the la la land appeal

Tonight my friend Jason texted to ask me if I've confirmed my slot in University of Santo Thomas. Haha! (Most of my friends still think I'm going to UST and taking MedTech, when in fact I'm going to ADMU and taking Health Sciences.)

I wonder how long I can keep this up for. Maybe I'll keep it a secret for as long as possible over the summer, so that when it's time to go to school, poof! Surprise, surprise! I'm an Atenean after all. :)

Which reminds me of something Ma'am Sabuero, my school's guidance counselor, told me a couple of months back. When I told her I was having a tough time picking between UP and ADMU, she said that she'd much rather have me studying in ADMU. She said that the Ateneo is a lot safer than UP... Another way of saying that UP is full of drug addicts and bugoys.

Today as I picked up my Certificate of Good Moral Character, I told her that I'm finally sticking with ADMU.

"See?" she said. "It was really meant to be."

"Yeah Ma'am," I said. "I really hope you're right!"

. . .

Am I meant to be with ADMU? I don't know. After all, I'm not a Starbucks-drinking, skinny jeans-wearing, party-going urban dweller like the average Atenean supposedly is!


You know, in this part here I'd like to share this short snippet of conversation I had through text with my good friend MJ. (if you're reading this right now Emj, I hope it's all right with you! It's not copyrighted, is it?)

Here it is. (Non verbatim.)

MJ: ...Take this party as a training ground for the many parties you'll be invited to in Manila, Aim! ADMU na gyud ka?

Me: Wahhh no way! Dili ko magpa influence ana. Yup, ADMU. Sure na! :)

MJ: Go Aim! Outshine em all... Wow, the girl I just laughed with yesterday is finally stepping into ADMU. And pursuing Medicine after... I hope if bigtime naka Aim di dyapon ko nimu limtan. Hehe.

Me: Aww. Of course Emj!!! How could I ever forget you? I'll forget my own birthday before I'll forget a dear friend!

MJ: Lol that made me feel relieved. Haha! Be sure to update your perils thing blog :)

. . .

Awww thank you so much MJ. Really, thank you!

I'm not going to forget you, or any of my friends. It's just not possible anyway, so there's no need to worry about that :)

. . .

This sounds strange, but what I am worried about though is forgetting myself. Because Manila changes people.

And right now, I think I'm perfectly fine with who I am: an unsociable homebody who prefers playing Ragnarok over attending social gatherings! (Can I make myself sound any more like a chubby nerd?)

I want to stay the same. And you know what?

I WILL stay the same.


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