looking in the mirror

I just watched the "Born This Way" episode of Glee and cried buckets. In the ending number, each glee club member wore a shirt that said what they hated most about themselves, and then I got to thinking that it must have taken a lot of the actors themselves to appear on television with these insecurities printed out for everyone to see (like Lea Michele, who wore a shirt that said "NOSE"). Personally, if I wrote up a list of things I hate about myself, I could come up with a book about as thick as Principles of General Chemistry . And that's very thick. But anyway, I'll name three, just off the top of my head. Three things I'd love to love about myself: (picture taken right after crying buckets) Eyes (They're not equally sized, and I don't like the way they slant.) Chubby cheeks Crooked lips (seriously. they don't match up :|) I remember the last time I was home, I was standing in front of a mirror and saying "I hate my face....