nearing freedom


And instead of devoting my last breaths as a Sophomore to mind-numbing, mega intense studying, here I am in an uncomfortable sitting position in my swelteringly hot dorm lobby, absorbing Wi-fi from the restaurant next door. I don't know why I do this to myself. 

Anyway, my life has been a flurry of activity in the past few weeks, starting with my roommate Jean and I finally closing the deal on this new condo unit we'll be living in, starting May. 
This is an old ad. We've found our two roommates already! (And I just noticed the typo.)
I'm pretty excited. I can't wait to start moving in my stuff. I'll finally be able to eat at an actual table! 

Oh yeah, speaking of housing matters, a good number of people have been asking me about dorm recommendations. Sadly I have only ever lived in Dormitoryana, which means I cannot give a fair review about other places. So if you still want to know what it's like here, this is what I think.

I think that if you read through my entries starting June 2010, which is when I first moved into this dorm, and kept on reading until this date, you will not hear me say any good thing about this place. In fact, I think the only positive thing I've ever said about it is how near it is to Ateneo. And how (relatively) cheap it is. 

But if you want to know about how "aesthetically pleasing" the rooms are here, it really depends on what room you are able to get. My old one (which is now the second floor of Ken Afford) was spacious (for a dorm room) and pretty (for a dorm price). It had an aircon and a nice big desk which I shared with my two roommates. Then when the dorm decided to evict my roommates and I, they showed me this one room that was very very big, almost bigger than the room I sleep in at home. It looked great, but it was facing Katipunan and was extremely noisy. 

Of all the places for holes to appear, this one popped up in the corridor that led to the communal bathrooms. Girls walked through this corridor wearing only towels. Coincidence? I think not.
The room I live in now is, put nicely, terrible. It is tiny. What was Dormitoryana trying to pull, fitting four people in here!? There is barely any space to move around. The good thing about it is that it's on the second floor, it's not very ugly, and it's pretty close to the only microwave and water dispenser in the building. (These two things were installed by the dorm just last June, along with a communal TV in the lobby area.

Actually, it's not bad. If you're new to the place, you'll probably hate it immensely. But it grows on you. Even I have learned to love it... I think. Or maybe I've just been so distracted by my schoolwork that I haven't any time to spend grumbling about the sardine can I have been squished into.

If you asked me why I'm moving out of Dormitoryana, I would just show you a picture of my current room in response.

Anyway, enough with the whining. Another thing a lot of people have been asking me on this site is what Health Sciences, or Life Sci, or BS Bio is like. I'm really iffy about answering this question because I don't want people making the huge decision about which course to take based on my opinions about courses. 

How a course will work out for you is completely based on who you are. I can't make a recommendation if I don't know you! Also, I don't really know how to put all my understandings about Health Sci into a brief, coherent, objective paragraph. There's just so much about the course that you won't be able to learn from some text in a website.  If I say that Health Sci is great, I mean that it's been great for me. So I'll leave it up to you guys to do the research. If you want to know what the community is like, you might get a little idea of it from what I've been writing. But it won't be the whole picture.

If you ask me about college in general, it has been a blast. I can't believe Sophomore year is ending!!! It's been an amazing year. Look at this awesome picture we got to take with our Leadership and Strategy teacher, Ma'am Cuyegkeng! (The first person I personally know who has her own Wikipedia page).
Last week in the middle of class, someone pulled the fire alarm even though there wasn't a fire. Wala lang, just thought it was worth mentioning. 
 Oh yeah, my Smart Bro has offically gone kaput. I can't go online now unless I go to some restaurant (or the dorm lobby). So last night, not having any Facebook to distract me, I played around with Adobe Illustrator and edited a picture I took of a drawing of me based on a picture of me. Wut.

The picture of me

The picture of the drawing of the picture of me. 

The drawing of the picture of the drawing of the picture of me.
Personally I'm pretty proud of this. I think it looks really comic booky. But today when I showed it to my buddy Rap, who is a big comic book afficionado, he said, "It's a start."

Indeed it is. I am going to be bored stiff for the next few days as I await my flight home to CDO. To make matters worse, I have no Internet. So I have resolved to use my idle time practicing my Photoshop and Illustrator skills. And reading all those books I have compiled this year.
I'm almost done with Brida. So far all I can say about it is that Paulo Coelho is a homophobe. 
Okay now I must go back to my room because my battery will be dead soon. Ugh. I hate not having Internet.


  1. congrats on the condo! I've never actually heard anyone say anything cool/positive about dormitoryana now that I think about it...

  2. Hi! :) Where did you move po? Hahaha. I'm currently staying in Dormitoryana since I will be studying in Miriam College. :)

  3. Hi! :D I moved to Loyola Heights Condominiums. Lapit lang sa dorm. :))


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