first post

Hello :D
Welcome to my blog.
oooooI guess I should take this time to explain myself before you read any further. You know, so you'll know a little bit more about me, and I won't just be some creepy stranger Internet girl whose blog you just happened to stumble upon.
oooooHopefully you'll know a little better who I am and what my purpose is here, in this tiny, little corner of the Internet I call my blog.
oooooYes, I'm rambling now.
oooooJust so you won't go on reading unwarned, I want to inform you right now that you will be encountering a lot more strange and pointless paragraphs like this, should you wish to proceed reading in my blog...
*pause for a moment*
And now, here it is:
My Point.
(Fade from white. Cue background music: "Suddenly I See," by K.T. Tundsall.)
(Cue life montage.)
. . .
My name is Aimee, 16 years old. My family calls me Bea. That's my nickname (and it comes with an irrelevant background story which I will save for some other post). Hence, the title of this blog: Bea in Manila.
I'm not from Manila though. More of that later.
I went to Kong Hua School for thirteen wonderful years, and I graduated very recently - just last March 21, 2010.
That's me with my awesome family (sans my little brother Jiggy).
God has given me so many things this 2010, and I can never thank Him enough. Thanks to him, I have accomplished the following:
  1. being born
  2. having Caitlin Rose as my sister and Luigi (simply Jiggy to us) as my brother
  3. being raised by the best parents any kid could ever want
  4. growing up in the best city in the whole Philippines: Cagayan de Oro!
  5. living the best of both worlds (NOT a reference to a Hannah Montana song); my mom is Chinese and my dad's Filipino. As a kid, I had always wondered why I wasn't one thing or the other, but now I realize it's awesome being raised with two different cultures.

You might not consider those things "real" accomplishments, but for me, I'm ecstatic to have been given those five.

Aside from that, this 2010, God is showering me and my family with so much of His graces that it's impossible to put them down in list form. However, I'll enumerate to you these few because I think they're quite essential to my story here on my blog... (You'll find out why soon enough.)

  1. I passed all the college entrance exams I applied for: UP, ADMU, UST. I even got into the Ateneo Freshmen Director's List for the Top 200 students in the ACET! Surreal!
  2. I was granted all the scholarships I applied for: BPI Scholarship Foundation, DOST, ADMU and XU!
  3. My parents are letting me study in Manila!

. . .

So, there you have it.

The bits and pieces of my life so far, squeezed fresh and sliced into bite-size chunks for you to digest, pass, and forget.

And now that that's done, it's time for the piece de resistance:

Why I'm Doing This.

I can write two whole pages explaining Why I'm Doing This (three pages, if you feed me enough chocolate) but, simply put, I'm Doing This because I want to help guide graduating high school students who are facing the same problems* I'm facing.

Hmm. Now that I put it in words, it sounds paradoxical. How can I possibly help people with the problems* I have yet to solve myself?

Well, you tell me. I'm just here to narrate my experiences, figuring out how to get from Point A to Point B to Point B-98.36.1246. And if, in any way, I have been able to help you out, even if it's by just a tiny bit...

That would be awesome :)

So, that's it for My Introduction. Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed it.

Leave a reply and tell me what you think :)

*problems include: figuring out which course to choose, which college to go to, and how to survive schooling away from home


  1. Dear me from the past,

    You are an okay writer, but you're going to get a lot better. :))

    2011 Aimee

    1. Dear me from 2011,

      Greetings from the future! You aren't even THAT good of a writer so shut up.

      2014 Aimee

    2. Dear 2014 self,

      Why so hostile?! Chill out. Be nice.

  2. Glad everything's led you to who you are today. :)

  3. You're too nice to me, Total Stranger. Thank you. :')

  4. Hi ate aimee! I was hoping i could get some advice from you, because i read your blog, and the thing is, we both have the same dilemma. Ive passed yhe four big universities, but right now, im considering UPM nursing and admu ab psych. Both schools are pretty good in their own individual ways, and both are really extremely competitive when it comes to med school. Any advice? I would really appreciate your point of view! -Raya castillo, 4th year hs

  5. Hi ate aimee! I was hoping i could get some advice from you, because i read your blog, and the thing is, we both have the same dilemma. Ive passed yhe four big universities, but right now, im considering UPM nursing and admu ab psych. Both schools are pretty good in their own individual ways, and both are really extremely competitive when it comes to med school. Any advice? I would really appreciate your point of view! -Raya castillo, 4th year hs

    1. Hi Raya! Congrats on passing the Big Four! Yes, both UPM and AdMU are excellent schools. I can't give you any advice on a decision as big as which course and school you should pick because I don't really know you aside from the information you've given me here.

      All I can say is I currently have classmates in med school from both those courses you're considering, and they're doing equally well. Of course each person has his/her individual strengths and weaknesses, but the Nursing graduates seem more prepared when it comes to clinical stuff like history taking and physical examination (PE) techniques. In fact, Dex (a Nursing graduate from UPM) usually offers to give tutorials on PE techniques and is very good at history taking himself.

      As for AB Psych, I'm not actually sure about the distinction between AB and BS Psych so I'll have to clarify that with a friend.

      You know what, I'll just ask Dex and Alich (a friend from Psych) to comment here so you can get a better picture :D

    2. I dug up Dex's old Facebook note entitled "Why You Should NOT Study at the University of the Philippines (College of Nursing)." Check it out here!

    3. Here's the reply from Alich, who's in BS (not AB) Psych. BTW he's the valedictorian of my batch in AdMU :))

      "I would honestly say baka kulang kung AB Psych ang pre-Med niya. The dif. bet BS and AB is that BS students already incorporate the science units required by ASMPH on top of the purely psych track of AB.

      However, 2 things to note here:

      (1) ASMPH ang medschool na main basis for the science units BS people take, such that if another medschool demands more--kailangan pang i-fulfill iyon ng BS psych stude (usually on his own)
      (2) Even with BS psych, super basic lang ang ma-cocover ng course relative to a life directed to a career in Medicine. Enough lang to "survive" (aka "pass") first year Med

      As much as I would like to advocate my course, I cannot do so without further info on how this incoming college freshman have come down to these 2 choices of UPM Nursing and AdMU AB Psych :)"


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