thoughts and feelings

Sad: This.
Sadder: The person who said "MY LIFE. :>"
Saddest: That this got 39, 299 notes. 

I'd like to believe that the greater portion of the population of teenage girls (maybe the girls who aren't on tumblr) have a lot more on their minds than the pressing issues mentioned in the graphic. What a depressing world we would be living in if this was all we ever thought about eh. 

I remember what Sir Atienza, our Fil 12 professor, told us about representation. If I didn't misunderstand him, he said that no piece of literature, music, or art can ever fully reflect anyone or any group of people at any given time. Whatever we create can mirror only certain aspects of ourselves, and never the entire picture. For example, who you are on Facebook is not who you are in real life, but who you want other people to see you as. Posting "I'm bored" as your Facebook status does not mean that you're a lazy bum who does nothing but complain about how bored you are. It just means that, well, you're bored, and that in an attempt to counteract this boredom you are broadcasting this fact to your six hundred Facebook friends. Similarly, who I am on my blog is not a complete reflection of myself. The persona writing this blog is only the part of me I allow you to see. 

I remember a conversation Rap and I had about Anne Frank and her diary. I said that Anne Frank didn't even have to take a writing course or go study in a prestigious university (woo I spelled "prestigious" right) to have written one of the world's most widely read books. All she had to do was write down her thoughts and feelings at the time she experienced them! It made me think about the future of my blog, and of my own success as a writer. If I were to undergo some sort of extremely traumatic situation that I were to eventually die from, and if I were to jot down my own experiences prior to my untimely death, and if my writings were to somehow survive the apocalypse and live to be published in the future for generations henceforth to take interest in and be required to read in fourth grade literature class, then without a doubt I would be 


Of course by then I'd be too dead to enjoy being 


but it is still something to think about.


  1. Unfortunately Aim it was already mentioned in the news that the persona of the person in Facebook is slowly mirroring the persona of the person. Slowly.

  2. And here it is.


  3. Someone once said each person is like an onion wearing colored glasses.
    Our view of the world is colored by our entire persona (the sum of our nature and nurture).
    Peel off the top layer of the onion, and all you see is another layer.

  4. xewe: FAMOUS

    jo: tl;dr

    mr. use: Onions also make you cry. If you wore colored glasses whilst peeling an onion that is itself wearing colored glasses then no tears would be shed. Of course, wearing colored glasses indoors makes you look totally pretentious.


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