RecWeek 2010

Lightbulb moment. Those "light images" I talked about in my previous post? THEY HAVE AN ACTUAL PURPOSE! I am truly sorry, NVM Gonzales, for having thought that they were just there to prettify your narrative. Oh, how wrong I was. Mr. Max Pulan explained to us last Friday that the lights were actually - Wait. You don't actually care about this stuff, do you :| All righty then. Skipping to the next topic! . . . So I haven't updated this blog in a while, but here I am now, thanks to the prodding of an anonymous commenter whom I suspect to be my own mother. Anyway, it's RecWeek here in the Ateneo, which means that it's time for all the orgs to start haulin' in some fresh meat! It's a pretty epic event that the upperclassmen have been psyching us up for since the first week of classes, and now that it's here, it really is super cool! B-) All of us get these RecWeek manuals, which are basically these cool little books that tell you about ...