idle time


  • Woke up to one of the nicest "good morning" messages ever (mainly because it involved me not having to walk to school). 
  • Breakfast at Cervini caf! Cheese hotdog and an egg with a nice cup of hepatitis to go n_n 
  • Psych fourth long test @_@
  • THE LAST FIL CLASS I WILL EVER HAVE FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE OMG (Kids, take Ma'am Miclat-Janssen for Fil 14. She's a one-of-a-kind teacher, honest-to-goodness.) I didn't even realize that Tuesday's Filipino class was my last, EVER, until Rap so kindly pointed it out to me today. And I don't know how to react to this. In all the fifteen years I've spent as a student, Filipino has consistently been the subject I struggled the most with, the subject I always scored lowest at, and the one class in which I actually prayed I wouldn't be forced to recite. And now that it's all over... Well, on one hand, I'm 999999999999999999999 times thankful that I won't have to take the Filipino finals (which are tomorrow), but on the other hand, I wish I could say that I deserve the exemption. I wish I could say with all honesty, "I did my best, and it paid off," but the fact of the matter is that I didn't. I slacked off big time. I DO have the option to study my hardest right now and then take the finals tomorrow... but I won't. BECAUSE I DON'T HAVE TO AHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAHAHAAHAHA (Thanks Ma'am.) 
  • Pat, Jeth, and Micha's shooting at Schmitt 114! Sir Unsay, our (ex?) Chem teacher, is really nice. He let us use a room for shooting a video that isn't even Chemistry-related! He's like a blockmate now. Kids, take Sir Unsay for Chem (when he gets back from Germany, that is! Woohoo!). 
  • Lunch @ Matteo, food by JSEC (Kids, get a dynasty meal from The Great Stall of China!) 
  • ...I don't even remember what happened after lunch. o_o
  • OH NOW I REMEMBER! Had a cookie and some milk tea. :D And then we were off to Matteo for a Superhero meeting woohoo!
  • I signed up as a writer for the Health Sciences Society's new website, the members of which are called Superheroes. :D Bel's one of the heads! 
  • Plansem with the LFC woohoo! Kids, join LFC! 
  • Bel's surprise partey woohoo! It was bananas! hehehehehehe
Thursday (today!)
  • (Note: Just because I love Psychology so much doesn't mean I will marry it.)
  • Sat in on a Chinese class with some of The Block. I regret picking German as an FLC (Kids, that means Foreign Language Class*). I hear it's a pretty hard language. I'm considering Chinese instead. It looks a lot of fun!
  • Caaaaaake
  • Erraaaaaands
  • The dorm cats are in heat. Which is cool and all, but I wish they'd keep quiet even for just a second.
  • I'm supposed to be exercising every day and whatnot but I've been swamped with work. And on the nights when I'm NOT, it rains. Pity. :3 
  • I'm going home on the 26th, and my last final exam ("last final" whut) is on Monday, the 23rd. What I am going to do with all the extra time I have left in Manila, I do not know. Hopefully I'll get to spend it with The Block, because really, they're the reason why I'm loving summer so much. 
  • Okay so they're not the only reason. 
  • Global warming is real.
*FLC means Foreign Language and Culture. Thanks, Icarus (is this Angelo?)!


  1. Errr...

    FLC means Foreign Language and CULTURE.


  2. Corrected. Thanks! n_n IS THIS ANGELO BTW?


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