Random Picture of a Capo of the Day

Chekitawt. I realized today that I forgot my guitar capo at home (a capo is something you clamp on to the neck of your guitar to increase the pitch), and so I decided to use what my friend Marc Paul taught me many years back - resourcefulness!

My makeshift capo is comprised of a pen, a hair scrunchie, and some tissue to tighten the "capo". 

And in case you were wondering why I am posting this really lame blog entry, well there's nothing much to write about really.

And if you're reading this in a computer terminal in the library, say hi! :D


  1. you were there! whatttt. :)) we were in the fourth floor! :))

  2. I might think twice before lending you my "capo" again. :|

  3. what a nice capo :>

  4. Very resourceful :> It's a pretty neat capo. :))

  5. no national bookstore post :P?


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