Breathing time, and on Lit 13

Phew. Finally, I've submitted my Chemistry pre-lab report today. I was up till 2 AM figuring it out (and I only just finished it before Math class at 2 PM!) and now I feel like I can just sit back, relax, and enjoy the aircon and Internet here in the Rizal Library. :)

And Math? Well, I'll just put in a little extra effort tonight and tomorrow and over the weekend. The quiz is still on Tuesday, after all. That gives me five days prep time!

And I've already scheduled an appointment with Mr. Tolentino, my Math teacher, for next Wednesday afternoon. I've already explained to him that I didn't take up in high school the topics we're discussing right now. He understands.

Man, I feel so behind because my blockmates have already learned this stuff - in their sophomore year, at that!

But I'm all mellow right now. I've got only three classes tomorrow - English, Literature, and P.E. All in the morning. So the rest of the day, I'm freeeeeeeeeeeeeeee... to study Math.

Hahaha. I really look forward to my Eng and Lit classes with *ahem* Professor Max Pulan *ahem*. Yesterday, I enjoyed my class so much! We discussed NVM Gonzales's "Bread of Salt" (which we were required to read in advance), and I was loving every moment of it.

All the things I wanted to learn in high school about literature and writing, I'm learning now in my Lit 13 class. And I just love Mr. Pulan's way of dissecting a story. For instance, in a paragraph from Bread of Salt, the narrator describes an old Spanish house that he would always pass by on the way to buy pan de sal. I didn't give that paragraph any second thought after I had read it, but come Lit class, Mr. Pulan pointed out all these allusions that I hadn't noticed, these"light images" that the author used to describe the house: "glinted with broken bottles", "wash of silver upon the roofs", "light dripped from the bamboo screen." He said that from this, it can be inferred that the narrator of the story, the protagonist, sees this Spanish house as an inspiration. As heavenly and castle-like and magical.

Okay, you may be reading this part and thinking, "SO!? What's the big deal about "light images"? And who cares about those literal allusions?"

Well, you cruel reader you, I CARE! I've always wanted to know about this stuff since I was in fifth grade, about the time I started to get into writing. I love learning about double-meanings, and references, and metaphors and writing devices and foreshadowing and all the other things writers love to insert in their stories.

My Lit 13 class has got to be my favorite class EVAR. (En 12, not so much, because we're studying how to do research papers. Ho hum...) We have these required readings every week, and for tomorrow we're going to finish up Bread of Salt and then moving on to The Company of Wolves by Angela Carter.

Already, I've read The Achievement of Desire, an essay written by Richard Rodriguez about giving up an intimate connection to his family to succeed in academics. It's part of the anthology called Ways of Reading. It took me about three hours to read that thing, even if it was only less than 50 pages, because it was so hard to take in. Such unfamiliar words and points of view. But the preface of the book even said that you're not supposed to get the selections the first time you read them! It's all about re-reading, and questioning, and finding out the answers yourself.

. . .

Oh, speaking of reading, I just bought a book today from the student-run book sale outside De La Costa Hall. Princess Diaries VII. (Yes, I'm into chick lit. I wonder if Lit 13 will change that.) There were so many cool books there - Harry Potter. The Chronicles of Narnia. NEIL GAIMAN! They were selling ANASI BOYS!

I hope that's still there after my next ATM withdrawal.

Anyway, hugs and kisses to you guys back home. I'm bringing Princess Diaries with me so that Cait can read!

OH! And by the way, why don't YOU guys start a blog? I'd love to hear from you! :3

Hugs and kisses! <3


  1. whaaa. lit class! i haven't had lit class since freshman year! ;;X

    oh yeah, aimee. saw jodars and gabsilan the other day. they're upk apps. maybe you guys should meet up or something....?

    *absolutely no matchmaking intentions whatsoever*

  2. hahahahhaa!!! ate saaaandy!

    wait, you only have one year of lit class? ;_; and five years of math? sad life ;__; hahha

    yeah, i heard they were. we really should meet up! joseph seems pretty busy though. :))

  3. write some more! i keep on checking for new blogs but wala man.

  4. Hi! Thanks so much for the reminder. I've updated it now :D


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