RecWeek 2010

Lightbulb moment. Those "light images" I talked about in my previous post? THEY HAVE AN ACTUAL PURPOSE!

I am truly sorry, NVM Gonzales, for having thought that they were just there to prettify your narrative. Oh, how wrong I was.

Mr. Max Pulan explained to us last Friday that the lights were actually -

Wait. You don't actually care about this stuff, do you :|

All righty then. Skipping to the next topic!

. . .

So I haven't updated this blog in a while, but here I am now, thanks to the prodding of an anonymous commenter whom I suspect to be my own mother.

Anyway, it's RecWeek here in the Ateneo, which means that it's time for all the orgs to start haulin' in some fresh meat! It's a pretty epic event that the upperclassmen have been psyching us up for since the first week of classes, and now that it's here, it really is super cool! B-)

All of us get these RecWeek manuals, which are basically these cool little books that tell you about all of the accredited orgs in the Ateneo to help you pick out which ones you wanna join.

"DiverseCity." Diversity. Get it?

Yesterday was the start of RecWeek. It was held on the Manny V. Pangilinan Roofdeck - only a little smaller than my high school gym! (It takes a whooole lot of effort getting up there though. Four flights of stairs is NOT easy to climb up.)

Anyway. Yesterday I signed up for PMSA, which means the Pre-Medical Society of the Ateneo, for obvious reasons. After that, I went straight to sign up for the Loyola Film Circle, because I just really love making movies.

However, all hopes I had harbored of becoming a filmmaker were dashed against the rocks when the in-charges at the booth told me that if I wanted to be a part of the team that actually does the filmmaking, I had to submit a portfolio of my videos first as a sort-of audition.

Having brought absolutely nothing of my high school film projects to Manila, I was left with no choice but to sign up for the Documentation and Publication team of the Film Circle - the department that does all the script writing and photography.

Bummer. And I was so excited to learn about filmography, too!

. . .

Today after classes, my blockmates and I went to the Roofdeck again, since some of them didn't go yesterday. Taking heed of my blockmate Deo's advice about three orgs being the maximum number of orgs you are emotionally and mentally capable of handling, I hadn't planned to join any more. I just tagged along because I wanted a PMSA baller that wasn't available yesterday :3

No other org has lives on the line.

While waiting for my blockmates to finish signing up for PMSA, I had a nice conversation with three active members of PMSA. I found it really weird that I was talking to people I didn't know in the first place, and weirder still was the fact that I actually had a nice time talking to them. Considering that I'm not one to talk, I found this occurence rather strange. I guess I've just been getting chattier and chattier lately.

One reason I can cite for this is that English really is (unfortunately) my native tongue. I speak to my family in English. And my closest friends. I can speak Bisaya of course (native language of Cagayan de Oro),but I'm not fluent. Blame American TV.

Here in Manila, you speak in either Tagalog or English. Or Taglish. I speak English with Tagalog interjections ("It's so hot eh," or "What if we go there kaya because there's aircon?"), and I find that talking to people is so much easier now than it was back in Cagayan!

. . .

But I digress. Going back to RecWeek.

On impulse, I decided to drop by the Loyola Film Circle booth and tell the in-charge that I wanted to try for the Production team. Of course, I'd have to bring some of my work, but I realized earlier that since I'm going home this Friday (YESSSS!!!!) I can just save them in a flash disk and then bring them to Manila. Easy peasy.

The problem is actually passing the screening. Compared to their standards, I'm guessing a pile of dung would be considered more cinematic than the movies I made. But, there's no harm in trying, right?

Oh wait. THERE IS HARM IN TRYING. What about the heartbreak that comes when I don't make it? Rejection can depress someone so much to the point of suicide! (Not saying that I'm one of those people!)

I guess it's a risk I'm just gonna have to take. I want to be in Production so, so bad. If it doesn't work out for me this year, there's always next year. Heck, I have four years to try for Production. I think my filmmaking skills will have improved over that period of time.

. . .

Oh, that sounded like I was about to end my blog, didn't it? Well, I'm not. Because I have to tell you about the two other orgs I applied for.

The Guidon. The AdMU school paper. The Holy Grail of student writers in the University. I never planned to join this, because I was such a crappy editor-in-chief for my elem-high school paper. And I'm such a crappy writer, too! My mom had told me that in Kong Hua (my high school), I was a big fish in a small pond. And that here in AdMU, I'm a small fish in an ocean.

Understatement of the year!

Here in AdMU, I am a single electron in an atom in a cell within a plankton snacked on by some tiny seahorse devoured by a small fish devoured by a big fish devoured by a shark devoured by a narwhal* and then converted into waste matter.

I am a single electron in that waste matter.

Oh, how I WISH I were a small fish in an ocean!

*I'm not sure how this is even possible, but I've always wanted to use the word "narwhal" in a non-pirate related sentence. 

What convinced me though to apply for The Guidon was the prospect of writing for g Magazine, The Guidon Online. It's like a blog! Only waaaaay more organized and coherent and relevant and meaningful than the average online rant and ramble, of course.

So that's what I applied for. g Magazine. Second choice, News writing, since there's no need to be very wordy and flashy in news writing.

My writing exam is on July 12. Urgh. Gives me a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach just thinking about it.

Why did I apply for The Guidon!? I CAN'T WRITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY OH WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY-

. . .

Right. Second org I joined today was ACLC. Ateneo Christian Life Community.

Let's just say that peer pressure got to me.

No, it wasn't my blockmates. It was Ate Olga, who went to Kong Hua and was a senior when I was a sophomore.

And, hey, ACLC is free. You don't have to pay P100 or P50 or anything. Free :3

. . .

It's only been Day 2 of RecWeek and already I've joined/am trying out for five different orgs. There's the Health Sci Society (not an accredited org, but all Health Sci majors are automatically part of it), PMSA, LFC, The Guidon, and ACLC.

And, to be honest, I wanna join Kythe ("Children should be flying kites, not fighting cancer.") and AMP (Ateneo Musicians' Pool - of course I couldn't possibly get in as a guitarist. I'd love to help out in Human Relations or a promoter! Anything that'll get me closer to future Spongecola's and Kjwan's!)

Being the lame writer that I am, I must end my post here, because I am tired and thirsty.

(Oh, and I am NOT fishing for a compliment, if that's what you're thinking, you judgmental reader you.)

. . .

P.S. One of the coolest things about RecWeek is all the freebies!!! As of now, I've gotten a Heights sticker, a PMSA baller, an LFC pin, something called LightWater from The Guidon, Nestea from this Nestea booth and a mini-Rexona from ACLC. :)


  1. "Kids should be flying kites, not fighting cancer."
    Join Kythe now and make a child happy today :D =))

  2. aimzzz, i love reading your blog! you're a great writer, you humble person you!

    the week is almost over and i haven't signed up for anything yet! argh! any suggestions? ;;)


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