Foster the People, plants

A few days ago, a friend told me that one of my favorite bands, Foster the People, would be dropping by SM North EDSA for a meet-and-greet. So after this morning's Epidemiology class I asked Rap, who also sort of liked the band, if he wanted to go. Thankfully he said yes.

Because of traffic and parking concerns, we both didn't want him to drive all the way there. So we decided to take public transportation, i.e. take the LRT2 from Katipunan, get off at Cubao, and then take the MRT from Cuabo to North EDSA.

I had only ever taken the MRT twice in my life, and from both experiences I knew that it wasn't a pleasant ride. The lines for getting tickets are long, and the people in the train are usually smelly. This afternoon, the ride wasn't such a pleasant experience either, and so I shall spare you the details. I'll tell you this though: I usually enjoy commuting. It lets me see a side of Manila I don't usually see. But when I got home after the day's trip, I knew I wouldn't be riding a train for a loooong while.

Anyway, the train took us to Trinoma. We walked to SM (battling heat and exhaust fumes).

Then at SM, the guard told us that the meet and greet was cancelled. :|

Yeah. Sucks. (Note: If I weren't so tired from the day's trip, I'd probably be telling this story a little more animatedly.) Rap and I broke down and spun around on the spot where we would have met F.T.P.

Not wanting to waste a trip, we walked around SM North EDSA. Luckily, I stumbled upon this store selling indoor plants. I've been meaning to  buy an indoor plant for a while now, so this finding was a blessing. The plants are made by Miura Hydroculture, and they only need to be watered twice a week. I was familiar with the name because Jean had already bought a plant from them.

It was such a cute store. There were shelves filled with different kinds of plants in different sizes. I don't know how I can think that plants are adorable, but sometimes plants really are adorable.

I set to work picking out a plant. It's really hard. It's like I was looking at a bunch of living green things and thinking which would be the best to keep as a friend. Rap was really helpful, showing me some plants he thought were cool, but I bet he thought I was being weird for being so picky about a plant.

In the end I picked this cute little thing. (It's embarrassing, how much time I spent taking pictures of a plant.) She/he now sits on my dining table.

It comes with little wooden ladybug. It serves no other purpose than to look cute.

Miura Hydroculture plants absorb water through these pebbles called "hydrocorns." No soil needed.

Uh-oh. Some of the tips of the leaves are yellowing. I guess I should've paid closer attention to that when I was picking out which plant to get. But whatever.

And that ends my post. Time to go scrub myself clean. I smell like public transportation.


  1. pssst, ask someone to water it when you're not around.

    1. Yup! Took care of that. I'm entrusting my beloved plant in the capable hands of Rap while I'm away.


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