
Hello readers, a.k.a. Dad! Sorry for not updating this. I'm waaaay behind schedule. (THANK YOU, crappy Smart Bro plug-in!)
So, here's what I'll do: I'll write about today, and then backtrack and write about Friday, then Thursday! Sound good?

. . .

When I woke up this morning I was kind of feeling like P. Diddy (see: previous post). It was a Saturday, and I had all the time to kill in the morning before having to go take Guidance Testing in the Ateneo at 1 PM.

Short on cash, I decided to go to ADMU to withdraw money. While walking towards Xavier Hall, this guy approached me and asked, "Miss, saan ba yung canteen?" I must've stood there open-mouthed for quite some time, because he repeated his question.

"Uh, uh..." I stammered. DUDE, I'm a freshman. Can't you tell? I reek of freshie. I told him to make a left at the MVP basement, climb up the stairs and then look for the Gonzaga cafeteria. He thanked me and was on his way.

When he left, I had a horrible feeling in the pit of my gut. WHAT DID I JUST DO? Did I just give the wrong instructions to an unsuspecting civilian? I didn't (and still don't) know my way around the campus very well. For all I know, Belarmine and CTC could be next-door neighbors (okay, I'm surely wiser than that, but you get the drill). Plus, I'm still fumbling with my Tagalog (FAIL!) so I might have told the guy to make a right, instead of a left...

Anyway, he made a left. Phew.

. . .

Having withdrawn money from the ATM only once previously, I was nervous when I had to do it again today. Because I'm really paranoid about the machine eating up my card, and my money. (And my hand!) It's a good thing that I made it out of there alive, with my appendages still attached and money safely tucked in the Secret Place. *sneaky face*

With a fresh supply of cash, I could now afford breakfast! Whoopee! I went to Rustan's to buy a couple of necessities, and some kikiam for P20. Also, I got some chocolate for myself :D Heeheehee! To chase away the blues. Mmmm.

. . .

When I went back to my room, I was thrilled to find out that I HAD THE ROOM TO MYSELF! Woohoo! Dance partay (by myself)!!!

I took out my guitar and played and sang my heart out. It felt so great to hear guitar music again, and sing, and pretend like I could sing well... It was probably the first time I played my guitar since arriving here!

And, the fun doesn't stop there! SMART BRO INTERNET WAS FASSSSSSST!!! It was a Saturday miracle, I tells ya. I was able to go on Facebook and get updates from my friends, post some pictures, brag about how exteremely super duper awesome it is in Ateneo de Manila   humbly tell the people back home that Ateneo de Manila is a nice school... Oh man.

I put on some loud music and danced around - I was ecstatic! Awesome day is AWESOME!

. . .

Lunch was at the Cervini Cafeteria in the Ateneo. I was with Sherlaine! Larz was supposed to be there too, but he had to go back to the dorm to fuss about the tuition receipt, because I supposedly said it was needed for the Guidance Testing! Psssh.

It was nearing 1:00, the time of the Testing, and I panicked because I was wearing pedal pants and slippers, and my block's testing was to be done in the School of Management building - A DRESS CODE AREA! I was all set to run back to my dorm and change when I thought of just going over and seeing if  anyone else was violating the dress code. :)

Turns out, there were! My blockmates ####### and ######### (names have been #'d to protect the "innocent") were in shorts and slippers too. Phew. I'm in the clear.

. . .

The test itself was really strange. At first, we were shown some pictures, and we had to write stories about them. We were given eight minutes per picture.

Now, the thing with me is, I tend to spend eight minutes on a single paragraph, or a single idea. So my stories were all filled with inconsistencies plot twists. The true-or-false test was strange too. "Do you see plants, animals or things that people don't normally see?" 

. . .

Anyway, skipping to the good part, which is after the testing. Some of Block XX hung around at the Zen Garden, talking about anything and everything under the sun: Ren and Stimpy, caterpillars, comic books the difference between Koreans, Japanese and Chinese...

As it got later and later and more and more people started to leave, the topics grew a lot heavier. Like, religion. Atheism. Science. The multiverse theory. The world. Life. Love. Pirated DVD's. (Special mention right here to the Final Four who stuck around until 7: Me, Rap, Andy and Mariel!)

It was all so mind-blowing, because I'd never really met people like these who cared so much about... Ideas. It was one moment I won't ever forget in my life. (Partly because I've already written it down here, and I read my previous blog entries quite often. Teehee.)

. . .

Now I'm in my Auntie Luching's place in Pasig, enjoying the fast Internet, cool aircon and privacy.
Ahhhh. I'm living the good life.
And yes, I am rubbing it in your face.
(forced Asian pose)


  1. di bagay sa iyo ang asian pose. :)) don't do it again! :)) by the way, I love your blog! I'm reading everything. :))


  2. but cheryl, i'm an asian .__.
    haha! thank you so much cheryl! gonna update this thang some more <3

  3. so entertaining. keep it up!

  4. wow! thank you so much, Anonymous! :D

  5. nice one, dear! hahaha, your pose is so funny!

  6. it's supposed to be cute dad, not funny.
    hahahaa! just kidding. thanks dad! :)


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