University of the Philippines Diliman

      If you are, or have ever been, a high school student in the Philippines, I'm assuming that you know about the Diliman campus of the University of the Philippines, more commonly known as UPD. Because if you are/have ever been in high school, and you don't know about this university, then you should be ashamed of yourself. Go curl up in a corner and listen to My Chemical Romance and cry. I am ashamed of you.*

     Fortunately, being the good soul that I am, I will provide you a little background about the place. Be grateful that somebody actually had the decency to relieve you of your ignorance and blindness. Yeah, that's right. Just call me The Illuminator.** And, yes, you are forgiven.

    UP Diliman is the Holy Grail of universities here in the Philippines. Its entrance exam, the UPCAT, is the hardest to pass (I think it's because of the right-minus-wrong system). Among all the UP campuses in the country, the Diliman campus is the biggest and most prestigious, having produced powerful personalities such as national artist Fernando Amorsolo, Philippine hero Benigno Aquino Jr., infamous dictators Ferdinand Marcos and Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, and of course, the most revolutionary band in Pinoy music history, the Eraserheads.

    It is every high school student's dream to go to UP Diliman and be an iskolar ng bayan (scholar of the nation). Well, that was my dream, at least (see: this really old post that I now see as superficial and stupid). I craved for the recognition and prestige that came with being an Isko. Going to Ateneo de Manila was a choice that was made for me (as you would know, had you read that dumb old blog post I linked you to a few sentences back). But I digress.

. . .

    Today, my friend Jason and I went to UP Diliman to go visit our friend Joseph. (From my batch in Kong Hua, only five people proceeded to study in Manila: Jason and I, the only two people who went to Ateneo de Manila, Joseph, the only one who went to UPD, and Karen and Michael, who both went to Enderun, a famous [and expensive] culinary/HRM college in Fort Bonifacio.)

    I had asked my roommate Jean, a student at UPD herself, how to get there, and it didn't seem that hard. From my dorm, I walk to a green overpass that's some two blocks away, and then get a jeep that says UP Diliman Campus. (There are lots of UP Diliman jeeps, but you have to get the one that says Campus. All the other UPD jeeps just stop at the gates. The Campus jeeps actually go inside.) After meeting up with Jason in Ateneo, we did just that.

    We didn't have much difficulty getting to UP. Well, I did have to ask the girl beside me how much the fare was (P7.00), and I actually asked the jeepney to stop when we were just a few meters away from the drop-off point (how was I supposed to know!?), but other than that, things went okay.

     When we got down, poor Joseph had to walk all the way from his dorm to where we were, which was right on the opposite side of the campus.

     It's a big campus.

     We walked to Joseph's dorm called Kalayaan. It's beautiful. They even have this rec room with a piano and a big, flat-screen TV!  Joseph tells me that in a day, he only spends about P80 on meals. That would be P20-P30 per meal! Such a far cry from the P80 you have to spend to get a decent meal in Ateneo.

     Joseph showed us the Shopping Center, where one can go to find all sorts of stores: copiers, boutiques, Internet cafe's, restaurants, tailoring shops, salons, and even a dermatology clinic! We had lunch in one of the restaurants there (forgot the name).
       Check it out. That's the UP Supermarket. It has everything you'll ever need: school supplies, food, water, even tools and Tupperware!
There's the spirit of revolution that UP is so (in)famous for.

There's this myth that says if a UP student has his or her picture taken with the Oblation statue, s/he won't graduate on time. Guess that rules out me getting my degree in Medicine at UP!
UP is just so beautiful to walk around on Sundays. So shady. So peaceful.  So many ice cream and chicheria vendors every few blocks :D
. . .

      I wonder what my life would be like right now had I chosen UP instead of Ateneo. I think I'd have a harder time adjusting to college life over there. Also, I wouldn't have met the awesome, wonderful, insanely cool people that I know right now. 

      Jason says that his visit to UP makes him love Ateneo even more. Well, I can't say the same is true for me. Yes, I DO love Ateneo with all my heart and mind and soul that I just get shivers thinking about it.

      But I can't help thinking that if I were to go back in time to that point where I could chose between UP and Ateneo (and given that there were no conflicts with my scholarship), I would have chosen UP. 

     Woah woah woah! Any violent reactions, direct to the comment box, and not to me!  

     *I'm kidding. I am in no way ashamed of you. I LOVE you, dear, sweet, precious reader! Please don't go curl up in a corner and cry because of me. Neither listen to My Chemical Romance. I'm so sorry. I can be so mean sometimes. :(

     **Don't call me The Illuminator.


  1. ... Im not appeased anymore what wrong with My Chemical Romance? :O well theyre ok... i guess... what does UP Manila look like?

  2. Oh no, have I angered thou D: There's nothing wrong with My Chem. It's just that I have a friend who tells me that when's he's sad, he curls up in a corner and slits his wrist to My Chemical Romance. (He's just kidding though... I hope.)

    I dunno about UP Manila. I've never been there yet. I'll tell you all about it as soon as I get to visit :D

  3. Hahaha!But i'm sure you wouln't have chosen to go to UP Manila!

  4. What makes you so sure, Dad? Haha. Yeah, you're right. Not in my choices na!

  5. That was very illuminating! Just would like to know, who took the picture where the three of you were present?

  6. This was so fun to read. :)

    Actually, the first time I went to UP Diliman was 2 weeks ago (I didn't take the entrance exam there) and I couldn't help but think what life would've been had I chosen UP instead of Ateneo..

    ..but yeah, seeing as how I'm practically hopeless with directions and big places, I guess I'm better off at Ateneo. Hahaha. :)

  7. Aimee ::D
    I find it fascinating that you think Kalai is beautiful. Wahahahaha!

  8. FYI, the meals costs 85 a day, available only at weekdays and Saturday. Also another myth about Oble says that if a high school student taking the UPCAT takes a picture together with Oble, he will not pass the UPCAT... XD

  9. That sounds interesting ^_^. well neither of those schools,the important thing is you can have education ^_^. not all people can go to college and study in a prestigious schools. be thankful ^_^. im glad your from kong hua ^_^.

  10. ^ YOU'RE from Kong Hua :))


  11. Jo: Oh, P85? THAT'S CHEAP NA!!! You can't live under P100 in Ateneo :))

    Hey CDO Schools! Wow! I love your website! And, thank you so much for saying that! It really is an honor to be in Ateneo. Or, in college for that matter :)) Are you from Kong Hua too? :D

    Anon: YEAH ME TOO!!! I wanna go back! It's such a cool place B-)

  12. Anonymous: "That was very illuminating! Just would like to know, who took the picture where the three of you were present?"

    Hahaha! Excellent question. That picture's Photoshopped :)) Jason wasn't originally in it. He was the one taking me and Joseph's picture!

    JAMMED: Same here. Much, much better off in Ateneo! \m/

    Sandy: Really? But it really IS beautiful! :D

  13. HAHAHAHA! :D yeah, you should've chosen UP over Ateneo. Being an "isko" is such an honor i would forever cherish...

    On the other hand, everything happens for a reason! Just don't curl up in a corner, listen to My Chemical Romance and cry.. Hahaha... Just kidding. :)

    BTW, I enjoyed reading... :D

  14. Thank you very much, Anon! Yes, everything happens for a reason. I'm loving Ateneo. But I will forever wonder how different my life would have been, had I chosen to be an Isko instead of a Blue Eagle.

    Anyway, thank you so much! :D I appreciate your reading very very much!

  15. Why are you "much, much better off in Ateneo"? What makes it so wonderful to love it more than UP?

    1. Answered you here :)

  16. Hi Aimee! I was looking for Filipina bloggers from UP Diliman when I came across this site. I realized later on (after hopping from one article to another) na - Oh, she's from Ateneo pala. Anyway, I'm glad na you considered UP as your "first love", but found your true happiness in Ateneo. Kamusta na ang med school? Buti at nakakapag-sulat ka pa and travel, although of course I'm sure you have to manage your time really well to be able to do that. I'm wondering if you're interested to collaborate for a writing project with other women writers. Hindi naman siya formal set -up so walang pressure and dahil busy rin ang mga tao, we have yet to decide sa time frame. Ang first step lang is to gather all Filipina writers /bloggers / art enthusiasts (our age) together and discuss the project from there. Email me for questions/ inquiries Salamat.

    - Ingrid (Iska batch 2009)


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