blogging as procrastination

Goodness. Why do I always get the urge to write at the most inconvenient of times? (Tonight's answer: I just wanna put off reading the Sociology and Anthropology handouts.) Anyway, I just got back from the LFC Doc & Pub Committee General Assembly. There was so much sushi. Too bad my chopstick control is sub-par. u_u

Today for Bio we spent an entire hour watching a documentary called Endangered Tales, which is quite fanciful a name for such a mildly interesting film. When I say "mildly interesting" I mean that the only parts I paid attention to were the parts with actual animals and colorful plants. I think two-year-olds have longer attention spans than I do. Oooh look, a dorm cat!

Also today we had Organic Chemistry Lab wherein we had to do all sorts of labby things. The main point of it was to separate and extract benzoic acid from naphthalene. While doing the labby things I was thinking about our ex-Chemistry teacher, Sir Unsay, and about all the other certified chemists in the world who can probably perform the experiment as easily as I can finish a bag of Maltesers - easy peasy lemon squeezy.

(Warning: in this paragraph here I am going to sound like a real dorkus.)
I wonder how many lab sessions it will take for me to finally not screw things up, because I've consistently been making mistakes in the lab since the first session (granted it's only been three experiments). Today, for example, I spilled a mixture of hexane, sodium hydroxide, benzoic acid and naphthalene on my hand as I tried to turn over this piece of glassware. Fortunately there were no fires going on at that time or else my wrist would've burst into flames. I think.

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The previous paragraphs were written approximately twenty-four hours ago. It is now Tuesday night. Which makes the topic of the preceding paragraphs about Jason's birthday (which was last Saturday, but he uploaded the pics just now)!

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(The previous paragraph was written four days ago, and it is now Saturday afternoon. That means this blog post has spent almost a week in my Drafts folder. Poor fella, it must suck being amongst the junk that never get published. Today I shall publish you so that you will be amongst the junk that does make it to my blog.)

A lot has happened since Tuesday, and I would like to write about the most recent happening that happened just recently but I guess I should write about the happenings in the order that they happened so I won't happen to forget that these happenings ever happened.

Whoops. Got a text pertaining to yogurt at Teriyaki Boy. I'll finish this entry later. :D

. . .

SUNDAY AFTERNOON. Wow. When am I ever going to finish writing this. Anyway, let's not waste any more time.
(click on any picture to enlarge!)
First order of business: KATH'S SURPRISE PARTY!
(c) Albert Song. 
(c) Albert Song
LOOK AT THAT BEAUTIFUL FOOD. JUST LOOK AT IT. No, you cannot have any of that glorious food, because it has all been consumed already and has probably all been converted into waste matter by now. 


Anyway, last Friday night was Kath's surprise party. We had it at Alessi's house. Mike, Karl, Pat, Jeth and I spent practically the whole night at Alessi's piano just singing songs. I seriously wish I had Mike's amazing musical powers. :-<

We went to Italianni's at Eastwood for a super awesome dinner. In attendance: his family, some of our friends from CDO, and some of his friends from the Ateneo dorms. :)

Meet Sherwin and Phoebe, Ateneo freshies from CDO! :D They're old friends of Jason and Larz. Hooray for reunions~
(L-R: Sherwin, Me, Phoebe, Jason, Larz, Karen, Gerard, Michael)
Also, that "hap" in the upper right-hand in this picture is the cropped sign of happylemon, this popular tea franchise in Manila. Apparently, happylemon is to tea as Starbucks is to coffee. Both are overpriced and overrated (although still delicious). After dinner at Italianni's we headed over to the happylemon store in Eastwood, and goodness, there was not a single vacant seat there. There were so many Ateneans too. What are they putting in the happylemon tea that's making Ateneans want to spend P100+ on taxi fare on a Friday night just to get something to drink?! I thought maybe I'd find out. So, feeling adventurous, I tried the Green Tea with Rock Salt and Cheese for eighty-something pesos. It was all right. :|

You know you mean a lot to me when I dress up in floral shorts and a jacket  in an attempt at looking good on your birthday. :)) HAPPY BIRTHDAY JASE! n_n
 Oh yeah. The morning of Jason's birthday, the NSTP sections had their MBTI assessment results released. MBTI stands for Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, the personality test for which we took in July 2010. 

The MBTI results group people into four main classes of personalities based on their answers to a certain set of questions, and those personality types are:
a. Troubleshooter - Risk-takers, adaptable, know how to spot problems. 
b. Catalysts - Appreciative, personalized, personable, patient, understanding
c. Traditionalists - thorough, careful, standard setter, reliable, clear-cut, organized
d. Visionaries - problem solvers, innovative, original, think outside-the-box

Guess which one I got. 

Answer: CATALYST. The wussiest type ever. 

According to our facilitator, Catalysts are people persons, which means they easily relate to other people. Dosen't sound so bad, right? Wait til you hear this next part: "Catalysts are peacemakers and will do anything to avoid conflict. They are also emotional and cry often." <-- HOW PANSY DOES THAT SOUND!? That makes me look like a whiny little BABY. When our facilitator said this I felt like I shrinking into my seat, especially since I was next to Rap, who, much to my scorn, is a Visionary, the coolest type there is. >:C I would've felt a lot worse about being a catalyst if I hadn't been put in the same bracket as my good friends Jules and Cheryl

My only redeeming moment was when our facilitator said that Catalysts are popular people. So I guess that makes us the cool kids. :D :| :(

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LOOK! It's Kuya Gelo in his ASMPH uniform! :D
Friday night, I went to SM Megamall to watch the last Harry Potter with my beloved block as a fundraiser for Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health scholars. I felt at peace on the way to the cinema, sitting in Alessi's car and just watching as the Manila cityscape blurred into intangible neon forms outside the car window. It was a very welcome break from the usual Katipunan view. I thought about home, and how at that point in time my family was also inside a car, also driving to an SM, also watching the same movie as me, also in good company. I missed them dearly. 

At the cinema we saw lots of familiar faces (Health Sciences seniors who are now in ASMPH) in cool white uniforms, and all the while I was wondering if I would one day be wearing that uniform, wearing the same tired-but-happy smile as the med school scholars had on as I welcomed a Health Sci block to a fundraiser event. (I hear med school at Xavier University in CDO isn't so bad.)

I don't wanna discuss the movie here because this isnt' a film blog. All I'll say is that I thoroughly enjoyed it, even though there were some parts were lame. (THE BROOMSTICK CHASE LOOKED TOTALLY FAKE)

Speaking of a film blog, I wonder if there's a really fun class in Ateneo that will teach me how to write film reviews for FREE. Hmmmmm... OH THAT'S RIGHT! There's the Loyola Film Circle's Film Literacy Classes!!! I heard the first one is gonna be tomorrow, July 18, from 4:30-6:00 at Kostka 304, and it's going to be about the Elements of Film. THAT SOUNDS AWESOME! I AM SURELY ATTENDING THAT!
. . .
Oh yeah, one last thing. TIN'S BIRTHDAY! :D 

(c) Andy Europa

Meet our newest blockmate, Sophia! :) (c) Albert Song

That man, my good friends, is one of the greatest photographers ever, Andy Europa. Just thought I'd post this because he's always behind the cam and never in front of it. :) (c) Albert Song

peace (Y)

TINY FROOOOOOOOG so cute I just wanna hug it but then it will get squished and  will die

That is all.


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