interesting things

I know I haven't been posting as often as I did when I was a freshman. I guess it's because I've actually made some friends now, and am less of a self-absorbed loser. (Yeah, right.)

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Interesting Thing #1

Last Wednesday, I tagged along with Vito, Diane, Rap, and Andy for an impromptu filming of a top-secret project (you'll know what it is soon). We had to wait until 6 at night to shoot, because we wanted some darkness. I brought my camera so that I could practice using it (I still haven't gotten the hang of it after a year). Here are some pictures (unedited because I'm too lazy).

Rap with a Blizzard (and an ice cream sandwich for me). He looks so dangerous.
Night classes
JSEC at night
A little part of Katipunan (taken from the back of Vito's pickup).
A behind-the-scenes of the actual filming
It was a pretty cool experience, even if the shoot ended a little early. I'm still a really bad photographer though.

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Interesting Thing #2

Look at these cats. Eating stuff and hanging out while we're stressing about finals week. 
Cats are always on vacation.
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Interesting Thing #3

Last Saturday, Mike and Vera treated the block to a delicious lunch at Yellow Cab Katipunan. It was a welcome treat after a horrible Epidemiology class. There was so much food that I forgot about taking a lot of pictures. Here are a few:
Spicy chicken wangs
Look at it. Glistening with deliciousness. It was the best pizza I'd had in a long while.
The only photo I have with the two birthday celebrants, Vera (in black) and Mike (far right)
The only photo I have of me... u_u
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Interesting Thing #4 

Last summer, the Health Sci batch of 2014 (my batch) had to form thesis groups. It was a pretty big deal, since you're stuck working with the same people for two years. You can't change groups, either.

And your thesis is not some class project. Psh. For a Health Sci student (actually, for most Ateneans), your thesis work is THE work of your college life. The four (or five) years you spend in college will all be leading up to that. So it's pretty important that you choose the right people to work with.

Anyway, I won't spend too much time talking about that, even though it is a pretty interesting story (involving Google Docs crashing, and a dramatic batch meeting). The bottom line is, I ended up being in the same group with these wonderful people:

Taken in the KFC photobooth, on our first dinner meeting.
We're quite far from perfect, but that's all right with me. 

Anyway,  few weeks ago, we were required to submit a thesis topic.We had to consult with Doc Wong, our Epidemiology teacher and THE thesis adviser, about it. He's a really busy doctor (he practices when he's not teaching), so we couldn't meet him in person. He requested us to talk to him via Google Hangouts.

We all felt like n00bs, because we didn't know how it worked (plus, it sucked that someone older than us actually knew more about it than we did).  I never even use Google +! But anyway, we finally installed the darn thing on our laptops. This is us having a practice conversation with each other:
Me, Roch, Rap, and Neric. Cheryl was actually out at this time, talking to Doc Wong on the phone. 
And Jules had Accounting business to take care of.
It's pretty fun. Especially the option that lets you put silly things on your face. Heehee. You'll be surprised at how much happier you become after wearing a virtual tiara. 

Anyway, fast forward another week, and here we are, done with defending our (ex-)thesis topic:

My cousin said I look like a midget in this picture. 
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Interesting Thing #5 

Admittedly I haven't read the entire bill yet (you can do so here: But from what I've been hearing about it is that you can get arrested for committing online libel, which, I'm guessing, is saying something fraudulent about another person online. You can also get arrested for torrenting. 

Now I wonder what the boundaries of what I can and cannot say online are. Perhaps I should type out a few things and test which ones will get me in trouble.

I download things illegally! 
I hate the government!
Tito Sotto didn't take a bath today! 

I'll probably be safe for today, since the law doesn't take effect until tomorrow. But if I do end up in prison, please bake me a cake with a nail file hidden inside. I've always wanted to see if those things really work. 

I wonder though, if they plan to arrest all the Filipinos who download torrents, how the heck are they gonna find enough jail cells for us? Practically everybody with Internet has downloaded something illegally. I just hope I get cellmates who torrent the same stuff I do. I'd love to talk to another Breaking Bad fan.


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