Thank you, ASMPH

Right now, the inside of my head feels all fuzzy and my eyes are impossibly puffy. It's because I've been crying and crying and crying these past few hours, and the reason for that is that around 8 PM tonight, as I was about to dig into a salad, I got a call from Mr. Peabody.

Mr. Peabody works for the financial aid committee of the Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health, and when I saw his name flashing on the screen of my phone as it rang, I was not expecting good news. I knew the scholarship results were supposed to come out tomorrow, so the fact that he was already calling me at this hour probably meant something bad. It probably meant that I didn't make it, and that he wanted to break the news to me gently, before the list came out and before the scholars started celebrating. Our conversation went like this:

Hello Aimee? Hello?
Yes, Sir. Hi.

Hello. So we've made a decision already. 

Do you want to be a nurse?

Didn't you want to take up nursing?
...Uh, no...

So you really want to be a doctor?
I really do.

Well congratulations. You just earned yourself a 100%  scholarship.
......................................................OHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGODOASDLFKJ AS;LFJASLD;FKJ ASL;DFJA SLDKFJASLFJASLDJFASLDFJ *random blubbering ensues*

Now, here's the bad news.
...What is it?

The scholarship is for Fatima University.
(Mr. Peabody has a terribly dry sense of humor and it's really hard to tell when he's joking. At this point I kind of believed he was telling the truth.)

Just kidding. You got the scholarship.
Are you sure it's me? This is Aimee, sir!

Your last name is C-A-P-I-N-P-U-Y-A-N, correct?

Then you got it.

When you go for confirmation, you don't have to pay the fee anymore. Just-
(I couldn't hear him anymore over my own sobs but I pretend to, anyway) Okay sir. Thank you so much.

All right, goodnight.

After the phone call, I took a while to cry and scream and blubber to myself. I couldn't believe it (I still  can't). I was not expecting it at all. Without even trying to collect myself, I called my parents and Rap to tell them the news.

Rap instantly invited me out for a celebratory coffee, and then minutes later, he shows up with a box of chocolate and six pink roses. Just when I thought the night couldn't get any better.

I'm so happy. And still in shock. During my scholarship application, I applied for an 80% scholarship. My dad said even 50% would be a big big help. AND THEY GO AND GIVE ME A FULL ONE OMG I'm tearing up again.

Salamat, Ateneo. Salamat, ASMPH. If not for this scholarship, I wouldn't have been able to afford ASMPH. But now I'm definitely on the road to getting that MD-MBA!!!

Above all, I'm happiest that my med school won't be a financial burden to my parents. Honestly, that was something I felt so agonizingly guilty about for so long - making them sacrifice so much to put me through five more years of school. And now they won't have to. Now they can breathe easy. And so can I. I'm SO so happy. This is a TREMENDOUS help to my family. Really. Thank you, Ateneo. Thank you, ASMPH. And thank you, Mr. Peabody.

Thank you thank you thank you. I cannot say it enough.


  1. Congratulations aimee! :)))))) hihihi cheers for our med school-MBA success!!!!!!!

  2. Awwww Rap's pink roses!

  3. I came from the dentist today and felt so poor. While on my way home, I was pondering how I can afford to pay for my daughter's tuition when even a basic dental treatment is totally out of the budget. I prayed so hard, so hard for the good news... And then you called! I felt like I won the lotto! Weeeeeeee! Thank you, ASMPH!

  4. Congratulations Aimee! You're gonna be a great doctor! Cheers!

  5. Congrats Aims! You deserve it :)

  6. Congrats Ate Aimee! :))) You deserve it!

  7. Hi! I just want to know what's the grade requirement for ASMPH scholarship. Thanks! and Goodluck! :)

  8. Hello, I just wanted to know was the notice of result for the scholarship was relayed to you before the confirmation date or not. Your response is much appreciated.

    1. Yup I think they came a day before confirmation, but that almost did not happen.

  9. Hello, how did you apply for scholarship at ASMPH?? If its no hassle to you may I know the requirements needed? Thank you in advance :)

  10. Hi! Do you need to have latin honors for you to pass the scholarship? I really want to get into ASMPH but I don't think we can afford the tuition fee :(

  11. Hi! I'm an incoming first year at ASMPH for S.Y. 2017-2018. I just want to ask about how you got the scholarship? Is it possible for me to have one? Are there any requirements po? Thank you!

  12. Hi! May I know what are the inclusions in your scholarship at ASMPH? Does the fee for transition program included? Thank you!


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