dizzy days

Lately I've been in a state of dizziness, and I say this in a strictly literal sense. I opened my eyes one morning to find my bedroom spinning wildly. Then I wobbled my way over to school, where my Environmental Sciences test paper wouldn't stand still.

The doctor at the AdMU clinic says it's an allergy-related thing. If it were, then that would suck a lot, because I don't know what I'm allergic to. I got a second opinion from the doctor at Loyola Grand Villas (thanks to the Abacan family), and she said it might have something to do with skipping meals, or the heat, or my low blood pressure. She also said it had nothing to do with my allergies. Now I don't know who to believe. But whatever the cause of my vertigo is, I'm still feeling it right now, which makes today the third in a series of dizzy days.

Anyway, I'm almost halfway done with summer classes, and May couldn't come sooner. The April heat is killing me, and I'm extremely jealous of the people who haven't any summer class, like Jason and Janine. If you're one of those lucky people too, just sitting at home with the aircon on full blast, reading this blog post, then GRAHHHHHHHHHHHH I HATE YOU!!!! STOP COMPLAINING ABOUT BEING BORED YOU DON'T KNOW HOW LUCKY YOU ARE!!!!!!

Summer classes are a drag. The only upside of it is that I get to be with my friends. That's pretty much all I look forward to now. Learning has become such a chore, what with our classrooms being extremely hot, even with all the ceiling fans turned on. You can distill my sweat and use the sheer bulk of it to feed a rainforest. Ick.

And on another note, Block XX has been split up. All the blocks have, actually. It's not too bad an arrangement, but I still miss seeing people like Cheryl, Jeth, and Deo. I'll still see them around (whenever our lunch breaks coincide), but college feels different without them.

College feels different realizing that at this point, I'm more than halfway finished. My friends are fretting about med school now more than ever. Some people are still undecided, but others are sure that they're not proceeding. As for me, I'm pretty sure I'll be taking Medicine. I just don't know where. What I do know is that I'm just at the mercy of whatever school grants me a scholarship. If I can't find one here, I'll be going to Xavier. That's the plan for now, however flimsy it may sound.

But until then, I'll still be complaining about summer classes, filling up my blog with useless rambles, biding time with Pottermore and The Walking Dead, and memorizing twenty amino acids. That's it for now.

Enjoy your summer vacations, you lucky bastards.

Also, happy anniversary of this! :)) u_u


  1. get well soon ate aimee! I hope you'll be granted a scholorship for med school. You can do it \:D/

    oh, and I can't wait for Orsem. Will you be there? :)

  2. awww that is so sweet. thank you valerie! guess you've made up your mind about what course to take.

    Sadly I won't be around for OrSem. :c wish i could, but i'll be in CDO that time. anyway, i'm sure you'll have a BLAST. OrSem is one of the best parts of college!!! ask anybody.

    see you around soon! :)

  3. Get well soon! I absolutely hate hate hate vertigo. It's the worst :| Anyway, take care!

  4. It is. It really is.

    Thanks, and you take care too! :)


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