three days in pictures

Lately I've been coming back to the dorm too tired do much else other than take a bath, Skype, and Facebook. Writing takes a lot of energy, okay! So, for all the days I've missed to post, here is a barrage of pictures I took with my cellphone with quick recaps:

Tuesday, June 15

First day of classes. I actually did write about this day in a previous post, but I guess I forgot to post these marvelous pictures of the Church of the Gesù. I went here after classes with Andy, Ren and Elisa, my friends from Health Sciences (I can't say "blockmates" because Elisa is from XX1.)

. . .
Wednesday, June 16 

English 12 in the Bellarmine Building was the first thing in the morning - teacher is Mr. Maximo Pulan!!! I was chosen to be one of the five people to go up on stage and create the beginning of a fairy tale, word by word (one word per person!). It turned out to be something about a beanstalk and a mouse and a slab of cheese that turned black when "I" ate it. It's weird. 

We then had to finish the story in groups of five. Which was extremely hard, by the way, considering we left the story hanging at when "I" had to go to the doctor because I was sick and turned into a rabbit.

Good thing it was written this time, and not oral, standing up in front of the whole class. I met people from other courses, Tommy and Dani, and then two other people from my own course, Ali and Alejandro (whom I had met previously during the Health Sciences departmental talk). 

Oh, and I found that during English class, I was speaking a bit of Taglish. Huh. 

I tell you, Ateneo has some of the coolest vandalisms I've ever seen. Like this one here. It says, "Push button to demolish Bellarmine Building." 

Literature class was cancelled, since Mr. Pulan is our teacher in that, too. Cheryl, Alessi, Deo (my blockmates who are also my classmates in Engilsh) and I got dismissed an hour early. Woohoo! 

And that was pretty much it for the day! Block XX has only two classes on Wednesdays: English and Lit from 7:30 to 10:00 AM. Oh, except for the people with P.E.'s. 

That's Mico, Cheryl, and me, in the center. We were waiting for the others to finish buying their books (because the line was long). Yeah, I dunno why we're doing tiger claws either.

We pretty much separated into groups after that. Some of us went to JGSOM Student Enterprice Center (JSEC - the place in campus with student-owned food stalls) while the others went to the Rizal Library, which looks something like this:

At least one of the rooms, anyway. I really love that place. It's HUGE. And you can enjoy free aircon and free Internet (yes, you can use Facebook and Yahoo! Messenger!). Well, technically, it isn't free, since we paid for it at the start of the school year. So I guess the proper term would be unlimited
Unlimited aircon and Internet! \m/

Lunch was at KFC with a quarter of the block. Albert drove us there, and this is what it looked like from my seat: (that's AC in the second photo)

After lunch, we went to Ateneo High School to check out the org fair. I don't have any pictures to show for that (Fail, right? I have pictures of the back of people's heads but I don't have one of the actual event we were driving to) but anyway, it was really cool.

That's the visitor's pass we had to wear inside. And here's AC, Alyssa and I posing by this really old College sign.

When The Block had dispersed, I caught up with Lorenzo and his blockmate Kris, who had to make some sort of name tag for their Ateneo dorm thingy ( I am really unclear on this matter, okay, because everytime I try to bring it up they get excited and start talking about other things). We went to the National Book Store in Katipunan, which was HUUUUUUGE. I took a really bad picture here, but if you look underneath the "Uni" sign, you can see part of the second floor. It's huge. 
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Thursday, June 19
Spent a lot of time with Jason, and we both agree that we're getting sick of each other's faces. Ugh. 
This is us in one of the cervini mirrors. 

And that's pretty much it :D The end.


  1. I saw that Church of Gesu from panoramia. Is that within the ADMU campus grounds? Glad you're having fun!

  2. Yeah! You pass by it on the way to the Covered Courts or to the Ateneo dorms.

    Thanks mom! :D

  3. UPD's got more vandalism... especially in the Kalayaan Dorm... whahaha

  4. OH YES Jo!!!! You finally got a blog :) Woohoo!


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