1. Potential covers for my novel.
  2. Yes, they all suck, but hey. I'm a writer (daw), not a graphic artist.
  3. Title is tentative.
  4. Tentative title sucks.
  5. I hope I don't stop writing when school starts. 
  6. If you ask me what my novel's about, I will laugh and say "I don't know, really," because that is the truth - I HAVE NO FREAKING IDEA WHERE MY STORY IS GOING. 


  1. hey the covers look nice! is there a theme for NaNoWriMo? :))

    don't stop writing when school starts! :D although... our research papers... ;___;

  2. i like the trololololo pix most of all!

  3. thank you cheryl >:D< there's no theme. that's the beauty of it <3

    and, yeah. research papers. it's gonna be really tough to stick to this thang. i guess this is how i'll be spending my long breaks.:))

  4. I like the first cover. Although they're all pretty. The white one's nice-ER too.

  5. I want to read it when you're done writing! :) Go Aim! >:)<

  6. Hey mom, thanks! THat's my favorite, too.

    Tinny: Thank you so much! >:D< I think I am sticking to the black one now. :3

    Mee-tsa: THANKS! I really need the encouragement. :)) By the way, who is this? @-)

  7. The black cover is lovely! It's simple but that's actually a good thing. *wise nod*


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