in limbo

  • Today: Enlistment Day
  • Time: Late in the morning.
  • Status: Uneasy
Enlistment Day. The crucial day when students finally get to view their class schedules and compare them with friends to see which periods they're free to hang out. Better-known as "Dear Sweet Lord Please Let Me Have A Good P.E." Day.

In the Ateneo, you can enlist for your classes online. But to avoid online traffic, this is done by batching. They give you a random number which corresponds to the time you should be online, and all you have to do is log on at that given time and then enlist.

Problem is, there is a limited number of slots in all P.E.'s. This is common knowledge already, as 1,000 students can't sign up for any one class! So the rule that applies now when chosing your P.E. is first come first serve.

Which is really really uncool, because I'm part of the last batch of enlisters! I won't have a lot of P.E.'s to choose from by the time I log on.

Even now, when they're still serving batch number 3, all the good P.E.'s have been taken. Or so Larz tells me. He says that the only P.E.'s left are fencing, ping pong, basketball and... gulp... DANCE SPORTS!!!

Oh Dear Sweet Lord. I'll take any P.E. you want to dish out at me, just not one that involves dancing! Oh no. Ohhhh nooo no no non no non on oo non on o.

Looks like I'll just have to wait until 4:00 to see what awaits me over in the P.E. lists.


  1. reading your blog is fun! do write some more.

  2. Wow! Thank you so much, Anonymous commenter! :D I will!


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