how i reached a decision

So this was my plan.

It was so clear to me back then: If I don't pass the UPCAT, I'm going to XU. As for my choice of course, it was a toss-up between Computer Science and Biology. For me, getting to that point where I had only two courses to choose from was already a big accomplishment, considering that my previous list of course choices was anything but short.

I had so many plans: take Political Science, proceed to Law and become a lawyer. Take something in communications like Journalism or MassCom and work in the advertising biz. I even considered going to Bigfoot Studios in Cebu and taking up Filmography! Filmography!!!

My parents played a big role in my indecision. Being the awesome people that they are, they told me that they'd support me whichever school I went to, whichever course I decided to pick. There was no one around to tell me, "No you can't study in Manila," or, "You have no future in that course." In fact, not one little chuckle did I hear from them when I told them that crazy Filmography idea! Told ya they're awesome.

Thankfully, I did receive a little guiding nudge from my father in a letter he wrote for me during our retreat. In his letter, after tossing in all that poetic, sweetsy stuff about supporting me in whatever it is I choose to do, he said that if he were in my position, he'd pick a course that would lead him to a career in Medicine.

It was strange too, because in that same retreat, before reading that letter, I received a bookmark from my cousin with a very moving quotation from the Bible:

"If your gift is serving others, serve them well."

-Romans 12:7

I took it as a sign from God.

So, when it was time to apply for the UPCAT (University of the Philippines College Admissions Test), I jotted down BS Biology as my first choice in UP Diliman, and then BS Computer Science as my second choice.

For the USTET (University of Santo Thomas Entrance Test) I put as my first choice MedTech, and then Political Science as my second choice, following an impulse I had at the moment (hehehe). I must add that the MedTech choice was a no-brainer. My relatives who are doctors and doctors-to-be all say that it's the best medical course there is in the Philippines, and that UST is the training ground for all medical top-notchers.

And lastly, for the ACET (Ateneo College Entrance Test), I put BS Biology as first choice and then BS Life Sciences as second choice. According to my friend Raul (who's currently taking up BS Life Sci in ADMU), Life Sciences is basically the same daw as Bio. The only difference is Biology is a five-year course and Life Sciences is four. I just put down Biology as a first choice anyway because it's an honors course (which means that to be accepted into that course, your ACET scores have to be a looooot higher) and also because I didn't think I'd get in.

In the end, by the good graces of the Lord, I passed UP Diliman - Computer Science, ADMU - BS Biology, and UST - MedTech. (I didn't apply for La Salle. I regret it now though because they give these really cool lanyards and tote bags to the La Salle passers!)

It was all great, except that there was not one school I could go to without there being a whole lot of complications popping up. Figuring out where to go in the end was like solving a Whodunnit mystery, where you take in all of the clues, and then cross names off a list until you've narrowed the list down to one suspect.

These were my clues.


  • UP Diliman is my first choice of school because I craved the liberal, relaxed, come-as-you-are thing that UP is so famous for.
  • But I can't go to UP because the course I passed there is BS Computer Science, and I want a medicine-related course.
  • Everyone I know who goes to UP is telling me that it's so hard to shift courses during summer, it's practically impossible. Also, I can't shift courses in the middle of the school year because I'm on a scholarship, and the scholarship granters definitely will not allow me to prolong the time I'll be spending in school if they're the ones paying my tuition.
  • Therefore, the only way I'm going to UP Diliman is if I'm taking up BS Com Sci, which I am NOT going to do.


  • I do NOT want to go to ADMU because... Well, it's for rich people. I'm not rich. I'm on a scholarship!
  • This may be a gross generalization, but you have to admit that in general, ADMU people have a great sense of style. No uniforms = unlimited fashion freedom. Although I'm sure the Jesuits have rules against miniskirts and super high heels, it's still quite hard for me to cope with such, uh, fashion-forwardness. I am a fashion retard, and I repeat: FASHION. RETARD.
  • Yeah UP doesn't have uniforms either, but at least its populace isn't exactly known for being the sosyal type.
  • But academically-speaking... ADMU's BS Biology program IS a certified Center of Excellence, and the pamphlet that the Bio department sent me says that the ADMU equipment is state-of-the-art, and state-of-the-art = shiny, and I heart shiny things!!! (Yeah I can't believe I passed ADMU either)
  • Oh yeah, this should've been at the top of this list, above all the fashion-retard blather, but I forgot, and so here it is: Since I'm part of the Director's List, I get a book allowance from ADMU! That's a big help for my parents because, like I said, we're not rich.
  • I got a 50% scholarship from ADMU! Whipee!
  • From the letters that they sent me, I get the feeling that ADMU loves me. Not only that, I have a really strong feeling that ADMU pampers its students, like the administration takes great effort to form close ties with its student body. For instance, the Ateneo Welcome! letters all came in one big, blue, neat-looking envelope, and all of the letters I got from ADMU addressed me as "Aim", my nickname kuno; e.g. the Director's List reception invite was addressed to, "Mr. & Mrs. Capinpuyan and Aim"
  • But all things taken into consideration (the fashion, the course choice, the scholarships, the calling me Aim) I thought that in the end, I should pick the school and the course that will best prepare me for becoming a doctor.


  • According to all my doctor and doctor-to-be relatives, UST is THE place to go if you're an aspiring doctor.
  • The topnotchers in the Medicine board are from UST, MedTech, according to my cousin Achi Ria, magna cum laude in UST Medicine.
  • Uniforms! UST has uniforms! All my fashion-related problems are SOLVED!
  • MedTech sounds like my kind of course. Technology and Medicine all in the same course? It's destiny. Perfecto!
  • Sure, UST isn't as famous as ADMU and UP, but I'm really fine with that. I'm all for simplicity and humility!
  • (And here's the real bombshell:) I can't take MedTech in UST because MedTech is not on the Approved Courses list of the BPI (Bank of the Philippine Islands) Scholarship Foundation, the group that's paying for my tuition the next four years. :'(

So, here I am now. As you can tell from the About Me section in the sidebar ot your right, I'm picking ADMU after all. BS Health Sciences is this program my dad found out about on the Internet - it's a course that's hand-crafted for aspiring doctors such as moi, and, best of all, it's an Approved Course by BPI.

Quite anti-climactic, huh? I was really looking forward to going to UST too.

Maybe I'll be taking Medicine there.

But as for now, ADMU it is.

And that concludes the story of How I Reached A Decision.



  1. Good luck, dear.

  2. I didn't get into Diliman But I did get into Los Banos BS Bio :))

    BS Bio in ADMU? Not so "sparkly" really. Seriously. :))

    UP lang makaka BIO sakin. :>

    Kaya nga BS ********* kinuha ko eh. xD

  3. Yeah, it really isn't "sparkly."

    Who IS this?:))

  4. is there a uniform for biology students in ateneo de maila university ?

  5. is there a uniform for biology students in ateneo de manila university ?

  6. Hello! No, there isn't. There are no uniforms for students in Ateneo AT ALL! :D

  7. Wow, this was inspiring. i passed la salle recently for ECE and unfortunately didn't get into UP. Still waiting for Ateneo results though. My first choice was actually UP....though I'm considering going to Ateneo...if i pass that is.

  8. WOAH! You're the first person to ever tell me I wrote something inspiring. :)) Thank you, Anon.

    Congrats on passing La Salle! ECE is a tough one to get in, diba? :D

    There are other ways you can get into UP without having to pass the UPCAT. For example, you can try getting in through an athletics or arts program. Or, if all else fails, submit an appeal! I don't really know how that works, so best consult someone you know from UP. :3

    Also, if you passed La Salle, YOU ARE GOING TO PASS ATENEO!!! :D Advanced congratulations! Once you come here you won't have any regrets about not having gone to UP. Seriously. :D

  9. Hi, you don't know me but I'm also graduating this year and I was googling around trying to reach a decision about college.
    For as long as I can remember, I was supposed to go to UST. My parents are both doctors. (Although my mother graduated undergrad UP then med at UERM.) My father studied med in UST and though there isn't really any pressure, it's EXPECTED that I get my med degree from UST too. And to get a better chance of getting in, my undergrad ahould be from UST.
    I would actually be cool with it since I've always wanted to take BS Psych. It's my first choice course. Then, I found out the PhilSci system doesn't allow that course choice. (I go to Philippine Science High School btw.)There are no other courses in UST that really really interest me and my second choice, BS Biochem, was also the first choice of one of my classmates that I despise with all my being.
    So now, I want to take BS Envi Sci in Ateneo. (Although, I also passed my 1st choice as BS Psych there. It seems pretty easy to switch courses. They told me they don't allow double majoring in quota courses.) But, since I never expected to actually go to ADMU, I didn't apply for scholarship.
    My parents say that if they "kayod" hard enough we can afford it. But I don't want them depriving themselves and I still want to get into UST med.
    So, yeah... I still don't know where to study...

  10. Hello Metmet! You found this blog via Google then? COOOL!

    Hmmm. Have you considered BS MedTech in UST? That's the best premed course UST has to offer, or so I heard! Which Pisay are you from, by the way? I have blockmates you might know, and they might be able to help you out. :)

    Regarding BS Biochem, you really shouldn't let this classmate you hate affect your decision regarding college! Don't give him or her the satisfaction of having run your life. BioChem is a very good course. :)

    I don't know how good of a premed Ateneo Environmental Sciences really is, so I don't have much to say on that topic, but BS Psych is an excellent choice. :)

    And you sound like you're in good hands yourself. Your parents will of course have to work extra hard for you to go to Ateneo, but it will all pay off in the future anyway. Personally, I think the expensive tuition is worth every single centavo. The teachers are top-notch, the facilities are in great shape, and you get an overall sense of protection, safety, and security. :)

  11. A fellow Kagay-anon! yay!

    And please forgive me in advance; I'm experiencing internal turmoil right now, so I might come off as whiny. Anyhow, here goes!

    You and I think (or thought, whatever floats your boat) very much alike. When I was finishing my UPCAT application, it was like an all-or-nothing situation: either I pass UP, or go to XU. Now, I'm not feeling so sure anymore.

    I'm actually on a pending case for UP, which totally killed me the day I found out (I'm the only one with a pending case in my school). I've sent the additional requirements asked of me already, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed for that.
    As for the other schools I've applied for, I passed them with flying colors: UST - BS Physical Therapy, and ADMU - BS Life Sciences. For UST, they have a report date for confirming our slots, and mine is this week, but what can I do when I live miles away from the campus? As for ADMU, I never really expected to pass the ACET, so I didn't apply for a scholarship. When my school principal called me in for a one-on-one and told me that not only did I pass the ACET, but I was also on the top 15% of all ACET passers, the regret came head on. If I had applied for a scholarship, then I probably would've forgotten about my pending case in UP altogether, but the fates... they love watching me squirm.

    And so here I am now, feeling very, very low and at a loss for what to do. But reading your blog entry has lifted at least a little bit of weight off my shoulders, and I want to thank you. :)

    Okay, I'm sad again.

    Now back to your regular television program, er, online interaction routine thingamabob.

  12. Dear Paige Cruz,

    Reading this made me smile. Not because of the tough bananas you're in right now, but because it seems like you and I really do think alike! I'm glad to have been able to help, even if just a teensy bit!

    Getting waitlisted for UP is a big accomplishment already, so congrats!

    It's been almost a week since you posted this comment (apologies for the delay in reply). What new developments have apparated into your life now? Any new conclusions you've arrived at? :D

  13. Hello. Nice article.

    So I passed ADMU's BS Health Sciences program, La Salle's Accelerated Med, UST's MedTech and Biochem, UP's Biology. Also, I got a scholarship for culinary arts(ha) worth a little over 1 million pesos a year (well, most of it is in Europe).

    God has blessed me well but His humor is just amazing because now, I get episodes of sheer fear because I can't make the right decision. ADMU is my no. 1 but like a kid wanting to fly, I really have no idea on how it would feel like to be an ADMU BS Health Sciences student. Please enlighten me =) I really want to be a doctor someday.

    Much love,

  14. Dear LeoL,

    Thank you so much for dropping by! I do feel rather stupid now for having made such rash assumptions about Ateneo (i.e. that it's a school full of rich people), so please just forget what I wrote. :))

    Goodness. You are indeed one blessed guy. Blessed and highly intelligent. Congrats on passing all those!

    How is it like to be an ADMU BS Health Sci student?

    Health Sci is a blessing. Ateneo is a blessing. I feel that both institutions best provide me the skills and the opportunities I need to be able to give back to society what God gave me. Why is this so? (I shall make a list, because I'm too lazy to think up cohesive paragraphs.)

    1. We're a service learning course. (I'm not sure if that's what it's officially called!) As early as freshman year, Health Sci majors are being included in community-based projects, the major one being the five-year partnership that the Health Sciences has tied up with Gawad Kalinga geared towards improving the health care system over at Barangay Bagong Silang. While we freshmen aren't exactly vaccinating babies or checking the blood pressures of the Bagong Silang residents (that's for when we become juniors), we're being included in talks and seminars about the health sector. It's part of your homeroom class as well.

    Sounds boring? Well, it's really not, because...

    2. We're a tight-knit community. Health Sci is one big happy family! The upperclassmen are extremely nice to us, their Health Sci babies, and they help us out when we have homework or tests (and also non-academic troubles as well!). I think this is a very good thing to have, especially if you're taking a pre-med course, because you have all these amazing people supporting you and encouraging you and helping you to become a better person. They'll help you out when you start to lose sight of your end goal (that is, to become a doctor).

    However, if you DO end up losing faith and you're thinking of shifting gears...

    3. Health Sci is not just a pre-med course. It's not only for aspiring physicians, contrary to what many people think! Health Sci majors can be teachers, chemists, lawyers, businessmen, managers! Emphasis on the managers; we have a lot of management subjects. (I heard that the other Science and Engineering people scorn us for not being a pure Science course).

    . . .

    Hope to see you around next year, Leo. :)

  15. In reply to your reply (lol),

    I'm still waiting for further notifications from UP, but they did tell me that they've started the deliberation for my case (phew). :D

    As for Ateneno, there's an open house for the School of Science and Engineering next week, and I'm wondering if I should go. It's such a huge opportunity to pass up, but finals also start at the same week, so I've gotten myself in another pinch. Ah well... Feeling pretty optimistic about things though. :)

  16. Hiiiii. :(

    I'm kinda scared. I'm incoming 4th year now. And next year I'll be college already. And I'm paranoid as hell. I'm scared that I won't pass any entrance test. I really want Ateneo, but I'm losing hope. I know it's too early for this and you might think I'm weird & paranoid. But I am!! :)) Is there a chance for me to get in if my high school grade aren't that nice (Average probably is from 82-83) I like your course and I think I'll be applying for that course too. I'm taking up review classes right now, and I'm really trying to learn all the topics I didn't understand before. Please help me. &btw, your post is very inspiring. How I wish I'm smart like you. Thanks.

  17. Heyy! :)
    I know it's been a year since you've posted this but I hope you'll still reply :">
    Actually I would like to have some of your advice :D I'm a 4th year student whose dreams came true when I found out I passed BS Health Sciences in Ateneo! (and it's an honors program too!)

    I'd just like to know what's the usual sched for a healthsci student since I'm living very far (I live in Makati).

    I'd also like to know how it's like to be a med student so I won't be culture shocked :O :)))

    And lastly, what are some tips you can generously give for me to maintain my grade? :D

    I found your blog through Google and I deem myself lucky to find a healthsci admu student who, by the way, is also a very funny blogger (*shiny*) :))

    Thanks in advance!

  18. OH MY GOSH. So many comments I have not replied to :O Also, I want to just edit out the n00bage in this blog post because I feel it's giving incoming college freshmen the wrong impression on certain universities. So, hello guys, thanks for commenting. This blog post isn't very accurate when it comes to describing the different campuses. :))

    . . .

    Anyway, hi, Valerie! CONGRATS ON PASSING HEALTH SCI!!! :D

    Sad to say, there is no fixed sched for any given batch. The head of the Health Sci program, Doc Sio, is the guy in charge of making people's schedules. It's unpredictable. You might end up with a 7:30 AM class followed by a three-hour break. Or you could get stuck with four straight classes. You never know until the scheds are released.

    What I can tell you is that the earliest class you can get is at 7:30 AM, and the latest possible class ends at 4:30 PM. My advice is that if you do get a big break time in your schedule, fill it up with some block bonding time! Your blockmates are the only other people with the exact same schedule as you, so chances are you'll be spending a lot of breaks together. :D

    Also, I don't know how it's like to be a med student! :)) I'm still a sophomore in Ateneo. Pre-med palang. What I can tell you about being a pre-med student is...

    1. At first, you will get TERRIBLE TERRIBLE GRADES. Every subject you encounter will seem so frustratingly difficult.

    2. Don't let the above scare you, because by the end of the first semester, you will be able to look at your grades and say, "Hey, I did pretty good!" This doesn't mean that the subjects get easier. You just get better. :)

    3. It's important to befriend your block! They'll help you with your studies AND with everything else. :)

    4. The nice thing about being in Health Sci is that we're still a relatively small course, with less than a hundred people per batch. That makes the atmosphere more family-like.

    5. Speaking of family-like, another nice thing about Health Sci is that your coursemates are there to support you, not to bring you down. When someone is doing well, we don't badmouth them. We cheer them on! :)

    6. If you wanna maintain your grade, keep a balanced work load. Don't overload your plate by signing up for more org activities than you can handle.

    7. Read what your teacher tells you to read. Always come to class prepared. DO NOT CRAM!!!

    8. If you must cram, CRAM EFFICIENTLY! :))

    9. College isn't all about academics, though. Don't let your grades get in the way of your education!

    10. Know your priorities. :)

    That is all! Thanks for asking. I think I shall write a new blog about this. :D Good luck! Hope to hear from you again. :)


  19. Thanks so much Ate Aimee (can I call you that? hahaha)!

    I was so happy you replied! It's good to know that I'm entering not only an excellent university but also a loving family <3

    Now I am so excited to receive my welcome letter! I hope I receive it soon :)

    Thanks again for the tips and the encouragement! May God bless you and your family always :)

  20. Hiii! I love this page.
    I'm in a state of confusion because I'm planning to attend Ateneo next year,and the problem is, I'm not sure if BS Life Sciences will be a good pre-med course.
    I passed that, as you can tell, but then again, is it a loser course compared to Health Sciences? I'm really confused kasi eh.
    Please help meee! :)

  21. Valerie: Hihihi just call me Aimee please. :)) Thank you for the sweet comment! Hope to see you around soon. n_n

    Anon: This page loves YOU. Hehe.
    No, Life Sci is definitely NOT a loser course! :)) I'm not gonna talk about Life Sci too much because that's not my major and I don't have any means of comparing it to other courses.

    But what I can tell you is that if you're in Life Sci, you get to specialize in a certain Biology field when you get to your third year (I think). They'll send you the list of specializations in your acceptance envelope, so hang in there! :)

    Health Sci on the other hand has as many Chemistry units as it does Bio. If you're looking for a "good" pre-med course, you might be interested to know that if you take Health Sci, you won't be lacking any units that are required by the different med schools once you apply to them. Some people from other pre-med courses end up taking extra units of Chem or Bio to get into UP or UST or UE med, but in Health Sci you're all set once you graduate. :)

  22. Can I ask someeeething pleaase?
    Can you shift from a normal course to an honors program???

  23. Ate Aimee, I am also very conflicted in choosing a school. I want to become a doctor as well, so I just wanted to ask how your schooling in Ateneo is going? --Christia V.

  24. Hi everyone!

    I am an incoming 4th year student and of course, I am fantasizing to get into Ateneo in college. Like you, I also plan to be a physician and I am considering BS Health Sciences or BS Psychology as my premed course in Ateneo. But I will also take entrance exams from UP, UST, and La Salle. Can you suggest which course is better in terms of units regarding med proper? By the way, I shall be staying in our small condo unit in EDSA. Will Ateneo be convenient in terms of travel time whatsoever? Thank you very much! I do love ADMU so much that I really want to get into it. And can you have some recommendations regarding the focal points of the ACET? So I can prepare. Thank you so much! And I really do hope that I can be admitted to your school. :)

  25. do not go to La Salle.

  26. Fii: Sorry, I'm not so sure about that. I don't think you can during the first semester, but once you get your grades up to the grades required by the course you're shifting into, you can.

    Christia V: Hello! Schooling in Ateneo is a dream come true, albeit a dream I never realized I had. The people here are great, you won't have any trouble making friends! The workload is pretty heavy and some subjects are really hard. It doesn't get easier; you get better! :)

    Ateneo is a good choice for a Science major. I have friends and cousins who went to UP who complain that the instruments and laboratories aren't in good shape. In Ateneo, you won't have that problem. :)

    That's all! Thanks for asking! :)

    Anonymous: Hello! Wow, looks like you're getting a head start. The ACET isn't until September, I think. Or maybe November. Anyway, in terms of units, I would definitely say Health Sci is a smarter choice than Psychology. Health Sci is designed to have all the units you'll need to apply to ANY med school. People in other courses will find that they have to overload to take additional subjects (like Chemistry or Bio) to get into their med school of choice, but the Health Sciences curriculum comes equipped with all the subjects you need - no need to overload! :)

    Also, with regards to your condo unit, I really don't know, sorry! But I hear that traffic along EDSA gets pretty bad. Best to leave the house more than an hour before the start of your classes to make sure you get to Ateneo on time. :)

    Focal points of the ACET: Focus on Math. Learn how to do functions (like f(x) = ....). Also learn stuff about sin cos tan (sorry I forgot what they're called). Know your geometry, like how to solve for shaded areas.

    English is also important. Brush up on your grammar and reading comprehension.

    There is a section called General Knowledge. Review your history for this (like Philippine presidents).

    For Science, review your basic chemistry, physics, biology.

    I think there was a Logic section, which will ask you questions like "All blorgons are blarnies. some blarnies are bloopbloops. Therefore, some blorgons are bloopbloops. Always true, sometimes true, or never true?" I HATED THIS PART SO MUCH. Oh, one question I remember here was "No man is an island. Therefore no island is a man. Always true, sometimes true, or never true?" Something like that.

    There is an essay part too. They want to test how well you can organize your thoughts. The topic is provided. I think mine was "Do heroes deserve to be idolized?" Or something like that.

    You have to remember to prepare especially well for the ACET. It's the hardest of all the entrance exams. There is tremendous time pressure, so you have to remember to keep calm and not to panic. When there are only 30 seconds to go, start SHOTGUNNING. Pick one letter and fill all the blanks with that letter. Your chances of getting the right answer are much greater that way compared to if you keep blindly switching letters (unless of course you're sure of your answers).

    Anyway, that's it. Here are some very useful links you should check out:

    I hope you do get admitted too! :)

  27. Thank you very much for that very helpful advice! So I guess I'll make Health Sci my first choice and BS Psych my second. :)

    I will really prepare for ACET. Actually, I and some of my friends and classmates enrolled in the UPLINK review something. Most of them want to study in UP, so do I. But Ateneo is ultimately my first choice. I really hope I could go in. :)

    Yes, our family driver also told me that I should go to school earlier if I will study in ADMU. I shall take the MRT I think.

    My third year general average ranges from 93-94 I think. WIll that help in my admission (hopefully) to Ateneo? Not to brag or something, I ranked third in my batch this year. And I plan to strive harder in fourth year to have better credentials. Speaking of credentials, does ADMU take credentials as a big deal? And will my third year grades be passed or the fourth year ones? Thank you so much. I'm so excited as well as nervous in taking the ACET. :)

    There is one thing I'm taking in consideration, too. What if by chance (but I really want to go to med school), that circumstance would not allow me to be a doctor or should I say I would not anymore have the urge to study longer, on what careers can I fall if I finish BS Health Sciences?

    I badly want to be admitted to ADMU. :)

    Thank you so much. :)

    -Anonymous who this dawn (March 18)

  28. who posted this dawn*


    Anonymous who posted this dawn:
    Hey, speedy reply! Yes, your third year average will be considered. I think. I'm not sure about your fourth year one. Probably not, since you will be taking the test during your fourth year semester.

    Yes of course, having good grades will help you out. Your ranking in high school is one indicator of how well you will do in the ACET, although it's not a guarantee. All my friends who passed the ACET belonged in the upper 5 of my batch (including me!), although I do know one person who wasn't even in the honors section but passed the ACET and is now taking Life Sciences.

    If you don't want to proceed to Medicine, you can opt to take Law. Or work in pharmaceutics. Or find work as a Chemist. Or start a business (because Health Sci has plenty of Management units). Or work in Economics. Or work in public health - not as a doctor, but as a health worker. You can work in an NGO. :)

    UP was also my first choice. But I'm very glad I ended up in Ateneo. If not, I wouldn't have met all the wonderful people I know now, learned from the awesomest teachers around, and met the love of my life. :">

    Good luck! Tell me how everything goes. :)

  30. Thank you so much!

    Well, Law is my second choice! But it didn't occur to me that BS Health Sciences can actually serve as a prelaw course. That's magnificent. :)

    I have one last question (Hehe. I have a lot of Ateneo stuffs in my mind): Do you think the Ateneo Musicians' Pool is a good org to join into (as if I am already admitted. Hehe)? I so love music and Ateneo that I checked that org out! Are the people there not like the other musicians' pool that have vices or whatsoever? You know what I mean. Hehe. Because I thought that is a very good org. (See? I have many Ateneo dreams? Hehe.)

    Thank you very much! I will just comment whatever happens to my Ateneo applications. :)

    I'll just leave my previous Twitter username as my identity because "Anonymous who posted this dawn" is kinda awkward. Hehe.

    -TheRealMPS (Anonymous who posted this dawn)

  31. Oh honey. Ateneo Musician's Pool is dead!

    They've lost their accrediation status. This means that Ateneo doesn't recognize them as a legit org anymore! I guess they weren't active enough as an org. I don't know if that's going to change next school year, but as of now they're not an official Ateneo org.

    I might get shot for saying this, but I have friends who are musicians in AMP, and they don't like the atmosphere there. So many vices. If you know what I mean. Hahahaha.

    I wanted to join AMP too. I love playing guitar. :) But what I heard from my friends turned me off. So I joined Musikero instead!

    It's an unaccredited Ateneo org that teaches music to underprivileged kids. The people here are AWESOME. Come join us for one Saturday and you'll see what we're about. :)

    If you're into classical, you can try joining Blue Symphony. They were accredited just this year, and the people there rock as well. They're the first Ateneo orchestra. They're very very good. :)

    Anyway, those are my recommendations. You'll get to apply for orgs during the second month of classes. :D

    See you around, hopefully! :)

    - Aimee

  32. Oh wait, can I just say that Ateneo Musicians' Pool was a very successful org, in that they produced talents like Spongecola, Chicosci, and Itchyworms. Their latest star is Never the Strangers, who very recently just collaborated with Close Up to do a music video. :)

  33. Oh. I also love playing guitar. I have been playing for almost 5 years now. So I thought in college, I can continue performing in recitals. Hehe. Their site attracted me. It's sad hearing that.

    Really? I never thought those bands came from AMP. If so, they were really great.

    Does Musikero also conducts recitals or have some gigs? Sounds great. :)

    Thank you so much! And I hope to see you, too. :)


  34. *Does Musikero also conduct recials or does that org have some gigs?

  35. Recitals are mostly for the kids we teach, but we get members to perform a lot, like during Open Mic Night. Sometimes orgs contact us to perform. :)
    Here's our fanpage!

    If you're really into performing, then AMP might be the place for you. I just don't know if they're still accepting members right now. :))

  36. I saw the page. And I also saw the pictures of your Open Night Mic in your account. Hehe. I think your org is amazing. :)

    Thank you so much Ms. Aimee. :)


  37. Anytime, RealMPS! Stay in touch! And good luck with your senior year. :)

  38. Hello! :)) I don't know what brought me to your blog, but I'm happy that I was brought here. (God's will yata hehehe) You have an awesome blog,btw. :)

    Kahanga-hanga ka. Talagang punong-puno ka ng Magis! Ang sipag mo sa pagsagot sa mga nag-comment and pagbibigay ng payo.

    I just really need someone to talk to. Hay. Ever since, die-hard Ateneo fan na ako. Noon nga, I didn't know that AHS ay exclusive for boys. Kaya I thought of applying there for my High School. Since all-boys nga ang A-High, sabi ko sa sarili ko, sa college nalang ako babawi.

    High School had gone like a breeze. All of a sudden, it was over...and I'm going to college!!!! It was not a big deal at first. I had it planned and I really told myself that I will stick to whatever choice I made in high school. I.WILL.BECOME.A.DOCTOR.

    So there, I applied to the big four universities. Ateneo and UST were the top choices.

    I knew I was going to spend college in UST. Sa lahat ng test, USTET lang ako confident. Yung tatlong exams, nilaro ko lang dahil alam ko naman na wala akong pag-asa makapasok doon.

    Maybe it's true that God never sleeps. Maganda ang naging results ng entrance exams ko. Kahit hindi ako nakapasa sa UP, masaya ako dahil maganda ang result doon sa tatlong schools.

    Ang choices ko sa UST ay Medtech and Psych. Nalungkot ako dahil hindi ako nakapasok sa Medtech. Iyon na kasi ang track na gusto ko HS pa lang. Inisip ko, baka hindi God's will. Hindi ko dinamdam masyado dahil may mas malaking blessing na dumating sa akin.

    Bobo ako sa Math. Hindi ako magaling sa Science. Barok ako mag-English. Pero nakapasa ako sa ACET. Honors Program pa. Walang halong angas to Ate, sa totoo lang hindi ako proud na nakapasa ako. Pakiramdam ko kasi hindi ko naman talaga deserve. Iniisip ko baka nagkamali lang sina Fr. Nemy sa pagpapadala ng sulat. Baka hindi talaga para sa akin. Pero sinasabi ko sa sarili ko na ginusto ko to, pangarap ko to, papanindigan ko to. Baka bigay talaga sa akin ito ng Diyos.

    Pero bakit ganoon? Kahit nakuha mo na yung pangarap mo, parang may hinahanap-hanap ka pa din? Ang dami kong gusto sa buhay ko ate. Inclined din kasi ako sa pagsasalita at pag-arte. In fact, mas okay ako doon compared to math, sciences, etc.

    Pero matapos ko manood ng Grey's Anatomy, balik ako sa dati kong dream na maging doktor. (Wahahaha) Set aside ulit ang pagiging broadcaster or celebrity (wahahaa pero seryoso ito ha!)

    So noong 30 (which is kahapon) release ng grades sa AISIS. Hati yung feeling ko sa grades ko. Masaya ako dahil may improvement pero malungkot ako dahil hindi iyon ang mga grades na gusto ko. Bagsak pa ako sa math. WTH lang talaga. Devastated kung devastated ang drama ko. On the lighter part, yung QPI ko naman ay abot pa sa retention ng course ko and ng Ateneo.

    Parang sobrang bigat ng feeling ko kasi Basic Eng na nga ako, may summer pa ako dahil sa Math. Heck. Parang ako na ang pinaka-bobong nilalang sa mundo.

    Sorry ang dami kong sinabe pero everything sums up to this question.

    Worth it pa bang maging Atenista ako?
    (may follow-up questions syempre..)
    >eh kung lumipat nalang kaya ako sa school na hindi gaanong prestihiyoso at kumuha ng ibang course?
    >Ano ba talagang pinakamagandang pre-med? Tama bang nag Life Sciences ako sa Ateneo o dapat bang nag-apply nalang ako bilang medtech sa ibang school?

    Baka mamis-interpret mo Ate ha, I have nothing against Ateneo. Everything in Ateneo is perfect, in my opinion. Lib, teachers, cafeteria, values, teachings, beliefs, lahat ate. Lahat ng hinahanap ko alam ko maibibigay sa akin ng Ateneo. Maliwanag na kinabukasan, magandang buhay, preparation para sa future. Sa sobrang perfect parang it's too good to be true. Parang hindi ako nararapat sa isang bagay na too good to be true.

    -Feb, incoming Sophomore

  39. HELLO FEB!!! Thank you so much for your kind words. I teared up :')

    First of all, God makes no mistakes. If He brought you to Ateneo, YOU. DESERVE. IT! Not all Ateneans are good at Math, Science, or English anyway.

    Anyway, if Ateneo is your dream school like you say it is, then DON'T TRANSFER! If everything you see is to your liking (teachers, people, values...) I really don't think you have a problem with the school. Like you said, you don't have anything against Ateneo! :)

    I also think Ateneo is too good to be true, but you have to give yourself credit where credit is due: you deserve to be here. Even if your brain starts telling you "I'm not smart enough" or "My grades are too awful."

    What I'm guessing is that you just haven't found the place in school where you belong yet. You say you're good at acting and speaking but that you're bad at Math and Science. So why are you in Life Sci? I say FOLLOW YOUR PASSIONS. Are you absolutely sure you want to become a doctor? If you are, then you're going to have to accept that being a doctor requires a LOT of training in the sciences. And since you say you're not that good in that subject, you're going to need to work twice as hard as the people who are naturally good at that.

    But don't be afraid to question yourself. Take some time off to understand what YOU want. Nobody (especially not me) can tell you what best to do with your life!

    If you're feeling frustrated with your grades, ask yourself if you've been giving your 100%. In my own experience Ateneo subjects are 10x harder than those in high school. You have to work harder than you've ever worked. Have you been diligently studying? Maybe your grades turned out bad because you haven't.

    But if you're really feeling absolutely NO motivation to study for the subjects in your course, I would advise you to talk to a guidance counselor about shifting out. Maybe AB Psych would suit you better.

    Unfortunately, I'm not qualified to say what course is the "best" premed course. It depends on what suits your personality and learning style, I guess. But I hear Life Sciences is good. Health Sci too :D Also, BS Bio!

    Anyway, my point is, ask yourself if you really want to be a doctor. Why did you choose that path? You could also talk to a trained professional about your grades and ask if it would be advisable for you to shift out. Regarding transfer of school, I advise you: DON'T DO IT!!! If you've really been dreaming about this place like you say you have, why would you give it up? You have earned your right enter Ateneo, now fight for your right to stay! Don't give up!

    Update me on how everything goes. Thanks again for dropping by, Feb. :)

    - Aimee, incoming Junior

  40. Woooooow! Thank you so much, Ate Aimee! Sinabi mo na siguro ang mga words na kailangan ko marinig. At least kahit paano, naramdaman ko na may naniniwala sa akin. Dahil madalas, i don't believe in my capabilities anymore. I'll try harder this time. Kapag wala pa din nangyari, siguro may ibang bagay na nakalaan para sa akin.

    I'll pray to God that He continue watch you, and bless you. You are so kind and encouraging.

    I'll update you sa mga susunod na kabanata ng buhay kolehiyo ko. Good Luck Ate, kung may summer classes ka. Sana makuha mo ang schedule at professor na gusto mo! :)

    God Bless you, and thank you very very very much.

    Feb :D

  41. Hi Aimee!

    I'd just like to inform you that AMP is still very much alive and kicking! They are still an accredited org. :)

  42. Feb: Sorry for the late reply! You are too sweet. Hope all is well there. :)

    Anon: Really? So they never lost their accreditation status ba? :D

    That's great! I know a lot of freshies who will be happy to hear that. More power. :)

  43. Aimee, ang haba ng comments dito sa blog mo ah.. You're getting famous na! LOL

  44. HAHAHA hey Sir. I mean, *Joseph* :)) Thanks! I was surprised myself when I saw the amount of responses I was getting. :))

  45. Ms. Aimee! I am TheRealMPS, the one who posted last March 22. I with my friends was about to get my application form yesterday when the guard told us that it is already out of stock. I mean, he told us that the next schedule for getting the form is on June 2013! My God! We were all shocked. But we just thought that we had a misunderstanding. Do you know when can we avail the form? I am so excited to fill out the Ateneo form. My dream, also. I already got my UP form. Thanks! :)

  46. Oh, it's March 20. Sorry.


  47. Hi, RealMPS! Good to hear from you again. I personally don't know the answer to that but I've already messaged the Registration Committe Helpdesk to ask them about it. I'll tell you what they say as soon as they reply. :)

  48. Oh, okay. So I will patiently wait for their reply. Thank you very much Ms. Aimee. Hope I get into Ateneo. :)


  49. Sorry for the delayed reply, school caught up with me. I went to the Office of Admission and Aid today, and they said that more forms will be available on the third week of June. Guess the guard you talked to just misunderstood. :)

    The OAA also gave me their card, so you should call them around that time:

    Trunkline: (632) 426-6001 locals 5152-5155

    Hope this helps! :)

  50. *By "around that time", I mean third week of June. :))

  51. Oh, thank you very much! Can I also ask when will the deadline be? :)


  52. I don't know when that will be, but you should email the Office of Admission and Aid yourself. :) I gave you the contact details above. :)

  53. Hello! =))

    This blog is so great. Congratulations for helping a lot of students to decide on what course they'll take.

    Uhm, like what the others worry about, I super duper nervous of the upcoming UPCAT and it'll be this Saturday. It's the only school I have decided to take. Well, it'll be a dream come true if I pass. But I'm still bothered because my grades from 1st year- 3rd year are not that satisfying. Even though I belong to an ESEP class (Engineering Science Education Program), I am ranked as the 279 (I think?) over all. And we are 1050 students graduating. (The ESEP Class have 2 sections and 50 students each). I really really want to take Psychology but the course is only available in Diliman. My parents would not allow me to go because I am only permitted to go in UPLB. I am still really so confused of what course I'll be taking up because my parents would tell me to get business related courses because they are in demand nowadays. ://

    It bothers me a lot since our periodic test will be ending on tomorrow then followed by the UPCAT. >.<


    Thank you so much.

  54. Hey there! Thank you so much for the kind words. :)

    I've never heard of that kind of program before. ESEP. Is that in Manila? (Because I'm not from Manila haha)

    Grades are a really important indicator of who passes UP. From my school, only three people passed I think, and these three came from the top 5 of the batch.

    But that's my school. Yours is a different school, and from the looks of it, you're all highly intelligent kids. (I'm basing this off the fact that it's called Engineering Science Education haha.)

    With regards to your course, I'd so go for what YOU really want, not just what your parents want for you. But if you really can't go to Diliman (maybe because it's too far from where you live) then go for a similar course in UPLB. :)

    And wow that is a LOT of brain work you'll have to be doing for tomorrow. Bring a lot of food you can eat while taking the test, and drink PLEEENTY of water (but not too much or you'll have to keep peeing).

    Good luck. :)

  55. Hi Ms. Aimee. I have already passed my form last July 17! My choices are as follows:

    BS Psychology
    BS Health Sciences
    AB Psychology
    AB Interdisciplinary Studies

    I just chose AB IS because they said it is an easy course to pass.
    I really really hope I pass the ACET. My schedule is on September 16, 1:30pm-6:30pm. I hope I do well.

    BTW, I found the UPCAT difficult. And I left like 32 items blank. Do you think I can still pass? My choices are killing me, UPD and UPM. I'm worried about the UPCAT, I just trust my grades now, (not to brag) they're like 93 from 1st year-3rd year. Do I still have the chance?

    I'm praying to pass the CET's of the big 4. And if I do, I'd love to go either to UP or Ateneo. But still, Ateneo is the apple of my eye.

    Please pray for me? I'd love to call myself an Atenean. If I pass the ACET...

    Thank you so much. :)


  56. HELLO!! At last. UPCAT is done. XD Thank you soo much for all the help. I really panicked when I knew essay writing was just introduced this year, considering I am not good in making ones. Anyways, I do not want to think about it anymore. I did my part and I am leaving it all to God. He knows best. If it is for me, it will be. Again, THANK YOU SOOO MUCH. Having a conversation with you helped me a lot. Thanks to my classmate who posted your blog in our group. The effort was worth it. XD Thank you thank you thank you. =))) More power and God Bless. ^_________^

  57. Btw, I am from Bicol po. XD And our high school is one of the largest schools in the region. Kaya po ganun. We have more or less 7000 students. :))

  58. Is it true that graduates of BS Health Sciences can take the medical technologists licensure examination? The moment I heard about this, I was attracted to this course much more.

  59. Hey thus your course includes chem and advance chem? cause i really hate that subject and I want to go bs health sci at ateneo. and do you think its hard? i am clique type of girl but still i study hard, i am a special science class student from pampanga but still i hate math, chem and all the solving parts. do you think if i'll pass the bs health sci, can i survive???

  60. TheRealMPS:
    Hello again! Good to hear from you. I know a lot of wonderful people in BS Psych. If you pass the ACET and take Psych, you'll have a very good family looking after you there. :)

    With regards to the UPCAT, I think you do have a chance of passing it. When I took it, my mind short circuited during the Math portion and I left a LOOOOOOT of items blank. The result? I passed the UPCAT but I didn't get the course I wanted (BS Bio in UPD). I did, however, get my second choice, which was BS Computer Sciences in UPD. :)

    Anyway, now that the test is over, you really should stop worrying because it's not going to do you any good. Time to set the matter aside for the moment and move on to the next big thing: THE ACET!:D

    Study hard but don't be too hard on yourself. :)

    BICOL-ANON: (heh, get it? Bikolanon? cause you're from bicol? :D *crickets*)

    WAIT WHUH!?!?!?!? Somebody actually posted my blog in someone else's groups!?!? That's very... amazing. =))

    Anyway, WHEW. It's over. Now relax and enjoy the rest of your senior year. :)

    3RD ANON: (Seriously you guys should leave some names)
    Hello, as much as I wish it were true, it's NOT. :(
    I used to hear that BS Health Sci was the counterpart of UST's Med Tech, but now it doesn't seem to be that way.

    4TH ANON:
    Yes to the first question. To be specific, if you take Health Sci, you'll be taking General Chemistry for two semesters in your first year (plus lab). In second year you'll take Organic Chemistry (plus lab).

    Sorry but I really can't say whether or not you'll survive based on what you've told me. :)) Between you and me, only you are ever capable of knowing the answer to that.

    I used to hate chem too, and when I heard that there would be quite a lot of it in Health Sci I was pretty turned off. But by the end of my first semester I realized that it's quite different from high school chem. I was lucky to have gotten a nice teacher who explained things way better than my high school teacher ever did. Now I actually miss chem! :(

    So do I think it's hard? Yeah, it's hard. I don't think you'll ever find an easy course in Ateneo, anyway! This is why it's important to pick a course you are genuinely interested in. Because if you really love what you're doing, you'll work hard for it no matter how difficult it will be. If you are 100% sure that you'd be terrible at Chem and Math, my advice would be to spare yourself the suffering and pick a different course. I have one friend who hated Math and Chem so much that he shifted out.

    BUT if you are able to tolerate these subjects, I suggest you go for Health Sci. I was allergic to Chem (and still am allergic to Math), but here I am, now on my third year in Health Sci :D

    Anyway, this is a really long reply. Hope you discern well! :)

    - Aimee

  61. Hi, Ms. Aimee! This is TheRealMPS (the name is corny. HAHA) and I am very happy to tell you that I passed the ACET! My first choice course which is BS Psychology! Thank you very much for the advices!

    1. HI! That is AMAZING news! I am so happy for you! :) Will there be a new blue eagle joining us in June? :D

  62. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  63. Hi there!

    I passed BS Bio in Ateneo but I didn't apply for a scholarship. Can I still get a scholarship during my second year?

    Also, BS Bio can be a pre-med course right?

  64. Hello! Congrats on passing BS Bio! :D I think you can apply in your second year, but I'm not sure. You could always search for the number of the Office of Admissions and call them up about this. :)

    And yes, BS Bio can definitely be a pre-med course. (Note: Some med schools, like St. Luke's, require some units of Physics. I don't know if Bio has the required units.)

  65. Alright. Thanks! :)

    Are the oral exams hard?

    1. Oral exams for what? :)) The oral exams I've taken for my Philosophy and Theology classes were hard, but you shouldn't be worried about that for now. Freshmen and Sophomores don't normally get oral exams. :)

  66. Ah I see. Thank you.

  67. Hi ate!
    i would just like to ask you po.
    I'm choosing between UST-Med Tech and Ateneo Biology or other Science (still thinking if im gonna shift into Life Science or Health Science in case na mag aateneo ako)
    For you po, what would you choose and why?
    Can't decide which will i choose. :)
    Thank you po!

    1. I was in the same situation as you! Obviously, I chose Health Sci in Ateneo. As for my reasons why, it was kind of a decision that I didn't have to make myself. My scholarship was valid only if I chose either Bio, Life Sci, or Health Sci. Among the three, I picked Health Sci because I thought it was more tailor-fit to med school. :)

    2. Thank you ate for replying! :)
      I really can't decide between the two. UST is best in science courses. But i love Ateneo! haha. Dream school. :)
      but if you also had a scholarship in UST Med Tech course, is there a chance that you'll go with UST? :)
      Thank you!

    3. Where did you get the idea that UST is the best in science courses? :)) UP and Ateneo are also doing splendidly in that field!

      If I had the choice to take UST Med Tech, yes, I would have seriously considered going to UST.

      But knowing what I know now, I would have picked Ateneo anyway! Ateneo all the way! :))

      If you're scared that Ateneo isn't as "strong" in the sciences as UST is, don't be. Ateneo has top-notch facilities. The science education here is as good (if not better) than UST! The idea that Ateneo is "a business school" and that UST is "a science school" is totally obsolete.

      Pick Ateneo!!! :))

  68. Yes Ms. Aimee! I will be enrolling in the Ateneo! :) -TheRealMPS

    1. AWESOME! You will have happy years ahead. <3

    2. Yes! But there is a current predicament now whether to pursue a slot in UP Diliman (my status is DPWAS, for I got BS Psych and BS Bio as my choices) or to enroll in my dream university: Ateneo. Not only that, the place where I will stay in. My parents liked a dorm in front of Miriam, Dormitoryana is the name of the dorm. But they also found a unit for rent in Burgundy. Anyway, whatever happens, I think I will be studying in the Ateneo. I am very excited, really. Haha!

    3. I lived in Dormitoryana before! It wasn't so amazing when I lived there but they've made some really nice renovations this year.

      Anyway, you should be excited! :D

  69. good day ate aimee :) so glad i found your blog while stumbling sites about pre-med on google.

    i wonder if u could help me with my my dilemma.
    before taking any entrance test i felt so sure about my college courses
    1st choice is BS Bio or any pre-med course.because I.REALLY.WANT.TO.BE.A.DOCTOR.
    2nd choice is AB Phil because it seems like the kind of course suited for a 'serious' and 'loud' thinker like i think i am.

    and so i took the big four cet's,
    lucky enough i passed medtech in ust, ab phil in dlsu, bs bio in up bagiuo and ab Phil in Ateneo.

    after i've done as what you've said 'solving a Whodunnit mystery, where you take in all of the clues, and then cross names off a list until you've narrowed the list down to one suspect' i seem to be stuck at the last direction. i was down to two suspects.

    AB Phil in Ateneo and BS Bio in UP

    i was given a scholarship in ateneo but with a sad note,i fail to qualify for my first choice which is BS Health Sciences. i was wondering if i should write a letter of request for change of course? shift after one year if applicable to scholars? or should pursue ust or up?

    i hope you can give me an advice or two about this matter. it will really be a 'BIG' help. THANKS =)

    1. Hi, Christian! Thanks for dropping by! Sorry for the late reply, my Internet has not been stable for the past few days.

      First of all, congrats on passing Ateneo and UP! I think that if you're looking for an excellent pre-med education, either school will provide you with that. Whichever school you pick, rest assured that you're in good hands!

      Secondly, if you're torn between changing courses now or shifting after a year, I advise you to change do it NOW while it's still easy. Shifting is a really long process, so if you're planning to do it, better just do it before you even enter college. All you need is a letter of request. :)

      If you want to pursue UST or UP that's entirely up to you. But if I were you, I wouldn't pursue UST at all =)) I like the quality of education in Ateneo better.

      Anyway, let me know how everything goes. Good luck!


  70. Hey there! I happened upon your blog a few days ago and can I just say that this particular article was such an eye-opener!

    I recently just got my CET results from all the colleges I applied to and thanks be to God, I happened to pass all of them. (BSBiochem for DLSU, BS Med Tech for UST, BS Health Sciences for ADMU, and BS Public Health for UP Manila) I'm planning to take Medicine and honestly, I was torn on where I should go. I narrowed it down to UP and Ateneo and until now, I still haven't figured what I should do.

    I looked at both curriculums, websites, blogs, you name it, I researched on it. I asked around so many people I actually lost count already. Majority say that I should go to UP, no questions asked. But somehow, I feel like Ateneo wouldn't be so bad and I actually feel like I should give it a chance. And yes, I know that everyone knows that UP is the best when it comes to Med but Ateneo's got a pretty good chance too, right? All I'm after is a school that will let me grow and belong in. And I get that gut feel with Ateneo. Am I wrong? As a student studying in Health Sciences in Ateneo, I would just like to ask for your opinion cause I really am quite lost as of the moment.
    It would mean so much if you could reply, you might actually help me make a decision!

    Thanks so much for your time and consideration.


    1. Hi Ria! Sorry it took me so long to get back to you. Schoolwork is such a distraction from blogging. :))

      Congrats on passing the big four! :D

      I disagree with the majority who say you should go to UP with "no questions asked." I used to think that way too, that UP was the end all and be all of universities. But I was completely wrong of course! Ateneo is a great school, and if I knew then what I know now, I would choose it over UP in a heartbeat.

      They say UP indeed is the best when it comes to Med. But pre-med? UP and Ateneo are equally awesome.

      So yes, do choose a school in which you think you will thrive. But given your options, I think you'll be able to thrive anywhere you choose to plant yourself. So do follow your gut. If you're sure that it tells you to pick Ateneo, pick Ateneo! :) If you're concerned that the education you get here is of lesser quality than in UP, erase your doubts! If a future in medicine is what you really want, Ateneo will prepare you well for that. You'll be happy here, I'm sure! :)


    2. I really appreciate you taking the time to reply because it really helped me make a decision.

      I'm going to be attending Ateneo this coming school year and I am really excited to be part of the Health Sciences!

      I will also be attending the SOSE Open House on March 9 and I really can't wait to start my college life in Ateneo.

      I hope to see you there as well and to thank you in person for your advice. Again, thank you so much for clearing up things and helping me choose a college!


    3. WOW! I am so happy for you! I'm not part of the Open House team so you're probably not gonna see me there. But I'm an active member of the Health Sciences Society, so you'll see me around a lot this June :D

      Glad I was of some help!

  71. Hii Ate! Your blog is awesome and im glad that i found it while searching about pre-meds. I was just wondering if you could help me, when it comes to premed courses, is it more advisable to go to UP or Ateneo. Im just narrowing down my options. My 1st is medtech (UST). 2nd is Life Science (AdMU) 3rd is Biotech (UP) // which one do you think i should definitely not choose as my premed? I love all those schools!

    And btw, i was also considering mapua, i just wanted o ask, will i miss a lot of the college experience if i dont go to one of the top 4 universities in the philippines?

    I would really appreciate it if you would reply. This post was just amazing! -- Sarah :)

    1. Hey Sarah!

      Sorry for replying four days late. Thank you so much for the kind words :) I really appreciate your dropping by my little site :D

      I can't really give you advice on which premed to choose because I don't know much about medtech in UST or Biotech in UP. Life Sci is a good premed, but I hear equally great things about the other two courses. :) I can't say which one you should definitely not pick. That's up to you entirely. What I CAN say though is that if I were in your shoes, I definitely would prefer UP and Ateneo over UST. :) Personal bias. :))

      I don't really know how college life in MAPUA is, so I don't know how to compare it to my life in Ateneo. But I think that going to a Top 4 school (Ateneo, specifically) is one of the best decisions I've made in my life, if not THE best decision. I'm really happy here. I know you will be, too. :)

  72. Hi ate!I'm planning (well actually going but since enlistment scheds are not until June i'm not enrolled yet)to study in ADMU too! And I passed BS Health Science. Just like you I am so confused with what university I'm going to (I passed the big 4 you see). But since my parents (and I sort of) liked ateneo well you know,we confirmed a slot there.Though I don't know where I will take my proper yet. Just wanna ask if you're taking up bio or you shifted to other course? And it kinda scares me that I will be alone in admu coz I don't know anyone.and I really love admu now, especially the ambiance and the campus itself. I'm just nervous if you know, I'm ready for it. And thanks for this blog, its very good. :) You helped a lot! hope to see you there.

    PS. the uniform also bothers me, i mean do I need a lot of clothes?

    1. Hi! :) Congrats on passing Health Sci and making it to Ateneo. :)

      I passed BS Bio but I wrote a letter to the dean and asked to be transferred to Health Sci, before the start of classes. :D Technically, this wasn't considered shifting because I wasn't enrolled at the time. So no, I'm not in Bio. I'm in Health Sci. :D

      You don't need a lot of clothes, but having a good supply of clothes does have some practical reasons. For example, sometimes I'll find that at the end of the week, I have no more clean shirts to wear! Having more clothes assures you that you'll never have to put on a dirty shirt because it's your ONLY shirt left. Teehee.

      And yes it can be absolutely terrifying having to go to a school by yourself! But it can be a wonderful thing as well, because you when you're in a new place by yourself, you're free to be whoever you want to be. :) It's okay to be nervous. That's part of the fun :D

    2. Oh. Hope to see you there! And I'm looking forward to OrSem. :D BTW, is there any chance that I will be able to apply for a scholarship? I wasn't able to apply because I didn't have the form.

    3. Cherish ORSEM! It's seriously one of the best things in college EVER :D

      I don't know much about Ateneo scholarships, but I think you'll have to wait until next year to apply. From what I know, the scholarships are given out every first semester. :)

      Check this for more details:

    4. Ok! Thanks ate. :)) You really helped me to be a bit calmer when it comes into college! Though I'm excited too. See you! Thanks for the answers.

  73. Hi :) Incoming fourth year HS na po ako kaya kailangan ko na talaga mamili ng course T____T Pero gusto ko po talaga maging doctor :) Kaya lang natatakot ako bumagsak sa NMAT.. I'm planning to take BS Health Science as my pre-med course.. kapag po ba yun kinuha ko automatic na makakapasok ako sa ateneo med school? Thank you! :)

    1. Hi Alyssa! :) No, taking up Health Sci doesn't automatically qualify you for ASMPH (the Ateneo med school). You still have to go through a screening process like everyone else. :)

      Don't be afraid of failing the NMAT. Nobody fails the NMAT. :))

  74. Hi there! I'm in my senior year in high school and I'm about to submit my UPCAT application form next Tuesday. I'm at a crossroads between BS Biology and BS Public Health in UP as my pre-med course. I know it's weird to ask an Atenean about this but I can't find any more people on the net who voluntarily reply to people's inquiries on pre-med choices and the lot. :) Which one should I pick? Mas marami kasi ang load ng Public Health, almost 200 units while Biology only has about 160 units. Sabi kasi nila to get into UP Med, you should aim for higher grades in your pre-med course. Because I think I'll have a much harder time getting high grades if I take up Public Health. Tapos my sisters have taken up BS Bio so I have guidance pa from them if ever I take that course up. Kumbaga, it's the less risky choice. HAHA. But I want to challenge myself.. but still I don't know if I'm biting off more than I can chew (if you know what I mean HAHA) :) But if you take Public Health raw, you have to study Human Anatomy and you'll have the EDGE raw when in med.

    Maybe I should put Public Health as my first choice and see if I pass? Second choice BS Biology? These courses are both in UP Manila. However, if I put UP Manila as my first choice campus and those two courses as my choices, and I don't pass Public Health, I'll be waitlisted for BS Biology in UP Manila. My sister is studying BS Biology in Los Banos, though, and I'll put that campus as my second choice and BS Bio as my first choice there.

    Do you think it'll be easy to get a slot in UPLB in BS Bio if ever this scenario happens? HAHA.

    Sorry for the long post! Hope you reply soon! God bless you! :)

    1. OH NO! I replied to you too late. By the time you read this you've probably handed in your UPCAT form. I'm sorry!

      My advice would be to listen to what interests you most. If you love the hard sciences, go for Bio. If you're more service-oriented, take Public Health. (Also, I agree: Public Health is the cutting edge of medicine today!) Personally I'd go for Public Health, even if it's harder. GO CHALLENGE YOURSELF! You'll be surprised at what you can accomplish if you really push!

      I seriously have no idea how easy it is to get a slot in any UP. I don't know whether UPLB is harder or easier to get into than UPM. I can't help you there.

      But you know it doesn't really matter. You can always write a letter of appeal in case you pass/don't pass. You can ask to be transferred to another campus and to another course. Of course this takes a lot of effort. I'm just saying that whatever decision you make now doesn't have to be your final decision regarding your choice of college and course. :)

      Sorry for the late reply. God bless you too!


  75. Hi there !
    It has been 3 years since you posted this article but i'm still hoping for your reply :D

    I'm a senior student and has already taken the ACET. I chose Health Sciences as my first choice, BS Psych as second and AB Psych as third. So iv'e been thinking about AB Psych as my pre med since getting into Health Sci would be really hard. (But it really is my dream program!)

    Do you think AB Psych is a good pre med compared to its BS ?

    1. Hello! :) I'm sorry I can't help you there. I don't know much about AB and BS Psychs. But I can tell you that one of the most commonly repeated pieces of advice of med students is that in med school, the playing field is leveled. So it doesn't really matter which course you come from! I even know of an Ateneo Management graduate who made it to the top of his batch in UE Med. :)

    2. That's nice to hear :) But Most people say that applying for a science program would really be an advantage in med school rather than applying for a non sci program. Anyways, thank you for replying ! :D

    3. Yeah that's true, because most med schools require that you take a certain number of units of science subjects (like x number of units for Psych, y number of units for Bio, etc...). UE Med is the only school I know that does not require its applicants come from science courses! :D

  76. Hello !

    How many students do you think does the Health Sci dept. admits ?
    Is the 15% meant for the whole ACET takers or only those who took Health Sci as their program preference?
    I am really nervous about my CET results and I don't have any back up plan.

    1. Hi! I think 15% means the whole of ACET takers. :D

      Relax. Everything will work out. :)

  77. Good evening po ate! May I ask if we could apply for reconsideration if ever we dont pass the ACET? Specifically in your program?
    What if, let's say I passed a non honors-program but would wish to be reconsidered to an honors program. Will they consider?

    BTW, your article really boosted my interest in becoming a doctor ;)

    Cheers! -Jaymie

    1. Hi Jaymie! I'm glad to hear your comments :)

      1. As far as I know, the ACET is a requirement. Depending on your score, you can end up either as passed, waitlisted, or failed. ACET passers are the ones prioritized when handing out slots for programs, then the waitlisted. I'm not sure if you can apply for reconsideration if you fail the ACET, but maybe they'll allow it if you want to get into a program with slots that are not yet filled up. NOT SURE about this, so you should really call the Office of Admissions and Aid to confirm this info. :)

      2. If you made it into a non-honors but want to get into an honors, I think they do consider if you write a letter. Again, you should call the Office of Admissions and Aid to confirm if this is true. :)

      Good luck Jaymie!

  78. swete naman.nakapasa sa lahat ng university na inaplayan niya. hindi tulad ko. prnding ngayon sa upcat.haha.

    1. good luck, anonymous :) hoping for the best for you :D

  79. hi po. i just want to ask if bs health sciences is really a good pre-med course? i passed bs biology in ust and got waitlisted on medtech. i also passed up pero pending kasi eh. so for now, my choice is ust or ateneo and i really dont know where to study. do they have 'biology/medicine related lessons' in health sciences?

    1. hello :) Health Sci is a great pre-med course. If I were in your shoes I'd definitely pick Ateneo. :)

      OF course Health Sci has bio and medicine lessons! We have general bio, biochemistry, cellular and molecular biology, and physiology. We have a lot of firsthand experiences for public health, too. It's great.

      For a longer answer, see my third-to-the-last comment here:

  80. Hi Ate Aimee! :) I think I'm now wearing the shoes you had on when you were writing this article. Could you please advise me on what you think is the best course that I should take if I'm going to go down the med path? I can hardly focus on studying or living like I normally do with the confirmation deadlines drawing closer day by day..I cant friggin have apeace of mind!!! -_-
    *eh ehem* ...So, as I was saying, uhm ..

    *wait, short intro muna haha: I'm currently a senior studying in Saint Jude Catholic School and I'm one of those ALMOST honor students..I'm tamad with requirements and little sides you see, but I push myself (this yr lng haha) I know being hardworking is an impt attribute. This yr, Im barely late w/ my requirements na. Im more into Major sbjs and extra-curricular acts...used to be in the dance troupe now im the president of the engineering club...kind of a late bloomer..or late lng ako nag-seryoso. This yr sbrng nag-improve ako sa math and im really enjoying it na. Weird right? Pero mas Science tlga ako, dati pa. :))

    Let's start with the areas/ subjects in high school i'm best at and am interested in :) hihi :
    ~WRITING (don't like forced reading though)
    ~ENGLISH (oral and grammar, not lit..i appreciate lit but i dont do so well in it)(im sabog right now so i cant apply my grammar skillz ;) )

    What I look for in my future job:
    ~Passionate but practical ( Some passions->science, singing, dancing, acting, music, innovating (creating new ideas and stuff/product development/originality), little kids, caring for others..basically anything done with the heart, maybe writing too)
    ~Help people, even save them (like a doctor could or maybe a good business could)
    ~Monthly salary not lower than 100 000
    ~Plenty of opportunities abroad and travel

    Path Choices:
    ~Corporate: I could be an efficient employee. I'm adventurous, btw, so banking, insurance, statistics is not for me. I see myself more as leading and accomplishing projects.I believe my leadership is good. If you haven't observed, Im the type na more street smart than book smart. And my real corporate plan is to actually become an entrep. Wanna make my own skin care line and lead the cosmetic industry one day; and make a tiny vegan bakeshop too ( yeah, im vegan :) )
    ~Engineer: I like innovation. I like learning processes thoroughly, hindi lng bsta boss na nag-uutos. Iniisip ko kung mas helpful ba technical na course kung gagawa ako ng sariling business in the future. Yung pinipili ko sa engineering/management na course is which will get me a fall back job (while di pa ko entrep ksi syempre save muna) that suits more; and higher salary na rin. Im a girl. not sure if hardcore engineering is for me..pinagpipilian ko lng is chem eng and indus eng.
    ~Doctor: need i say more? this is such a fulfilling course..yung malaman m lng n sbrang daming buhay nasasave m..Pero hard yung tuition..pero dad says ok lng nmn..pero sure ako magiging pabigat sa knya esp since di ko pinasa ang up ( di ko sineryoso, late aq nkarating blablabla #damnregrets) and mahirap mkapasok khit in the future sa UP med school. Iniisip ko rin n kung dpat mastisfy nko sa short aral big sal course para mkatulong n rin agad kay mommy n daddy..pero alm m yuun..iba pag med eh! pag naririnig ko sa iba mg memed sila or may mawatch aq sa tv, my heart literally skips a beat :/ Is med for me?? huhuhu


  81. Courses i got accepted at:
    ~BS Chem-Mse (planning to shift cuz #1 I'm not a natural at chem..why they admit me to this -_- im better at math than chem...maybe they dnt know how my math is now, maybe bcuz sa essay ko i wrote my severe acne+hyperthyroidism self-curing experience and how i want to help other sufferers..and mas strong science bg ko the first 3 yrs of HS combined...I liked this course initially but i think chem eng is better than this since sakop na niya ang materials sci..and mejo introvert ang fall back course ko dito pag di p ko entrep?? di ko sure kung maghahave fun ako sa chem, science p rin xa but mas bio and physics tlga ksi aq, but theyre not very helpful courses sa future business ko.however may edge pa rin ang atenean education (lit,philosophy,core subjects, values) + prestige..ang tanong, worth it ba?
    ~shift plans: BS ME (try p rin), BS MAC or BS HEALTHSCI, BS LIFE SCI (biomed)

    ~Industrial Engineering (tingin ko dito ay parang corporate with mini doses of knowledge in diff kinds of eng? Engg sounds so fun to my ear drums ..dont know why haha..taas rin daw Salary? Pag di tlga ako tanggap ME and i wanna go corporate path, should i take this? do u have other course suggestions for corporate path?

    ~Med tech (this is great pre-med nga daw.. but fun ba wiwi poo poo testing :( ewan bka mali lng notion ko abt this pls enlighten me)
    ~and Occupational Therapy (yay lil kids and in demand sa abroad opportunities BUT local opps suck and is this a good pre-med course?)
    ~ ( shift to bio if better as pre-med?)


    *one more dad's an admu bs me grad (my sis too) and is sooo biased sa school niya. He's open daw but kumukulo dugo niya pag sinasabi ko mas ok ako sa ibang school.. What Im tryin to say, payag siya ibang school, bsta give him a damn good reason :)))))

  82. "Hi Ate Aimee! :) I think I'm now wearing the shoes you had on when you were writing this article. Could you ..... but kumukulo dugo niya pag sinasabi ko mas ok ako sa ibang school.. What Im tryin to say, payag siya ibang school, bsta give him a damn good reason :)))))"

    by one person lng to..hindi kasya eh :( sorry!!! ><

  83. is there a way for me to apply for scholarship in ateneo? kasi i passed health sci too and my parents wants me to study there. im afraid the tuition fee might be a burden to them kaso super mahal. hindi ko naman kasi ine-expect na papasa ako eh. pero if ever, pwede pa ba mag-appeal ng scholarship kahit tapos na yung deadline. thank you.

  84. oops *want me

  85. I dont know. Please help me im hesitant. You see, i passed health sci. I always wanted that course ever since and i didnt really expect to pass the acet exam. Im only an average student, i am from a science high school tho i dont top the class. And im afraid i might have bad grades (bad like i have to leave the campus, things like that). And what if i dont pass asmph for my med school or worse what if i dont pass the nmat. Im considering to enroll at ust (bs bio) since most of my classmates are studying there. UP is really my first choice but i didnt pass diliman i only passed up lb (bs bio). Lb is too far that's why im choosing between ateneo and ust. I want ateneo but i feel like i dont fit in. Im afraid i wont pass since some of my friends from ateneo said that their subjects are a hundred times harder than high school.

  86. Whoa there, inspiring huh! This helped me a lot. Hihi. Well! Anyway, are you part of honor's class or honor circle back then when you were still in high school?

  87. Got accepted in UPM (BS Biochem) and ADMU (BS Life Sci). What course do you think should I pursue? I like ADMU because of its great facilities and the fact that I got a scholarship (100TFDA) but I also like the course I got in UP.


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