seven things i hate about you (actually, two)

Okay. There might be a couple of things I missed to take into consideration when I decided to study in Manila.

One. The crippling loneliness. Okay, well, I haven't actually experienced that yet, because my mom's here with me right now (but she'll be back in Cagayan by tomorrow.) But tomorrow, I'll actually be staying in my dorm. And even though I have a roommate, I can't really say to her everything I say to my family, now can I? Crippling. Loneliness.

I know I know. I'll have friends. In fact, I'll have one sure friend with me. (Hello, Jason!) But then...


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Two. No television. I didn't think this would be a problem at first, because I don't pay much attention to the TV whenever it's on at home. But now, having no TV in my life leaves a void in my free time in my room. Because what is there to distract me from my homesickness?

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Well, that's pretty much there is in my list as of now. I'll tell you when I can think of something else to add to it.

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This has been a very messy and poorly-written blog post. Excuse me. I have to go mope now.


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