notice the sudden shift of themes in this post

Hey, guess what! I came to Manila last Sunday, and since TODAY'S a Sunday, that means-
Has it already been one week? It's felt like a month. Haha. I'm still counting down the days until I get to go home for Uncle Mike's wedding. 20 days more! Woohoo! 
Anyway, to celebrate my still being alive after a week of living in Manila, here's an irrelevant picture of a lolcat!

. . .

So how's my first weekend here, you ask?
It gets a bit lonely when I'm by myself and I've ran out of Facebook notifications to check up on. Haha. But when my cousins are around, it's all good.

Well, not really. There's the drinking.

This is what everyone's been telling me since I decided to come here in the first place. The drinking. The drugs. The vices. I assure you guys, I won't. Seriously. I really really hate the taste of beer .__. (and, NO, it wasn't my cousins who let me have my first taste - it was YOU, Dad! Hahaha!)

Oh, by the way, that previous paragraph should explain the "staying true to myself" part in my header. Because when I made this blog, I told myself I wouldn't change, that I wouldn't let Manila get to me.

. . .

But now that I think about it, staying the same is impossible. Because, whether you see it or not, I am changing. For the better!

Dorming is teaching me responsibility and independence. Because I now make my own decisions, I feel so in-control of my life. I budget my own time and money. I clean my room! :)

And being with a new set of people is making me more talkative and sociable. Back in Cagayan, I wasn't much of a talker. But now I feel like there's so much I want to say, and so many stories I want to listen to. I've even noticed that I'm a lot chattier with the cousins now than when I visited them last April!

. . .

Of course, I still miss my family, my friends, and my hometown. But ever since moving to my dorm, I've actually stopped crying like a baby and learned to deal.

So maybe I'm not the sad, scared girl who set foot in Manila exactly one week ago. Not anymore. Maybe I have changed. Maybe I've become a stronger person, a less afraid person.

But definitely, when I board that plane going back to Cagayan de Oro, I'll still be me...

...only better.


  1. Hehehe. Sus, now mom knows i let you have a sip of beer. grrr!
    So glad you're having a good time. Now, if you could show me good grades at the end of the sem, tht;d be fantastic! hahaha.

  2. that's great news! you're growing up, young lady!

  3. hahaha dad! grades won't be a problem, i think. because seriously. what else have i to do in my dorm? haha.

    awwww mom. thank you! :">


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