some pictures of summer

I guess you can tell by the frequency of my posts that I have quite a lot of spare time on my hands now. And I just found out that I got exempted from my Psych finals! Woohoo! Now I have even more time to kill before my flight home next Thursday. I wish I didn't have to wait. I wish I could go home tomorrow. After all, I don't need to stick around for finals week anymore. I really miss home. And if you could see me right now you'd understand why. It's a Saturday night and the sequel to my summer vacation has just officially begun. I'm finished with Filipino (FOREVER) and I got good grades for my two summer subjects. And look how I'm celebrating: I'm all hunched up in front of my laptop in a corner of a dark dorm room, wishing I could go out somewhere, but it's raining and I don't have an umbrella and I don't really know where I can go at this ungodly hour (7:21 PM). Ugh. I'm sorry I'm being so whiny. Today wasn't as happy as most ...