first of summer

       See the title? It's a song by Urbandub that I like! It's not a song I want playing over and over on my playlist or anything, but it's one of those songs you have resesrved for special occasions. I listen to it when I am nostalgic and I think about little moments in high school.

     Now I sound like my dad. Anyway, I thought of this song today because... Well, it's the first day of summer classes! Hooray for not having any meaningful connection! \:D/ 

    My first class was Psychology 101, and it was at 9:00 too! (Hooray for not having to wake up at 6:30 anymore!) I got to see some of my friends in the hallways and it was a happy reunion that culminated in the consumption of pastel. (Aren't you guys tired of the stuff yet?) 

   A lot of my friends from Health Sci are in the same Psych class I am. Surprise surprise! Our teacher, Ma'am Banzon-Librojo, seems really nice too. And the topics sound very interesting. I think I'm going to love Psych. 

   Right after that I went down to the first floor of CTC (where all my summer classes are - how convenient!) for Fil 14. Gng. Banaue Miclat-Janssen is really nice too. She asked each of us what we remember from Fil 11 and Fil 12, and what did we expect from her Fil 14 class in panitikan. Right before I spoke I said a silent prayer and hoped she would understand what my answer was.

  And THAT'S THE END OF MY CLASSES TODAY WOOHOO!!! I had lunch at the caf with my wonderful wonderful blockmates, and then ducked out for a bit for a little meeting over at the LFC org room. WHO WANTS TO BE AN EXTRA IN THE O-FILM? :D

  Later, Rap, Cheryl, Jessica (aww look we all have blogs!), Miah, Alessi and I went to our first meeting with the Ateneo Book Bench over at the Rizal Libe! We're doing fun things with the library this year!

  Earlier I went to National Bookstore to buy some school supplies, particularly, a soft notebook, an awesome pen, some index cards and an orange highlighter. I love new school supplies. They make studying fun. One of my favorite things in the world is finding a pen that writes perfectly. (And one of my least favorite things in the world is when a pen you thought wrote perfectly stops writing perfectly. YES, I'M TALKING ABOUT YOU, PANDA PEN THAT I BOUGHT FROM THE CAFETERIA RIGHT BEFORE A MATH TEST.)

  Anyway, it feels really good to be back. So much free time on my hands though that I wish I could make better use of. WHY, PAWS? WHY? ;_;


  1. You know Im still not apeased that u didnt pick asleep :(


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