NMAT tips

I know I promised a Batangas post (as if you really keep track of the things I promise), but in the past two days there have been about four people chatting me up on Facebook to ask about the NMAT. So perhaps this post would be of greater interest to the general public (as if I really care about the interests of the general public).

I took the December 2012 NMAT (the earliest option for me) because my parents told me I should. They made me take it that early because they said it was to prepare me for the April 2013 NMAT, which I thankfully don't need to take anymore because I got a score of 99+. And yes, I have to mention my score here, because in the words of my friend Mike, it gives me "the right" to share my NMAT tips.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How long did you review?
Two weeks before the test. I know that Cheryl and Karl, my two other friends who got 99+, reviewed only two weeks prior as well. But those two weeks include time that I spent at school, and time that I spent doing work apart from my review. So all in all, the total time I actually spent reviewing probably adds up to only 3 days (with 8 hours of sleep each day!).

2. For how long should I be reviewing?
It depends on you! I have heard of some people who study for more than a month but end up getting only 80-something. And then there are some people like my friends Pio and John (both of whom do not know I am mentioning them here) who don't study at all but still get scores around 95.

3. What do you think about enrolling in review centers?
Self-review works just as fine.

4. How did you review? 
I bought the MSA NMAT reviewers. The complete set too, with the additional Chemistry, Bio, and Physics booklets (if I can remember correctly) because I wanted to be cool like that! I'd bring them around with me in school so that in my free time, I would review. Just one booklet per day.
I scored really, really low in the MSA tests and got pretty depressed because of that. But my friend (I think it was Cheryl or Karl) told me that the MSA reviewer is always 10x harder than the actual NMAT, and so I stopped studying that and started concentrating on the online practice test that the NMAT guys send through email. It's easier and is a better approximation of the actual NMAT.

5. Is it hard?
Yeah. It's a real mental workout. Some ex-NMAT takers make it sound like it's a piece of cake, and I would agree so, if that cake were made of concrete and topped with granite sprinkles. Happy birthday to the ground!

6. The test is a week away and you're telling me it's like eating concrete cake. Should I panic?
No. Take it easy. Eat some real cake, if that's what you're into.

7. What do I need to prepare myself?

Things You Probably Don't Need 
  1. Expensive, month-long review classes 
  2. Study notes from high school
  3. Calculus
  4. Extreme pressure and depression
  5. Jugs of coffee (water works too, Jhanna!)
Things You Probably Do Need
  1. A good reviewer
  2. YouTube tutorial videos (Click here for the really short reviewer playlist that I made)
  3. Some semblance of stock knowledge
  4. Moderate pressure
  5. All the review snacks you want. Gummy worms are mostly sugar and empty calories but if they make you happy, go indulge yourself! (This is also what I tell myself when I'm picking between candy or fruits.)
Things You Definitely Need
  1. The online reviewer provided by the NMAT guys (For me this is a MUST. But I guess people like Pio and John can do without it.) 
  2. Support from friends and family. Seriously. They're the ones who will keep believing in you long after you stop believing in yourself. 
8. What happens during the test itself?
You sit down on a chair and you take a pencil and you fill in circles on a piece of paper using that pencil. 

9. How much time do I have for each part?
I don't remember well, but I think it was 3 hours for Part I and 2 hours for Part II. I think. 

10. What do I need on the day of the test?
I'm sure that the NMAT website will have come with specific enough instructions about what to bring, and these are, if memory serves correctly: 
  1. a pencil with an eraser
  2. your identification form
But I think that you'll find these really useful as well:
  1. A watch to keep track of time
  2. Lunch, because my friends and I spent almost an hour looking for someplace to eat
  3. Light snacks
  4. A jacket
  5. A huge bottle of water
  6. Adult diapers. The lines for the bathroom are really long.
If you have no sense of humor, then I must tell you that unless you have bladder issues, I'm totally kidding about the diapers. 

11. What do the other ex-takers have to say about NMAT?
Here's what Cheryl and Kankan commented in a post in our Health Sci batch groups (I haven't asked either of them for permission to share this yet but I'm sure they'll be cool with it because they're both really nice like that!):

Cheryl's Advice 
Good luck everyone! Some tips I got from the internet and from my experience which were could be helpful to you too: 
Before the test:
  • study the reviewer provided to you online when you applied. It's available for download in the website. Mark those you aren't sure of and study those parts. Not just the answers to them but the concepts around those questions, especially in Bio and Physics and the Social Sciences. Sociology is not bad, but Psychology must not be underestimated!!! :))
  • get enough sleep!!! I got really tired na during the 2nd part especially because it's right after lunch time. You also don't have that much time in 2nd part unlike the first part, so you have to stay awake!
  • speaking of lunch, BRING BAON. All food places in and outside of UST will be jam-packed (even Mini-Stop HAHAHA). So don't put yourself through plowing through crowds and bring baon!
  • bring nice pencils and erasers. Nice pencils = dark but does not smudge. Nice erasers = erases clean but does not eat up the paper :))
  • PRAY. Do it even if you don't believe in God. It helps because it's like giving yourself a pep talk.
During the test:
  • in the parts with identifying the next letter in a series, it helps to always write down the entire alphabet on scratch paper. It saves time and you won't need to stress yourself out trying to find patterns mentally.
  • in parts where you have to identify which picture/statement is exactly the same as the one given, look at the choices first. If you find a difference between two choices, then that's a point of comparison to the original picture/statement. Also, in comparing the statements, look at punctuation marks (HYPHENS and PERIODS), capitalization, spelling. I answered these questions by elimination.
  • I only shaded the circles partially as I answered, and shaded them fully after when I had the time. It's better to rush your shading than rush your actual answering of questions. :))
After the test:
  • Don't spend time worrying about the results. Enjoy summer!!!

Kankan's Advice
Hello guys! :))  Good luck sa nmat. What I learned from my experience is to not underestimate the first part which includes analogy, quantitative, some reasoning tests with shapes, patterns and numbers. It's something I practiced to just familiarize myself with the format, I used the red msa reviewer because I think they have the correct format but I guess others will do. For quantitative it's really elementary to intermediate algebra with some trig and geometry. Mostly word problems: mixture, some clock, work (not the physics kind), distance, evaluating algebraic expressions, equation of the line (slope, intercepts), inequalities. The second part is really testing what we've learned from ateneo. :))) good luck!
See? Told you they're nice!

12. Thanks! Now I'm totally confident and ready for the test!
Hah! Sure you are.

Good luck and chill out! :)


  1. How much is the tuition fee in the Ateneo? How many sems per year?

    1. Approximately P70,000 for a semester, and there's 2 regular semesters. You might, depending on your course, get an additional summer semester. My tuition fee for last year's summer sem was P23,000 :)

    2. is it true that if you get an NMAT score 95% above you could get a full scholarships on school offering MED?

    3. From the schools I've asked about (UE, ASMPH, St. Luke's), that doesn't seem to be the case. Scholarships usually depend on college grades and the person's financial status. NMAT does factor in, but I don't think it's the only determinant of whether you get a scholarship.

  2. Are the students required to take up the summer sem?

    1. Depends on your course. Mostly it's the School of Science and Engineering (SOSE) courses that have summer classes.

  3. My course in Ateneo is BS Health Sciences as well. :) Isn't the Php 23,000 fee for the summer sem a fixed rate?

    1. I think the tuition goes up every year. :)) I'm not sure about this though.

    2. Okay this year my tuition is 30,000 something -_-

  4. Does the tuition fee for the summer sem depend on how many units you want to take?

    1. I think it also depends on the kind of subjects you're taking. For example, if you're taking a lab class (not sure if this is possible during summer) then you have to pay extra for lab fees.

  5. Are there management units in Health Sciences? Are there management units that aren't taken in other Science courses in the Ateneo?

    1. Yeah! We have Leadership and Strategy (LS) and Accounting (the subject is really called Resource Management). LS and Accounting are taken up by other courses, but our management subjects are appropriated in a health context. Like for our Accounting class, we had to create a health-related business.

  6. Which branch/es of Science are you Health Sciences people more focused on? Or equal lang ang Bio, Chem and Physics?

    1. We have 18 units Chem (Biochemistry is technically a Chemistry subject) , 8 units of Bio (10, if you take Physiology as an elective), and 8 units of Physics. The regular curriculum seems to be more focused on Chem. :))

  7. I mean the course Health Sciences itself, not the people taking it up. Your curriculum in Health Sciences is focused on which branch of Science?

    1. Seems like it's Chem, but it's really hard to say because you can choose to take electives that deal with Bio. :))

  8. So if someone doesn't like Chem, that someone shouldn't take up Health Sciences?

    1. Someone's like or dislike for one subject shouldn't be the sole basis of her decision to take up Health Sci, or any course. :))

      I used to hate Chem too but I learned to like it when I took Health Sci. :))

  9. But is Health Sci really focused on Chem? I mean, one should take up BS Bio if he is into bio. Another should take up BS Chem if he is into chem.

    1. Then one should take up Health Sci if he is into public health. :) Among Bio, Chem, and Physics, the curriculum is definitely more focused on Chem. But the course itself provides a holistic view on health.

      Check out our curriculum! :) http://sose.ateneo.edu/global/UserFiles/File/20110905100941223_HealthSci%20curriculum%20revised%202008.pdf

    2. Chem and Bio take up only two years of your Health Sci life. The next two years (your junior and senior terms) will be spent looking at public health. :)

  10. Do you think that the Health Sci course tackle sufficient units which can prepare you for the medicine proper?

    1. I'm not in med school yet so I don't think I'm qualified to make a judgment.

      But I actually heard that in med school, the playing field is level among all the courses. I know someone who took up Management in Ateneo and is now top of his batch at UERM (the UE med school).

  11. Heeeheee. Thank you very much for this. I followed everything you wrote HAHA. And yuh, my point was valid! :p

    1. ^ For everyone's information, Mike got 99+ on the April 2013 NMAT. See what happens when you follow my advice? HAHA.

      Just kidding. Mike is naturally intelligent. Read his own NMAT tips article here! http://mikhailcam.blogspot.com/2013/05/how-to-survive-nmat-experience.html

    2. I fell asleep during the 2nd part of my nmat exams and literally failed to answer majority of the questions, but still passed with an average of 81%. thanks to the first part of the exam which I almost perfected... hihihi

  12. Hi. Were you in your senior year when you took the NMAT?

    1. No, I took it when I was a junior. :) In my second semester.

  13. Hello! I'm a psychology major - as in AB psych. Hehe! And I really want to go to med school! And I'm planning to take the NMAT this december!
    My course doesn't really have a lot of bios chems and physics. Just around 5units for each, so I know well that I'm behind! I just want to try the test on December, just to have a sort of orientation(which I know I will get in review centers, but I don't want to enroll). I know med schools require a certain number of units per subject and I'm planning to earn those credits, but I want to take the NMAT first talaga hehehe (i know, baliw right? Considering i'm an average student lang!)
    I'm planning to review starting now, reading hs books cover to cover for bio, chem, and physics.
    My only problem is that, I don't know how I'll gauge my knowledge by then :( (a very long comment for a very short question)
    Do you know where I can get a reliable practice set? Like the ones that CEM gives you (not the MSA:()? I want to try it eh, kasi I might be reviewing for the wrong test! Can you help me? :((

    Ps! Thank you for your blog. :) And congrats on your score! Wow! Just wow!!!

    1. Hi! I think it's great that you're taking the test in December. I know many people who consider themselves "average students" and still end up getting 90+ on the NMAT!

      I don't know any other reliable practice sets though. I guess you'll have to go to a review center for that (but I think that's really just a waste of money). You can still opt for the MSA reviewer. It's pretty reliable when it comes to some tests in Part I (vocabulary, visual acuity). The science parts are really hard, but at least they can point you to where you need to study. :)

      Thanks for dropping by! :D

  14. hi! you have a nice blog! thanks to you coz im getting ideas. my question is does the first part of the nmat exam really a verbal one? hahahha.. not so good in verbal tests kasi so i might prepare for it??? :) thanks!

    1. Hi! To be clear, the first part of the NMAT is verbal, not oral. Meaning, it's still a written test.

      Prepare for the verbal test by studying analogies. Review your synonyms and antonyms too. :) The test is to see how well you can draw connections between words.

  15. thank you so much for the tips! :)
    I'm planning to take the NMAT this year or next year before I hopefully go to Med school.

    the validity of NMAT is 2 years so you needn't to take the test within 2 years after or does it depend on your percentile ranking?

    1. Hey! :) I really don't know if that validity thing holds true. I've had friends tell me that it doesn't matter when you take it. :))

      I don't know about this. Better email the guys over at CEM :)

  16. hi i'm a graduating student, BS Nursing, and for the longest time i've been aiming to become a doctor, and i'm planning to take NMAT on December so i was checking out some articles about it and i came across with this and it was really fun to read. i dunno but it's like cheering me up so i decided to believe in you all the way haha. thank you for this wonderful blog post. :) while reading it, i thought, you might actually be someone who could help me make up my mind whether to continue to medicine or not. lol. the thing is, for some reasons when i entered college i stopped giving my best in my studies and because of that i lost half of my confidence to persue medicine, my grades are now average and i'm not one of the top students in the class, maybe i'm worrying for something stupid but i dunno maybe i just wanted to hear from other people that i can do eat. neah really i'm not making any sense right now, my mind's a mess. anyway that for the tips, great help!

  17. *people that i can do IT.
    clearly i'm not one of the smartest kid in the block and most probably i'm not anywhere as smart as you (to get 99+) but the way you say thing in your blog, it makes me think that, ah i might be possible even for someone like me.

    1. Hello there! Thanks for the kind words. :) Glad you enjoyed reading my post!

      I think you can definitely do it. Your grades don't really say much about your capacity to score high on the NMAT. Take me for example! I'm an average student who doesn't get exceptionally high or low grades. But I got a pretty good score on the NMAT! :)

      Remember to give your best all the time. :)

    2. Wait I didn't mean to say "all the time."

      Give your best sometimes. And take breaks and be happy.

  18. THANK YOU! Godbless!

  19. thank you ate aimee. :)
    guess what? your post really helps me.
    it's really a big help especially in reaching my dream. I really want to be a doctor someday. But I am always worried because my course do not really focus on the medicine side but almost part of it is on the teaching side..
    how'd you help me out of it? after reading your post, i was now having a greater chance and trust knowing that I will soon be there. I mean, buong buo na ung loob na kumuha ng NMAT because of greater self-confidence. :) that's because of you. :D
    may i ask the website of the online reviewer for NMAT pls.? :)

    1. Hi! :) Thanks for the kind words. Maintain your confidence, okay? :D Keep working hard!

      The online reviewer for the NMAT is only available once you've registered. :) Registration isn't open as of now (you can check here https://www.cem-inc.org.ph/nmat/nmat/apply ) so your best option, if you want to start reviewing this early (you don't need to, i swear) is by getting a reviewer. I use MSA. :)

  20. Hi there! Your blog seems to be very helpful to us who are interested in taking the NMAT. I'm lucky to get the chance to see your page. I am planning to take the exam this December and I think I still have a lot of time to prepare. Just wanted to ask you how and where to start with regards to reviewing? I still dunno where to start or what to review first. Can you give me an advice on what to prioritize as I start reviewing? Thank you in advance! :)

    1. Hi, I'm really sorry for replying just now! Anyway it's not too late hihi.

      Thanks for the kind words! :) If the test is still in December then you definitely have a lot of time to prepare.

      I don't think it matters where or how you start reviewing. What matters is that you actually DO IT! The best strategy, I think, is just to get off your butt and start doing it.

      I don't think there's any "right" way to prioritize topics, but for me I started with the topics that I thought were easiest (English and spatial acuity, in my case). Get the easy ones out of the way first so that you can dedicate most of your time to studying the difficult ones. :)

      That's about it! Talk to me if you need help! :)

  21. Hello, I'm a BS Bio student, and I'm thinking to take NMAT this December. I just want to know if math questions in the test sucks? also I'm planning to have some part time jobs if I fortunately gotten myself into a med school, can I survive taking med and some work at the same time?

    1. Hello, BS Bio student :D

      The Math questions were manageable. If I remember correctly, some of them were work problems (like "If one hose takes 9 hours to fill a pool, and another hose takes only 5 hours, how long will it take to fill the pool if both hoses are used?"). Some of them were algebra problems. There was something in there that had to do with log.

      There isn't any calculus though so you can relax if you suck at calculus like I do.

      Also, good luck with your part time job in the future. I don't know what it's really like to be in med school yet (I'm still in premed) but I do know about some people who have done that before. It's definitely not gonna be easy but I think it's possible.

      Good luck. :)

  22. Heya there!

    I really got a few ideas about the NMAT thing as of the moment so Im thinkin there's a passing rate ( like you need to get above 80% as passing rate and as a requirement for admission to a med school)

    1. Yup. :) The cut-off percentage differs with each med school. As far as I know, in ASMPH it's 95%. In UERM it's 60%. In UP it's 99%.

  23. Hi Aimee! I happened to drop by your blog post as I was browsing the net to look for NMAT tips. I'll be taking the test this December, and I must say, your blog added up encouragement. Congrats on your NMAT score! Hope I could also get a 90+. :D

    Thank you for sharing! :)

    1. Hi Jowi! Thanks for the kind words. Good luck this December! Happy reviewing! :)

  24. Awesome blog. :) By the way, I am currently a junior student, and planning to take NMAT but I'm still not confident to take the exam on December. Can I take nmat on April and December next year, instead? But my friend told me I cannot take twice on the same year! How true is that? I have been googling about this but can't find sources. I hope you can provide me the answer. Thank you po!

    1. You can take it twice on the same year! I know because my friend is going to. Haha.

      Good luck! :D

  25. Hi aimee. I am a nursing graduate. I was planning to tke the exam by nxt yr. i read some of the req n entering med school, wat if ung required units sa mga subj like bio, chem etc etc ay di na meet? Like for ex 15 units for bio pero 12 u lang ung nameet?? Tnx

    1. Hello. :) You're going to have to take extra subjects to meet the requirements. :)

  26. Thanks a lot for this!! Haha.. I am currently browsing the net for some NMAT tips and yours is what I found very helpful and inspiring :))) I love how you stated the tips which are very informative and yet doesn't contain a lot of pressure and threatening things as I read them :)) I found your words very humble and nice, kind of serious but with some humor in them haha

    Uhm, actually I am going to take the NMAT this november 24 and to be honest I am not yet prepared because what I'm preparing for is the nursing licensure exam this coming december. Before filling out the application form online and sending it, I am really in a great dilemma whether or not to take the NMAT this november. Well, I was kinda planning of taking it on summer and yet my desire to take the exam this month wins!

    I'm a bit nervous on how my NMAT exam will go, but I will just try to prepare for it by reading some helpful materials and the thing that will be provided online which I was reading a lot about that seems to be very helpful as a tool for NMAT preparation :) well, just sharing :)) And of course the most important way to prepare, pray :)

    Thank you again for the tips! I think that you are a very smart and fun person ;) May God continue to bless you! :D

    1. I really appreciated this! Thanks so much for the kind words. This made me so happy <3

      Good luck with your NMAT, Claire! Give it your best shot!!! :D

  27. I just want to ask, is there a time limit per sub-test in part 1 or you can manage your time as long as you can finish the whole test in 3 hours?

    1. Technically there is. Like after a certain time, the proctor will say "Please move on to the next subtest." But really, you work at your own pace. :)

  28. Hello po, kamusta po ba yung Chemistry part? I'm taking the NMAT this November and Chemistry talaga ang siguradong makakapatay sakin. I still have bits and pieces of chem basics two years ago pero nung nabasa ko yung Reviewer, medyo mahirap talaga. Ang dami pang numbers, natatagalan ako sa bawat number. Same lang ba yung difficulty level nung reviewer sa Actual test? If oo, pwedeng humingi ng tips on what to study? Gameplan? Thank you po in advance :)

    1. Hello! Yes, the NMAT handout reviewer is the same level of difficulty as the actual test. I'm sorry but I can't help you much with Chem because I don't remember a lot about it anymore.

      I suggest going to YouTube and watching basic chem videos! Worked for me for Bio and Physics so it might work for you too. Remember trends across the periodic table (electronegativity, atomic weight, etc). I'm not sure but I think it helps to recall the shapes of molecules (trigonal planar, stuff like that)

      Okay it sounds really overwhelming, but just stick to the basics from your general Chemistry and you should be fine. Sorry, this advice sounds lame, but I don't know what else to say. u_u

      Wishing you luck!

    2. Hello po. Just wanted to say thank you! I got a 99+! I really don't know anong nangyari. HAHA mas mahirap yung chemistry sa actual test kaysa sa reviewer. Puro guesswork nga lng yung gnawa ko dun eh. Kaya sobrang nagulat ako sa score ko. Hahaha :)

    3. Wow!!!!! That's seriously amazing! Great job!!!

  29. Honestly, did you feel confident with part II after you'd answered it?

    1. I didn't. After the test I felt so unsure of myself, and I told my dad to expect my score to be around 80-90. Happily, I proved myself wrong!

  30. hi ulit hehe just want to ask for some good reviewers, okay ba yung MSA na NMAT reviewer? I mean worth it ba? hehe thanks :)

    1. For me, yes, worth it ang price ng MSA NMAT reviewer. :) I don't know any other good ones, aside from the one provided by the NMAT website.

      And sorry for the late reply. Tapos na pala ang NMAT haha.

  31. Hi, I just took the NMAT last sunday...and OMG! the Biology and Chemistry exams were difficult! I think I will not be able to get a percentile higher than 80....and I need a 90+. I'm freaking out! I think I'll just get myself a tattoo or something if I mess this up. T.T Sorry, I just wanted to share this...Ive no one to talk to about this. How did you feel after taking the NMAT?

    1. "I think I'll just get myself a tattoo or something if I mess this up." HAHAHA! That's awesome. What are you gonna tattoo on yourself? :))

      Hello! I felt just like you did, actually. Very bummed out because I was clueless for the most part in the Bio and Chem parts of the test (well, in Part II in general). But getting a tattoo never crossed my mind haha! If you really want one, go for it even if you do get a 90+! :))

      Waiting for the results is such a pain, isn't it?

    2. maybe one that says "FML" or "youre not a failure" kidding! THANK YOU so much for replying. Now I feel a little better. As a nurse, I really believe in the power of verbalization of feelings HAHAHA!

    3. Woah you're a nurse! Awesome! Tell me how everything goes okay! :D

    4. Results were released last night. Thank you so much! I won't have to go to a tattoo parlor! Your blog really helped me...I got a score of 99! OMG! Is this furrreal??? I wasn't able to sleep last night. @@

    5. ps: Youre awesome!

    6. Holy hell! YOU'RE awesome! That's WONDERFUL news!!! I'm so happy for you! Go forth and celebrate!!! :D

  32. Hi! I'm Al. Just want you to know I really like your blog. I'm waiting for the result. (Fingers crossed!) Keep it coming, okay? Peace!

    1. Hi Al! Thanks for the comment. I heard the results were coming out on December 13. Rooting for you! :D Peace!

  33. Thank you so much for your tips! Btw, from CDO rin ako. Lol I'm actually celebrating right now! I'm dancing to I knew you were trouble dubstep remix in my room...hashtag dorky. Keep on rocking, Aimee! God bless and good luck to us! See you in med school! - xx Karlie

    1. Oops. ^ this is my reply to "Holy hell! YOU'RE awesome! That's WONDERFUL news!!! I'm so happy for you! Go forth and celebrate!!! :D"

    2. Are you from XU? :D "Hashtag dorky" omg hahaha. You keep on rocking too Karlie! See you in med school <3

  34. Hello aimee,i'm very disappointed with my nmat grade.i did not expect to have that low score:( any advice for me?badly need your help.im just an average person,who wants to go to med school this 2014.my brain is already taya(rusty) because been working for almost three years as a nurse.planning to take this april 2014 nmat exam again.:( this april would be my last chance for med school.feeling down and nervous:(

    1. Hello! I'm so sorry I'm replying to this late. I didn't know about this comment until now :O

      How low is your low score? I know some schools that have a cut-off NMAT of 50. :)

      If your current style of reviewing hasn't been working out for you so far, maybe you should consider enrolling in a review center. Review classes are going to be really hard for you to fit into your busy working schedule as a nurse, but maybe it'll pay off. I don't know, just a suggestion.

      Rooting for you! Good luck this April :)

  35. Hello :D I'm planning to take the NMAT this Nov? (I don't know when, basta the next exam after this April. Haha) Since summer naman, I thought that it would be better if I'll start to review na since lots of people say that NMAT is really hard. My family is also expecting something for me.

    Thank you! I really love your blog 'cause it gives me courage, confidence and hope that I can be like you and everyone else who got 99+ (I HOPE!) in the exam. ^_^

    1. HELLO! I'm so sorry for the late reply. Thank you so much for the kind words. Good luck with your NMAT!!! :) Rooting for you. :)

  36. Hi..I really wanted to take the NMAT this coming November but my mom suddenly asked me to take the board exam for psychometrician this coming October.I did not enroll in any review centers for the both exam and I'm only doing a self review.Do you think it is better if I'll just take the NMAT on April?or should I give it a try on Nov? Thanks for the tips:)

    1. How much time is there between the psychometry test in October and the NMAT in November? If it's three weeks or two, I'd say go for it. You can prepare for the NMAT naman in a couple of weeks. :) Or even just one, if you're really smart. Haha.

  37. Almost a month din ata...thanks for the reply. God bless.:)

  38. Hi, I am about to take NMAT this coming November 23, 2014 and I'm still not fully equipped for the battle. since It's been a month that I've started to review still not yet confident and satisfied. Can you give me some techniques and rituals of how you've working on your review days?

    1. Umm this entire post has been about my techniques and rituals :)) basta keep yourself motivated! Don't give up reviewing :) honestly one month is a good amount of time na. Believe in yourself, you've studied well. You are capable of more than you think :)

  39. hello how much is the tuition + fees all in all in asmph per semester? :) i got a really low nmat score (75) and my grades are not that good i actually failed 3 subjects in college but im gonna take the nmat again this november. do you think i have a chance of getting in asmph? im from ateneo btw thank u!

    1. Realistically speaking, you do have a shot, but it's not a good one. This year ASMPH has raised the cutoff NMAT to 90, and you'll be battling for the same slots as the students who got very very high grades in college (I'm talking about valedictorians and honor students). If you pull up your NMAT grade to meet the cutoff, you'll definitely increase your chances of getting in, but honestly speaking your chances are quite slim because of the three failing marks.

      If you're still interested, tuition is 122k per sem :)

  40. Hi Aimee :). thanks again for your blog on NMAT tips. I'm taking the NMAT on Nov. 23, 2014. How was Physics in the actual exam compared to the practice test? Was it harder? I'm almost done studying the practice test from the NMAT website. I also studied the MSA reviewers and watched tutorial videos on YouTube. However, I'm still nervous about the Physics part because its not my major subject. It was just one of my minor subjects. I'm more of a Chem. major because my course is BS Med tech.

    1. Hello, so terribly sorry for the late reply. Guess you don't need an answer anymore hehehe

  41. Aimee, Do you have any idea if there are people who got in even without meeting the required NMAT cut off at ASMPH? Thanks. I got an 84 on NMAT, GWA of 1.76. crossing my fingers my appeal letter will get accepted. =(

    1. Everybody I know met the NMAT cutoff :( I have batchmates who also didn't make the cutoff NMAT. They took the NMAT again and reached the cutoff on their second try. They applied to ASMPH this year and were accepted. :)

  42. Thanks for this, I'll share this with my sister. My sister wants to enter MED school and she is now having an MSA NMAT reviewer.

  43. Hi! Just saw my NMAT score for the exam last March and it was 67. My GWA is around 1.73 and I don't have any failed subjects. Graduated with honours too. Do you think I'll have a chance to be accepted into medical schools?

    1. Definitely you'll be accepted. I think you made the cutoff NMAT for FEU and PLM. :)

    2. This made me feel better. Thank you so muuuch! But do you think I still need to retake the exam this November? Or is 67 an okay NMAT score already? Thank you for your blog by the way! :)

    3. Whether you want to take it is up to you. Are you aiming to get into schools with a higher cutoff, like ASMPH, UPCM, or St. Luke's? If so then yes you should retake. But if not then you don't need to anymore. :)

  44. I see. Anyway, I still have a few months to think about it before the November exam. :) Thank you! :)

  45. hello po. im currently taking BS psychology and now in my fourth year. i've always wanted to be a doctor since i was young but when i got to college i've become confused on what i want to become. i got good grades i think im on the average or even a above average.have no failing grades.but i didnt pay much attention to physics,chemistry and in anaphy or even zoology.. what do you suggest i do since i want to take an NMAT EXAM?

  46. Although I have accepted the fact that I can't take Medicine, I want to give closure to my dilemma by taking the NMAT test. I am a 3rd year architecture student and have obviously not taken any units relating to biology and chemistry. (I had 6 units of Physics but mostly related to engineering and building principles) Although everything I'd do will be self-study, can I ask if there's a need for me to study my highschool notes? Or are the MSA reviewers enough? I'll probably take it during my 5th or 4th year. Whether or not I get a good or bad mark doesn't matter, atleast I've managed to reach the gates of my dead ambition of becoming a M.D.

    1. Oh same here. I'm an accounting major. I wish I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth. Nakakapanghina ng loob kung walang enough money to take med. Meron kayang scholarship para sa katulad nating hindi nka take ng prep med?

  47. EXPERIENCE THE MOST UPDATED AND MODERNIZED NMAT!!!!!!!!!!REVIEWER IN THE COUNTRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!GRAB YOUR EBOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!NOW!!!!!!!!!!!! AND REVIEW WHEREVER YOU GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CONTACT US now: 09981901677 for only 1000php!

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. hello
    I saw your post accidentally about NMAT which is helpful but i would like to ask you a question regarding this exam cause i have no idea about it since i am foreigner ,here is the question , do we need to answer all questions to score 100 or in another word did you perfectly answer all questions of the first and second parts ?

    i'll be grateful and looking forward to receiving your reply

  50. This is crazy, but hey, I'm an accounting major. Yet, I know, to the innermost of my bones, science has always been my great companion. I've always tend to dream of taking med course. My mid school was just messed up. I don't know what I want to become someday until 3rd yr college,taking B.S. Accountancy, which I've struggled soooooo much. Oh my god, just soooooo much, God knows. I've realized during my classes in my science subjects, that I am more interested and so in to science and discoveries. In fact, I've got highest grades on my science subjects, in biology and physical science (since these are the only science subjects we have in our Accountancy prospectus, and the funny thing is, I've studied on these subjects more than my majors). I remember also taking Philippine Aptitude Classification Test (College) examination, I've only scored not that high in total, average to be exact, but what amazed me was most of my results says that my intellect bonds mostly in science courses. And the most surprising was in the Medicine tile, Very High was the result (I've heard praises from our topnotchers in our class for having very high in medicine and the only one who got scored with such). So my question is, to this moment, I am so struggled, because I've always considered what my mother would response after for almost 6 years in accounting course (I've graduated in B.S. Accounting Technology and now I'm pursuing B.S. Accounting). And our family's financial status is truly sparse. To my thinking, to this moment, should I pursue my dream of becoming a Doctor knowing that I, yeah, I'll truly be happy with it yet, surely my mother would be disappointed because 6 years will be wasted just like that. But to me, even if it takes 10 years or more I am so please and just happy to take it, of becoming a doctor. Is there any scholarship offered for those who haven't take prep med, just like me? I have so much to ask but I'll wait to your response first. Thank you so much. :)

  51. Really insightful! The NMAT can be scary for many, so happy to know that blogs like this are helpful students online! :)


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