nail polish

       Guess who just got punished for wanting to get a little girly. Earlier I found this nice little bottle of glittery, electric blue nail polish lying around in the room, and without thinking I smoothed it on my fingernails. For minutes afterwards I thought the effect looked pretty cool, but then it just started to looked really gross and unnatural. So I soaked a cotton in what acetone we had and started dabbing my nails with it, but after hours of scrubbing (okay I'm exaggerating), there were still some bits of blue paint left on my fingers. I'd take a picture and post it here, but who would want to see that? :))

      Three days left until I go back to Manila. Does that mean my life is going back to normal? College has never been a normal thing for me, but coming home isn't exactly a routine activity either. I just don't know what's normal anymore. I feel like a lame Eliza Thornberry. With disgusting bluish fingernails.

. . .
     Anyway, because I've been very idle lately (save for what minimal contribution I make to Aluminum Folio), I don't have a lot to write about. Maybe the only other remotely significant thing I did today was play Mortal Kombat: Armageddon on the PS2 with my brother. (Really awesome game, by the way!)

    Sooooo because I am a boring, lazy bum this week, I shall bring back the Random Picture of the Day posts I did last summer! Hooray for not having to think of new ideas!

    Here's my RPOTD:

     It's the Kong Hua School auditorium during my brother's Recognition Ceremony! :D The place looks smaller here than in real life. :))


  1. cooool! your auditorium looks great! and... yes. what you did with nail polish is exactly what i do when i try to put some on. =))

  2. Hahaha I just had electric blue nail polish on my fingernails. It looked awesome but when I removed it yesterday, there was a dark stain so I had to scrape it off this morning. -_-

    Anyway, Kong Hua auditorium looks fabulous! Cool lights! 8D Congratulations to your brother! \:D/


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