random sad pictures of the day, and a long back story

#1: Lolwhut. Chick lit is a real genre now?
. . .
#2: My guitar of five years finally bit the dust today. I have no idea why, but when I picked it up this morning from its usual place behind the mirror, its bridge was already snapped off and the strings dangling out of place.  Aasdfkj asolfjwoijsld; sakj fw;. 

My mom says I can buy a new one here in Manila, but I'll go take it to a repair shop before I even begin to think about replacing it. We've been through so much! :'(

And now for a little nostalgia:

The guitar was actually a present from Santa Claus back in the December of 2005. It was a gift meant for all of us kids, but I, being the most musically inclined in the family (and also the most talented and probably the smartest), took to learning the guitar in the summer of 2006. 

When I became a freshman in high school, I brought the guitar with me a lot, and whenever I did, my friend Marc Paul (whom I mentioned in another guitar-related post and is probably the best guitarist of my batch) taught me new songs and gave me quick pointers. Those were the days when we bought dozens of song hit books, sat around in our usual tambay spot, and just sung the afternoons away. 

Marc and I formed a band in our sophomore year, and it had the dumbest band name I'd ever heard: Zoom. My guitar was present in all of our rehearsals, and also on the night of the first time I'd ever played on stage, ever. Come to think of it, my guitar was always waiting for me backstage during the Battle of the Bands that followed (we won first place in 2008 and third in 2009 - bragging rights yo), only we were called Motion Theory this time around, and that was still a pretty dumb name. 

I think the last moments that my class had with my guitar was the graduation practices, where Marc was on lead/rhythm guitar, I was on bass, and Ricardo (who was with us for our Zoom phase) was on drums. Our music teacher Sir Mike, the best music teacher in the history of ever (Ask any of his students. It's true. He's the best.) was our keyboardist, and he also arranged the whole thing. Marc, Joseph and I wrote the graduation song, and he was the one who brought it to life. 

Sorry, I digress. The point is, this guitar is such a part of my life that I just can't imagine myself being with a new guitar right now. I think...

I think I just need to be alone for a while. 


  1. You guys wrote that? T_T So nice. Also, I hope you can get your guitar fixed. Shouldn't be anything a little extra strong adhesive can't fix. :)

  2. :(( it'll be alright, aim! if your guitar pulls through this, bring it to school someday! we'd love to hear you play! 8D

  3. Oooooh Achi. No good, no good.


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