Twillight is BETTER than Harry Potter!!1!!@

OMG guys stop saying that HP is better than Twilight lol u so dumb lolz~ u bettre juz stop it rofl
So guys hears my resons y Twillight is more bettre dan HP,,,, pls enjoy reading and share it w/ ur freinds lol~
  1. ~*EdwArD CuLLeN*~ is teh BeST bf ever,,,,, his so HOT!~~!!!1~! And he loves' Bella more than everything. See how he ~*wAtChEs~* her go 2 sleep every nite,,,, omg so freakin' CuTe :)))))))))
  2. in hp people dont rily fite dey juz use there WANDs,,, lol so stupid rite,,,, and MAGIC lolzzzzz,, in TWILIGHT... ~*EdWaRd*~ and JB (NO NOT JUSTIN BIEBER LOLZZZZZ I MEAN JACOB BLACK!!!!!~~!!@@!~~! WELL I DONT RILY LIEK HIM I LIEK *~EdWaRd*~ BETTRE BUT LOL ANYWYA)  fite liek a REAL FITE using there bodys NOT magic!!!~~!! :PPPPPPPPPP
  3.  ~*EdWaRd*~ and Bella kiss <3 <3 <3 in the FIRST BOKO! hp kises herminey in the last book LOOOOOOOOOOOLZZZZZZZ y u take so long roflmao,,,,,,
  4. bella actually READS BOOKS herminey juz waives her WAND XDDDD,,,,magic,,,,,XDDD
  5.  ~*EdWaRd*~ is d most flawless and perfect man in the world <33333333 hp is ugly lolz just sayin XDD
So theirs my reazons lol hope u enjoyd reading my blog lmfao :PPPPPPPP if any hp fans gets offended then sorry but im juts saying d truth,,,,,,TWILIGHT ROCKS!!!~~11~~!!! FOREVER!!!~!


  1. Harry Potter is about a boy who lives in a cupboard (i.e. "in the closet"). His Aunt and Uncle are ashamed of him because his parents were quite eccentric (i.e. "flaming") and they are deeply concerned and afraid that he will turn out just like them. On his 11th birthday (i.e. roughly at the onset of puberty), the boy discovers that he is actually a "wizard", different in both style and substance from normal people, or "muggles" (i.e. "breeders"). The boy is groomed into his new existence by a large, hairy bear of a man who shows Harry a hidden underground community of "wizards" living right under the noses of the general population (i.e. the gay subculture). Harry's first trip to this subculture involves traveling through "Diagon Alley", a play on the word diagonally (i.e. not straight).
    One of Harry's first rites of passage in his new life is to select a wand (i.e. penis). The wand/penis is the most important tool in a Wizard's arsenal (or arse) and so this scene is treated with great reverence and mystery. While experiencing Diagon Alley for the first time, Harry also pauses with a group of other young boys to admire a much coveted broomstick (i.e. long hard shaft of wood).


  3. OMFG roflmao AimzZzzz thees is liek da bestest thing i have like *READ* in a long taym

    (I just discovered it's hard typing like that D: :)))

  4. ! zh0uLd laYk !n(lud3 diz in mah FiL12 p4yp4h!:|

  5. No one can even understand what you're typing!
    That ovbiously proves that the Harry Potter series (not just Harry Potter the person) is more superior to Twilight.
    Also you need to get your facts straight because Harry and Hermoine (the correct way to spell her name) were never a thing. Harry and Ginny were a thing and Hermoine and Ron were a thing.
    Number 1 and Number 5 are practically the same exact point just reworded.
    And practically all Hermoine does is read.
    You're just jealous because a wizard could clearly kill a vampire or werewolf (which isn't really a werewolf, yet a shape shifter) any day.

  6. Seryoso ba ito? I sure do hope that this is some experiment a Fil teacher from Ateneo asked you to do. Seriously.



  8. :)) people are getting into arguments because of this post, aim! :)) oh noes!

  9. You razor sharp sarcasm in this post will make me bleed to death, aimee! :))

  10. OH MY GOODNESS =)) Thank you, Jess, Angelle, Cheryl, Pat, and those two anons at the beginning. I can't believe somebody actually thinks I'm capable of writing this stupidity and actually MEANING IT.

    Goodness =)) This has made my day. ~*srsly*~

  11. i'd comment too. but i don't speak pretentious fangirl loser.

  12. Thank you, Rapman!

    And thank you to all the other sane people who commented >:D<

  13. Hey Anonymous #3, Hermione is spelled like THAT, not Hermoine. Idiot. And P.S. the "werewolf" in Twilight is called an Animagus. Ever heard of reading Harry Potter 3, Prisoner of Azkaban? Or any Harry Potter book at all? And P.P.S., people are NOT THINGS. They're people. Objectify much?


    And yeah, Third Anon. You can run and tell that.

  15. I am very amused at the Anon who actually thought you were serious, got mad, and spelled Hermione's name wrong. =)) (Yay for applying Strunk and White's rules!)

  16. Char-broiled Anonymous #3.

  17. Hooray for Strunk and White! Char-broiled, Anonymous 3!

    And hai thar, Most Recent Anonymous!

  18. That was VERY hard to read. But, (since I know many people who tYp3 l!K3 tH!s)I could read it with effort, and you are completely correct. Twilight is amazing, in every way. The only thing that annoys me about it is that Edward's hair looks different in every movie (I have no idea why that bothers me so much but it just does). I love Twilight. I have attempted to read/watch Harry Potter before, and it never held my attention. I had no clue what was happening in the movies. The only parts I liked were Luna Lovegood and "Dobby didn't mean to kill... Just mane,or seriously injure..." lol. But I love everything about Twilight. (And yes I'm one of those crazy insane TwiHards who could tell you Edward's birth day, height, weight, middle name, human eye color, etc.) Just my personal opinion


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