oh dear.

I just don't understand Math as well as my classmates do. Every Math class, I have to struggle to keep up with the lessons. If this were a race, it seems like my blockmates would be sprinting towards the finish line, and I wouldn't even be halfway there.

Math math math math math. Axioms and the table of signs and proving and inequalities... It just doesn't come naturally to me.

Now, I'm really, really scared of getting a bad grade in Math and then losing my scholarship. I wouldn't even be here if not for the money given to me by the BPI Foundation. My parents simply can't afford to pay the tuition here.

If not for my BPI scholarship, I'd be in Xavier University right now, studying Nursing, living the cushy life back in Cagayan de Oro...

D'awww! I can't lose my scholarship. I just CAN'T.

I don't wanna go to Xavier!!! I LOVE IT HEEEEEERE!!!!

Okay. Here's what I'm gonna do. I'm going to make use of one of the consultancy sessions we students are given priveleges to and talk to Mr. Tolentino, my Math professor, this Thursday, after class. I'm sure he'll be glad to lend me a hand.

Not that my blockmates aren't helping me out already. Oh wow, you won't believe how much they've had to put up with my incessant cries for help. But they're all really cool about my badgering. They're always willing to lend a hand to the less mathematically-gifted.

Props to Alessi and Deo for all the help you guys offered before En 12 class started.
Thank you Cheryl and Rap for assuring me that I wasn't the only one who didn't get it (even if you guys DID actually get it) and to Karl, for being the one to show me the right way to work backwards. Thanks Albert, for patiently answering my endless questions during Math class. Last but not the least, thanks a lot, Ren, for providing some neat-o sound effects I could listen to while I was trying to work on my own.

Hahaha. I love my blockmates. And I love my school. I won't go home to Xavier! I WOOOOOOOON'T!!!


  1. that's no biggie aimee :D we'll just have to help each other then for the next four years :D

  2. awwwww thank you so much karl. four years is a long time :)) i hope i'm spending them all in ateneo de manila with you guys!

  3. Good luck! Have faith in yourself. God will not bring you to AdMu if He thinks you cannot make it there. Just do your best and He'll take care of the rest.


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