some pictures of summer

I guess you can tell by the frequency of my posts that I have quite a lot of spare time on my hands now. And I just found out that I got exempted from my Psych finals! Woohoo! Now I have even more time to kill before my flight home next Thursday.

I wish I didn't have to wait. I wish I could go home tomorrow. After all, I don't need to stick around for finals week anymore. I really miss home. And if you could see me right now you'd understand why. It's a Saturday night and the sequel to my summer vacation has just officially begun. I'm finished with Filipino (FOREVER) and I got good grades for my two summer subjects. And look how I'm celebrating: I'm all hunched up in front of my laptop in a corner of a dark dorm room, wishing I could go out somewhere, but it's raining and I don't have an umbrella and I don't really know where I can go at this ungodly hour (7:21 PM).

Ugh. I'm sorry I'm being so whiny. Today wasn't as happy as most days.

Anyway. Here are some random pictures of this summer that I like. (You can click on them! Enlarge the happiness!)

Albert being held "against" his will at his supplies bulthday palty.
Photo by Andy Europa, one of my favorite photographers ever!

Apparently this is what I look like when I'm excited to throw water balloons at someone. (c) Andy E.

Seriously. Can our block get any cuter? (c) Andy E.

Answer: Yes.
(c) Andy E.
Bel's party was bananas. B-A-NA-NA-S. <--- lame caption
(c) Andy E.

LFC 14! <3 (c) Kitkat Lastimosa
Meet my friends Clarice, Kara, and Joycee.  THEY'RE SO CUTE GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
(c) Kitkat Lastimosa
I can't find pictures of Pat's surprise though D: 

Coming up this week: Block sportsfest! Hopefully there'll be awesome pictures of that to post here. n_n


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