the last few days of summer (class)

Hi! It's been a while. I've been pretty busy. You see...

Last Saturday
I attended a meeting led by the Council of Organizations of the Ateneo (literally the "org of orgs") re: RecWeek details. (RecWeek is short for Recruitment Week (I think). It's the period of time in which you get to sign up for the different orgs. [Here's last year's RecWeek!]). It was the first time (in college) I'd ever actually attended a meeting for an event of such magnitude, and I felt so official sitting there amongst presidents and chairpeople, even though I was only asked to go because nobody else from LFC (Loyola Film Circle) could make it, and I live so conveniently close by.

Anyway, RecWeek this year is gonna be awesome! Everybody join LFC!!! It's a really awesome org with really awesome activities regarding film and love and friendship! Also  Rob Cham was in it! Do sign up and experience the magic~ that is this org. 

After the meeting I tried cramming a bit more reading for my Psych paper that was due on Monday. Then it was time for Albert's House Partey. 
If you stare at our stripes long enough, they form a Clefairy.  (I'm kidding, they really don't. Stop staring.)
(c) Andy Europa

Belated happy birthday Alberto! n_n (I realize I don't actually have a picture with you from the party.)

Spent all day doing boring stuff such as writing my Psych paper (due the next day) and studying for a Fil exam (scheduled for the next day). And... I guess that's it. :| 

Monday (yesterday)
In Psych we discussed really awesome "social psychology" topics like conformity and marketing strategies. I won't go into details on that because hey, what are textbooks for. 

In Fil we had a test. It would probably have been easier had I studied more. 

I deliberately finished the test early, borrowed Jason's guitar, and then ran to Zekaf ("the caf" read with a French accent, it's the actual name of the hipster cafeteria underneath the University Dorms) to meet up with Mike to practice singing for Pat's Super Sweet Birthday Surprise~ lol

Mike is so awesome. He has perfect pitch, so he can name the pitch of just about everything that makes a sound (such as the ringing of the school bell). For our impromptu choir he appointed me as an alto (low female voice, if I'm not mistaken) and then sang to me my part, over and over until I got it right. Later on during practice with the rest of the choir, I got distracted by how amazing Miah, Cheryl, Vera, Karl, Mike and Sir Unsay sounded together, I couldn't keep to my own notes and started singing Cheryl's parts by mistake! I am such a silly goat! lol She and Mike had to keep reminding me what my part was. Thanks, you guys :') (If you're wondering why I'm describing this "event" in detail, it's because it's quite a big deal for me. I've never actually sung in a choir before, even a makeshift one composed of extremely talented friends.) 

And then came Pat's Super Sweet Birthday Surprise~ lol! It was so sweet. I don't know if I'm allowed to mention the mastermind's name here so w/e lol. (Oh I forgot to mention that Albert had his own Super Sweet Birthday Surprise~ last Friday. We strapped him to a chair and hit him with water balloons. lol) 

I just love my block so much. We're still together, even during summer! We deliberately DIDN'T take 12:00-1:30 classes so that we (or, most of us) could eat lunch togther. Awwww. <3 
. . .

I'm trying to recall what we did after Pat's Super Sweet Surprise, but all that comes to mind is going to Matteo. And "helping" Pat bring her roses.

I guess that when you're taking the same subjects every day, it becomes harder to distinguish one day from the other. Each day starts to look the same. And when you look back on summer classes you don't remember Mondays or Tuesdays or Wednesdays. All you remember are projects and papers. Birthdays and deadlines. But I don't remember the school bells ever ringing, much less can I ascertain their pitch. What I do hear, however, are peals of laughter, as clear and crisp in my head as the first days of summer. And I remember warm hugs, warm weather, warm stomachs. It is a shared warmness I find, despite the humidity, rather pleasant. I think of summer and I remember noisy cafeteria meals shared with good friends, and quiet, grassy moments shared with even better friends. 

I've got less than a week of summer class left, and when I look back on April and May, that is what I remember.  

Yehey n_n 


  1. Glad you're having so much fun while learning. You're learning, right? hehehe.

  2. Most definitely, Mother Unit. Especially in Filipino. :D Hehehehehehehhee


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