start of the second season

Guess what just happened on my blog yesterday!


Sooooo let's all just pretend I posted this a day earlier and say HAPPY FIRST ANNIVERSARY TO MY BLOG! Woohoo! *cue self-congratulating little dance* \:D/

Just a recap of the minimal activity that's been going on here: Last post, I asked you what song you would like playing at your season finale if your life were a TV show. I was looking over all your wonderful comments earlier, and I saw that a lot of your songs were about dying. I didn't exactly mean death when I said "season finale," because season finales are, after all, the closing of just one part of a story and not necessarily the end of the entire story altogether. But anyway, you gave me really awesome answers (except maybe for "Be a Man," which just made me go WTH! good song, but good finale song? ehh). It's really hard to pick a winner, so instead I picked THREE. Hooray for indecision! So, in no order, here are the songs I liked for a season ender:

  • Kelly Clarkson's "My Life Would Suck Without You," as suggested by Pedrito Juanito Aquino dela Cruz. It's a tried-and-tested season ender (Glee used it to cap off Season One), and it does sum up my feelings about the people who were with me for my freshman year. I don't know where I'd be right now if it weren't for them.
  • "If I Die Young" by The Band Perry, suggested by Cher Bear. I'd never heard this song before, so I instantly searched for it when Cheryl mentioned it.  I think it's just beautiful (you can watch the music video here). So lovely and tender. <3 
  • "A Day in the Life" by The Beatles, as suggested by Anonymous. Even though there's a complex back story to it that I'm too lazy to explain (you can read about it in the description part of this video), I picked this song for rather superficial reasons. I just like the way it sounds. I imagine it playing during the end credits of my season finale.  
Other songs were apt as well ("Asleep," "Viva La Vida") and some were rather obvious choices ("Time of My Life," "Seasons in the Sun"), but I really liked all your suggestions (EXCLUDING "BE A MAN" WTH*) so thank you all so much for commenting and for reading my blog! I don't think I actually have that many readers, so thank you so much for those who responded, those who visited, and those who have been around since the beginning. You made my [WARNING: LAME WORD AHEAD] blogaversary [told you] extra special. THANK YOU! VIRTUAL HUG! :D

Now back to regular posting! :D

. . .

Last Friday, my cousins and I slept over at our lola's house. We ate a lot of junk food, watched "scary" movies (read: PARANORMAL ACTIVITY SUCKS), and slept at four in the morning. 

Bed head. 
The next day, I attempted to think of a plot for the 50,000-word novel summer challenge I had gotten myself into with my friends. I had come up with a thin plot about a girl who would receive mysterious letters from a mysterious person about a mysterious subject matter when thankfully Cheryl, Rap, and I decided to abandon the whole project in favor of a cooler, less tedious one! Our new summer project is called Aluminum Folio, a blog where we post the things we write every day for thirty days. We've got some really cool stuff going on there, so go check it out! 

On Sunday, I went with my mom's side of the family to celebrate the graduation of my cousins and my sister. Woohoo! At the beginning of the night I noticed the tremendous amount of enthusiasm my uncle had while he was salestalking us into getting some of the soup that he brought. My mom told me the next morning that the soup was actually made of cow testicles. Those darn suspicious-looking Chinese delicacies! (Oh, my cousins and I jammed for the rest of the night. It was a lot of fun. I realized I know how to drum.)

Yesterday was enlistment (aka "enrollment"), and in Ateneo, this is done mostly online. It's a pretty orderly and hassle-free process. I was part of the first batch (woohoo!) and so I got prime choices for all my two subjects. Yay. 

I should explain. See, everyone in Health Sciences is required to take summer classes. Officially, we're supposed to take Filipino 14 and Psychology 101 in the summer - a total of six units in only six months, but people can choose to take extra subjects to free up some time in our sophomore year (which is gonna be really hectic, I hear).  

Unfortunately, BPI won't allow me to take more units than necessary this summer, so I'm taking just two subjects. Also, I had been made to believe that we were taking our Foreign Language Class this summer (FLC is required for everyone to take btw, regardless of course) instead of later on in the year. I was all set to enlist for a class in German when suddenly the AISIS (the online information system used by Ateneo) tells me that I'm taking FLC in my first semester, and not during summer. :|

K. Fil 14 then. Not German. 

I got a pretty awesome sched though! (Heehee sorry Micha) Every day, from 9:00 to 10:30, I'm taking Fil 14 with Sir Jethro Tenorio (I hear he's an awesome teacher), then right after that I've got Psychology 101 with Ma'am Banzon-Libro (who I also hear is very good) until 12:00. After that, I'm FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. I mean, I'm flying all the way to Manila just to take these two subjects! Yes, that leaves me a lot of free time, but what to do in my spare time, I DO NOT KNOW. I had planned to make good use of my idleness by volunteering at PAWS, but I found out from their website that the soonest they're accepting new volunteers is May 7th! *sigh* This is all because I woke up late for their last volunteer orientation in November. ._. NEVER AGAIN! I WILL NOT FAIL YOU, PAWS!

. . .

I'm going back to Manila next Monday (classes start next Tuesday). Even though it sucks not spending summer in Cagayan, I still have a lot to look forward to (remember those summer plans I told you about?). Plus, I really miss my friends. I can't wait to see them again! It's looking to be a pretty awesome summer.

*Don't get me wrong. I like all songs in Mulan, but "Be a Man" is just not a finale song :))


  1. Oh! To Cheryl, Pedrito, and the anon who suggested "A Day in the Life" - you get to change the text in my blog header ("the perils of" and everything else underneath it) to anything you want for a week. :)) You get a week each, yay. /Lame prize

    Comment here nalang n_n

  2. yay I won! :)):)) I sort of realized that it shouldn't have been about dying after a few days ahahaha... but yay I won! =)) who gets to go first?

    anyway, yeah! i think i'm gonna enjoy summer too! >:D< woohoo! btw, I can't see anything on the pic you took. =))

  3. You're not supposed to! That's the mystery of it *slowly fades away*

    You go first nalang. :))

  4. creeeepy. :))

    oh sige. retain mo yung "perils of". but the subheading should read "sunshine, lollipops and rainbows." =)) yun lang. XD

  5. Hmmm, what should i change your blog page title to? "The Perils of Living in a World Doomed to End in December 2012" should cover it. There, appropriate season-ender, methinks.

  6. Pedrito Juanito Aquino de la CruzFriday, April 08, 2011

    Change your name to: "oh...! hecks....!! no..... !".
    I get this for one week right? MWAHAHAHA!!!

  7. Done, Cheryl. :))

    Anon: Thanks! Not as bad as Pedrito's. :|

    Pedrito: DEAR LORD THAT'S AN AWFUL BLOG TITLE. But okay. :))

  8. Pedrito Juanito Aquino de la CruzFriday, April 15, 2011

    Remember, there is a space after the . in the last part.


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