
Showing posts from October, 2012

not caring

Oh my gosh. I'm alone in my condo, presumably because all of my roommates are out celebrating the weekend (and for two of them, the start of their sembreak). I still have an Epidemiology finals tomorrow, but holy heck I DO NOT CARE ANYMORE. I can't bring myself to stare at another ugly Powerpoint slide. I have just consuMed a huge order of milk tea and am now jittery with excitement for the end of the semester. I cannot possibly concentrate on studying for this horrible Epi exam. Ughhhh. And I just tweeted Marie Jamora about my indoor plant. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME!? Update: Thank God she replied, or I would've looked like a damn fool.

Foster the People, plants

A few days ago, a friend told me that one of my favorite bands, Foster the People, would be dropping by SM North EDSA for a meet-and-greet. So after this morning's Epidemiology class I asked Rap, who also sort of liked the band, if he wanted to go. Thankfully he said yes. Because of traffic and parking concerns, we both didn't want him to drive all the way there. So we decided to take public transportation, i.e. take the LRT2 from Katipunan, get off at Cubao, and then take the MRT from Cuabo to North EDSA. I had only ever taken the MRT twice in my life, and from both experiences I knew that it wasn't a pleasant ride. The lines for getting tickets are long, and the people in the train are usually smelly. This afternoon, the ride wasn't such a pleasant experience either, and so I shall spare you the details. I'll tell you this though: I usually enjoy commuting. It lets me see a side of Manila I don't usually see. But when I got home after the day's trip,

baby monkeys

The last day of regular classes is tomorrow, which means that right now, every imaginable milk tea shop and coffee place in Katipunan is filled to the brim with caffeine/sugar-fueled Ateneans. I have two tests tomorrow, an orals for Philosophy and a long test for Physics, and I'm panicking so much about how I'm going to prepare for them both that here I am, not preparing for them at all. It's pretty ironic how I always get the urge to write the night before an important exam. Sometimes, I literally just sit in front of my laptop with nothing to do, and I find it hard to write a decent sentence. It's times like this, when my brain knows that it's in for a night of getting jammed in the butt (yeah, my mind has a butt), that I write. Now look at this picture of a drawing of Rap saying "baby monkey." This is really all he did yesterday, I don't know why. Okay, I better get to work now. Final stretch, guys! Sotto smells like eggs

interesting things

I know I haven't been posting as often as I did when I was a freshman. I guess it's because I've actually made some friends now, and am less of a self-absorbed loser. (Yeah, right.) . . . Interesting Thing #1 SPONTANEOUS SHOOTING Last Wednesday, I tagged along with Vito, Diane, Rap, and Andy for an impromptu filming of a top-secret project (you'll know what it is soon). We had to wait until 6 at night to shoot, because we wanted some darkness. I brought my camera so that I could practice using it (I still haven't gotten the hang of it after a year). Here are some pictures (unedited because I'm too lazy). Rap with a Blizzard (and an ice cream sandwich for me). He looks so dangerous. Night classes JSEC at night A little part of Katipunan (taken from the back of Vito's pickup). A behind-the-scenes of the actual filming It was a pretty cool experience, even if the shoot ended a little early. I'm still a really bad phot