
Showing posts from May, 2011

some pictures of summer

I guess you can tell by the frequency of my posts that I have quite a lot of spare time on my hands now. And I just found out that I got exempted from my Psych finals! Woohoo! Now I have even more time to kill before my flight home next Thursday. I wish I didn't have to wait. I wish I could go home tomorrow. After all, I don't need to stick around for finals week anymore. I really miss home. And if you could see me right now you'd understand why. It's a Saturday night and the sequel to my summer vacation has just officially begun. I'm finished with Filipino (FOREVER) and I got good grades for my two summer subjects. And look how I'm celebrating: I'm all hunched up in front of my laptop in a corner of a dark dorm room, wishing I could go out somewhere, but it's raining and I don't have an umbrella and I don't really know where I can go at this ungodly hour (7:21 PM). Ugh. I'm sorry I'm being so whiny. Today wasn't as happy as most

idle time

Tuesday Woke up to one of the nicest "good morning" messages ever (mainly because it involved me not having to walk to school).  Breakfast at Cervini caf! Cheese hotdog and an egg with a nice cup of hepatitis to go n_n  Psych fourth long test @_@ THE LAST FIL CLASS I WILL EVER HAVE FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE OMG (Kids, take Ma'am Miclat-Janssen for Fil 14. She's a one-of-a-kind teacher, honest-to-goodness.) I didn't even realize that Tuesday's Filipino class was my last, EVER, until Rap so kindly pointed it out to me today. And I don't know how to react to this. In all the fifteen years I've spent as a student, Filipino has consistently been the subject I struggled the most with, the subject I always scored lowest at, and the one class in which I actually  prayed I wouldn't be forced to recite. And now that it's all over... Well, on one hand, I'm 999999999999999999999 times thankful that I won't have to take the Filipino finals (whi

the last few days of summer (class)

Hi! It's been a while. I've been pretty busy. You see... Last Saturday I attended a meeting led by the Council of Organizations of the Ateneo (literally the "org of orgs") re: RecWeek details. (RecWeek is short for Recruitment Week (I think). It's the period of time in which you get to sign up for the different orgs. [ Here's last year's RecWeek !]). It was the first time (in college) I'd ever actually attended a meeting for an event of such magnitude, and I felt so official sitting there amongst presidents and chairpeople, even though I was only asked to go because nobody else from LFC (Loyola Film Circle) could make it, and I live so conveniently close by. Anyway, RecWeek this year is gonna be awesome! Everybody join LFC!!! It's a really awesome org with really awesome activities regarding film and love and friendship! Also   Rob Cham  was in it! Do sign up and experience the magic~ that is this org.  After the meeting I tried cramming a bit


       I like to think that I'm rather open to changes. As a kid I had always thought of myself as adventurous. Look back on things, however, I realize that I wasn't quite as daring or audacious as I would've liked myself to be. For instance I remember how strongly I protested when my mom gave me chocolate milk that was a brand other than my favorite (it was Sustagen. My old favorite, that is). Or how I was never eager to go on family trips to the bukids (that isn't to say that I didn't enjoy those outings; I most certainly did. It's just that I was slow to warm up to the idea of stepping beyond the four walls of my home).      And then I thought myself very adventurous when I agreed to living on my own in Manila. College, as they say, is the adventure of a lifetime (actually they say marriage is, but I'm sticking to college for now). And now that I've tried out the independent lifestyle for almost a year now, I can say with all certainty that it is in

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a floor plan of my new room (things not really drawn to scale). click to embiggen