go back home soon anyway for Christmas! :D

  2. we still have time for a roadtrip!!!

  3. This made me go "awww" out loud. :)) I AOL'd. :)) Thank you so much >:D<

  4. Well Aimee, the problem with hello is goodbye.
    And well, with every goodbye comes new hellos. :>


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