an admission, and an SOS

Hello dear reader. Before you proceed any further in my blog, I have something important I really need to tell you.

I'm not a fun person. I'm not interesting, or extraordinary, or anything. I'm the exact opposite of all that.

I'm a very very very boring and unremarkable teenager.

And no, I'm not being sarcastic, or even fishing for compliments.

Because this is the truth. It's the reality of my life, and I thought that it just wouldn't be right leading you on.

So, hello. My name is Aimee, nickname, Bea. I lead an uninteresting life for now, but I'm moving to Manila in a few weeks' time, so try checking this blog by then and maybe I'll have something even remotely stimulating to offer you guys.

. . .

If you're wondering, by the way, what took me so long to "come out of the boring closet," well it's just that in the past two days I've gotten two invitations to go to the movies in Limketkai Mall. One from my friends from the Rotary Youth City Council, and another from my good ol' cousins.

But you know what?

I'm not sure I want to go with any of them.

It's not because I don't like them - NO! Not at all. I love these people sooooo much - but rather, I feel like if I tag along with any of them, I'll be a wet blanket or something.

Because, like I've told you, I'm not fun!

When I go to the mall (with my family) we usually just check out the pet store, the bookstores, and then The Tunnel (you know, the place in Ketkai where you can find China-made cellphones and clothes and such).

Gahhh. I'm so boring, I'm putting myself to sleep.

Are you suffering from insomnia? Spend a few minutes with me and that'll be aaaaall taken care of.

. . .

I'm also worried about how I'm ever gonna make friends in Manila. It's not that I'm a shy person, because I know how to introduce myself and make small talk and such, but what comes next after I've exhausted all my "Hello! What's your course?"'s and "Where are you from?"'s? (Okay I do NOT know how to punctuate that properly.)

I'm not a talkative person. Even when I'm with my best friends, I'm pretty quiet.

I guess I can be noisy when there's a good topic on hand, but otherwise, I don't say much.

Surprising, no? How can I be so quiet in real life when I'm so noisy on the Internet?

I dunno. I can't answer that myself.

. . .

Anyway. I guess the big question that's circling inside myself now is, when I'm in Manila, should I...

a.) Be myself? My quiet, untalkative self? or

b.) Put on a mask and pretend to be loud and peppy and full of chatter? :/




  1. cliche, but you should just be yourself. ::D
    a lot of people already love you for who you are right now - no pressure ::D

    besides, i''m sure admu will make socializing easy for you ::D

  2. by the way, whoever said you were boring?!?!?

  3. awww thank you Sandy thank you Sandy thank you Sandy! you're too nice :)
    nobody said that i'm boring naman. but... wala lang. that's what i think gyud. haha! thanks again <3

  4. Well you shouldn't pretend, but change your ways instead.

  5. Like... try to be more talkative perhaps? :)

  6. just be's not like everyone in Manila is talkative. haha!!

  7. Hi! I'm a fellow freshie from the OrSem Forums :)

    Quote: "Be yourself, everybody else is taken."

    Hm, I find that pretending to be what you're not will only disappoint yourself -- and the friends you will find -- in the end. Not to mention tire yourself out for no reason.

    I'm pretty boring myself. Tapulan pud ko mu storya kung dili ko interesado. (And I find gregarious people exciting at first and later find it exhausting when they're too brash and energetic for me :/)

    Its okay to be boring...just not every time, ALL the time. When the activity seems interesting, investing some time and energy might be well worth it when you look back.

    Hahaha, ang haba na pala. Best wishes :D (ako rin kinakabahan about college xD)

  8. Anonymous: True, true! Hahaha!

    Hi Chrysline! Woohoo! Admu Frosh! :D Hey, thanks for that. You don't sound boring to me! You don't sound like a freshman either :)) Haha! Woo! Hope you're liking the Ateneo as much as I am :)


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