not moping

I guess I shouldn't mope so much. I don't want you, the beautiful and handsome members of my family, thinking that I'm having such a sucky time here in the Big M. I can just imagine how your mealtime conversations would take place:

Dad: Ahh, look what Achi said on her latest blog post. She's miserable.
Cait: Good.
Jiggy: WHAT! Diiiich! You think it's GOOD for Achi to be MISERABLE? You're horrible!
Cait: No need to shout Jigs!
Jiggy: Ha?
Cait: No need to shout Jigs.
Jiggy: What?
Jiggy: Ohhh Dichi! No need to shout!
(To all those non-family readers [if there are any] I should probably have clarified this sooner: I am Achi, and Caitlin is Dichi. At least to Jiggy, she is.)

So, dearest family members of mine, I'm fine. Homesick and sad, but otherwise, alive and in one piece. Actually, I'm a lot luckier than the rest of my promdi batchmates, because I'm coming home this July. Only 24 more days to go until my flight home! YES!

My other promdi friends - they won't even get to see their families until Sem Break in October. Sucks! So, thank you so much Uncle Mike and Tita Binky for getting married this July, and not this December! :D

Also, I'm really lucky because my parents are willing to pay a lot to increase my quality of living here (i.e. my mom bought me this really expensive pillow of goose feathers so that I'll sleep better at night!). Although apparently, they're not willing to dish enough to send me to a classier dorm.

Kidding! Kidding. I like my dorm, Mom and Dad. It's very cozy and spacious...

OH WHO AM I KIDDING. I don't like it. I mean, it's okay man. Like I said, it's cozy and with enough space. But I will never like it, because it's nothing compared to home, you know? I think that even if you put me in the fanciest hotel here I still wouldn't like it. Nothing beats our home. Even though I like Twa-e's place a lot, and it's probably the nicest place to live in in Manila, it doesn't hold a candle to home.

Home home home home home.

Oh, all the home-themed songs I could name off the top of my head right now. They've been playing in the back of my mind the whole time I've been here actually. There's no Off button.

Home, by Daughtry. I'm going home, to the place where I belong...

This Is Home, by Switchfoot. This is home, now I'm finally where I belong, where I belong, yeah this is home...

Even the Home Radio jingle. Home is where I wanna be, it's where my day would start. Where I put my thoughts to rest, home is where I place my heart. I want laughter, surprises, sunshine, embraces. Home radio, I like it easy, easy with Home, Raaaadiiiiiooooo.

Believe me you. I died a little inside when I heard that playing inside the taxi yesterday, with Mom.

. . .

Ahhh I dunno. I signed myself up for this. I'm gonna have to see it through to the end.


  1. i guess there really is no answer to this, dear. homesickness is something you are going to experience. but i know you'll feel it less sharply as time goes by. at first it hurts like hell, like a knife in the heart. with the passage of time, it'll feel like a wound that's healing -- painful to touch, but not like when it was a fresh wound. soon it'll become like an old wound, one you're familiar with -- like an old friend. as more and more time passes, it'll be: huh, i forgot to be homesick! give it a month or two, and you'll see what i mean.
    meanwhile, you'll be actively making new friends and sharing new experiences with them. i promise you, dear, these will be among the best years of your life.

  2. Home by Michael Buble:
    I'm coming baaaaack... hooome.

    Cheer up, Aimee! ::D
    keep yourself busy! ::D

  3. I agree with Dad. anyway,
    post more blogs!!! i like to know what's happening there.
    love you!
    from: Mom


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