the night before the ACET results

The weekend's here at last. It's been a really tough week. 
Bahh, how generic-sounding. I'm not satisfied with anything I've been writing lately. I think I might be going into blogging hibernation. It happens at least five times a year, when I somehow lose the urge to write.

Anyway. Tonight, I actually read a book. :O I feel a lot smartyer lolzzzzzzzz

Kidding. Tonight was quiet night for me and apparently lakwatsa time for the rest of Dormitoryana. I basically had the lobby, and all its wonderful, charming, rustic kiosks to myself. I decided to ignore my laptop and forgo my usual Friday night routine (consisting entirely of Facebook, Tumblr, and music) to solo a kiosk and have some nice, peaceful quality time with Harper Lee. I wanted to finish To Kill a Mockingbird in one sitting in the hopes of being able to return the book back to Mike tomorrow, but I guess that in the meantime he's going to have to content himself with that huge Chemistry book he (voluntarily!) borrowed from the library. 

. . .

The ACET results come out tomorrow. A word of advice to all seniors expecting acceptance letters from the Great Blue Eagle In the Sky: don't. Ateneo stopped sending blue eagles to do their dirty work ever since UST started delivering their letters via tiger (how could we possibly compete with that?). 

Seriously speaking though, if you find your name on that list tomorrow, then congratulations! You just passed the hardest college entrance exam in the Philippines (the UPCAT is relatively easy; getting admitted into UP is the hard part, because aside from your UPCAT performance, they also look at your high school grades). Be happy, be proud, thank God, and dance. (And do tell me so I can congratulate you!)

If you didn't pass the ACET, then it's not the end of the world. There are still other awesome schools you can get into. And, if you're really bent on coming to the Ateneo de Manila University, you can retake the ACET next school year! Imagine what advantage you'll have, taking the test the second time around (you can scoff at all the other takers and call them ACET n00bs). Trust me when I say that everything will work out in the end. :)


  1. hmm this is appeasement anonymous do tell me what u wer doing last year wen u found out u got in acet... i was in an internet cafe wen some1 texted i passed acet... then i got killed in the game since i was texting... kinda bittersweet same thing with the upcat results

  2. UPCAT is NOT easier than ACET. UPCAT was hard. :(

  3. Appeasement: I think it was lunch time then, and my dad got a text from my cousins (who were from Ateneo), saying I had passed. I was extremely happy because I was not expecting to pass AT ALL, but I didn't think much of it because I was all set to go for UP. :))

    That was quite a bittersweet moment you had there. It sounds more sweet than bitter though. :))

    Andy: The ACET was soooo much harder than the UPCAT kaya! Like that syllogisms part! And the Math! Urghhh.

    I remember this one question sa Science part ng UPCAT in which there's a picture of layers of soil, one on top of the other, and the question is "Which layer is the oldest?"
    A. The one on the top
    B. The one on the bottom


  4. I remember that question the others though were brainrape. ACET was WAY WAY easier for me.

  5. do u want appeasement anonymous to settle this? I passed both so im qualified to referee! XD
    Anyway who passed from cagayan then any full merit? Cos i have an underclassman in hs who's now full merit

  6. What does it mean if my name appears on the Director's List? Kasi it was just my friend from Ateneo who told me na kasama pala ko sa list na iyon. :)

  7. Appeasement: Well, what do you think? Which test was easier for you? :)
    Full merit scholarship, you mean? I don't know. I didn't really check. Basta I'm sure nobody from my school got it. =))

    Second Anonymous: CONGRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATS!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you're part of the Director's List, that means you're among the 200 people who got the highest scores sa ACET! CONGRATS!!!!!!!! You've earned yourself a P2,500 book allowance per sem (until you graduate!!!) plus a free, month-long membership to the Moro Lorenzo Gym! WOOHOOO!!!!!!!!!

    Also, you can get yourself into ANY COURSE YOU WANT.

    Also! You don't have to spend the P2,500 book allowance on books. Teehee :D


  8. It's second anonymous again. teehee. What about this dinner thing I'm hearing about? What happens there? Sorry if my questions bother you.

  9. UST was the easiest test! Anyway I h8ed UPCAT they had a Filipino part and right minus wrong...ACET's logic part was just annoying

  10. USTET's not a test it's a free pass to a University; although I heard the load that they're students have to endure is hell. :/

    *Clap clap clap for DL*

  11. Second Anon/Director's Lister: CONGRATS AGAIN!!! And, hey, it's really not a bother. Really :D I created this blog in the first place so that I could answer questions like yours! :D Do keep them coming. :)

    I didn't go to the DL dinner last year, so I can't offer an insider's point-of-view on that one, but from what I hear, they basically just tell you wonderful things about Ateneo and give you a quick tour of the place. My friends who did go made it sound quite lovely - the food, the people you meet, and the talks. Tell me how it goes, if you do decide to attend (I highly recommend you do!)

    Anon below the second anon: The Filipino part of the UPCAT wasn't too bad. The right-minus-wrong is what makes the UPCAT seem hard, even if it isn't too difficult. Yeah, those syllogisms in the ACET are what killed me. :|

    Andy (Shado): Well said, well said.

  12. what is the meaning of life?

  13. "Life's what you make it, so let's make it rock." - Hannah Montana

  14. Second anon here again! :) I'm still debating between UP and ADMU, though. 'Cause I really want to get into UPCM-PGH. And my dad's aumt said it's best in UP.

  15. cant u get into UPCM-PGH after u get a premed anywhere?

  16. To the anon after me: My dad's aunt told me they have a preference for their own products. It doesn't guarantee a spot, but I get a bigger chance of getting in. :)

  17. Second anon: The person who posted the comment above this one is right. UPCM-PGH is really tough to get into, but if you're a graduate from a premed at UP then you're more likely to get in than a graduate from Ateneo.

    I know this sounds really biased, but if you're choosing a Science course (and I assume you are, since most pre-med courses are Science courses), then best come to Ateneo! Why?
    1. The equipment is top-notch. My cousin from UP says their laboratories aren't that good and are lacking some instruments.
    2. The teachers are quality. Di lang basta-basta yung pagtuturo. Srsly :D
    3. The pre-med courses in Ateneo (woo BS Health Sciences!) are very service-oriented. Not only do you get a good Science foundation for your med school, but you (as a Health Sci major, if you decide to be one) also get to be a part of a partnership with Gawad Kalinga to improve the health system in Barangay Bagong Silang.

    Too much information? Sorry. :)) I get ahead of myself.

    Oh, and please tell me your name, friend, so that I won't have to keep calling you second anon :)

  18. Second anon here again! My name's Nic. Got my acceptance letter from the Ateneo today! And the invitation for the reception. Too bad it clashes with my schedule. It's on February 5, and if I do go, I still have to fly in from the province. :(

  19. Hello, Nic! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! CONGRATS AGAIN! How does the envelope look na ba? Still big and blue-and-white, I bet. :))

    Schedule for what? The DL reception last year clashed with my prom. :)) If it's some exams, take them later. The DL reception is WORTH IT! What province are you from? :D

  20. Nic here again. :) It clashes with my duty for this volunteer work program thing. :( And it has already been scheduled for quite some time. I really do want to go, so maybe I will find a way. The reception also gives me an excuse to dress up. Hehe.

    What province am I from? Well, uh, Cebu. :D

  21. Oh. At least if you do skip out on the dinner, it's for a noble cause! :D And yes. Dressing up is a rather appealing idea, isn't it. :))

    Cebu? Kasabot pud diay ka ug Bisaya? :D There are a loooooooooooooooooot of people from Cebu studying in Ateneo right now, by the way. You'll be so at home. :)

  22. hey. i've been reading the book TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD is it?

  23. So far so good! :D It's going up on my list of favorite books.

  24. I've taken entrance exams for the three major universities, namely the UP, ADMU and the UST.

    I consider the UPCAT as the most difficult of the three because aside from the pressure of the right-minus-wrong rule, 50% (Am I right?) of your score comes from the average of the first-third years of your high school.

    ACET is also the most time-demanding exam I've ever taken in my life... literally. My favorite experience was the part when we had to answer 25 items in 5 minutes where some had to answer in random just to cope up. I really had to prep my mind to read and answer each question in just a single glance.

    I would consider the USTET as the most balanced exam. Balanced because after every part you were only slightly stressed and had a few minutes to spare for review.

    I failed the UPCAT(Applying for Diliman and Manila), passed the ACET(Just checked it today) and am still waiting for the results for the USTET this Jan 27.

    That's about it. Wish me luck!

  25. Kristian:
    CONGRATS ON PASSING ATENEO!!!!!! YOU just passed the hardest entrance exam in the Philippines (hahaha again with this debate)!!!!

    Also, are you kidding? If you passed Ateneo, then for sure you've passed UST! CONGRATS!!!! :D Which school are you going to? :D

  26. Our school principal just gave the results for the USTET yesterday...I qualified! If I'm going to Manila then I will most likely go to UST since if I enroll there I would be part of the sesquicentennial(400th) batch. 2 out of 3 from 3 of the BIG4 isn't so bad after all. :)

    Thanks aimee!

  27. soOo wat do u get if your part of the 400th batch? In ateneo ull get to be part of the 4 peat ;)

  28. Kristian: 2 out of 3 is AWESOME! Congrats! Do get in touch once you've made a decision. I'd love to hear you story. :D

    Anon: 400th batch is pretty special! But yeah. 4-peat FTW. :))

  29. but I mean, fine kristian gets to be part of the 400th batch then after? Im saying he gets to be part of the 4 peat if he goes to ateneo... then right after he can be part of the 5th peat... then the 6th peat...then the 7th peat and as many peats ateneo can possibly do... (why do i sound like san andres??? )

  30. Oops, sesquicentennial actually means 150th. What I mean is actually the quadricentennial (400th). Just got the envelope from Ateneo today and it feels great receiving it even if I already knew the results from the ACET.

  31. hey.:) i have a question and it's really bothering me. haha
    IF i passed the big4 entrance exams and say, decided to study in UP. but then decided to transfer to Ateneo after a year.. would I still be given a chance to retake it? do I need to retake it?
    thanks a lot. :)

  32. can you give me an advice on what course to take please? i badly want to be a doctor(can't get myself to take accounting or engineering).
    if you would ask what my best and worst subjects are, they're math and science respectively. i'm not really that bad in science but still.. and i'm also wondering if there is somehow a math related premed(haha. want to get high grades.) course. :))ugh. i don't know what to do.

  33. I had a bad time during upcat...but still.... GO ATENEO

  34. Hi! I googled UPCAT and ACET and your blog came up. I passed both schools (I didn't taking DLSUCET and USTET). Unfortunately, I only got a Degree Program With Available Slot status in UP Diliman while I got my first choice, BS ECE in Ateneo. :( I've always, always dreamed of becoming an Iskolar ng Bayan, but I still feel rejected by UP, for some reason. I just want to ask if what would you do in my case? Would you choose the university or the course? I'm really scared I won't be able to shift out eh. :((

    Oh, and I do agree with ACET being the hardest exam and UPCAT the easiest! I actually had fun answering the UPCAT, haha. But I think the reason why a lot of people don't pass UP is because of the competition. T_____________T Too many people vying for a slot. T______T

  35. *I didn't bother taking

  36. OH MY GOD. So many comments I haven't replied to D:

    I'll start with yours, Princess :D

    I had the same dilemma. I've always wanted to go to UP Diliman and be an Iskolar, but I got accepted into a course I didn't like (Com Sci). I ended up picking a course that I felt I could be truly passionate about (Health Sci), even if it meant studying in a university that wasn't my first choice (Ateneo). Here I am two years later, and I don't regret my decision one bit! :D

    So yeah, if I were you, I'd pick the course over the university. :)

    Also, woohoo! Glad you agree :D

  37. I was just wondering.What about the students that are within reach of the Kto12 curriculum?What about us?I heard that Gr.11 and 12 are like 1st & 2nd year of college.I'm just puzzled with the situation plus I'm planning to take the UPCAT here,abroad.So Is there any difference(about the test)?Btw,no one(I think.) passed UPCAT here in our school so I thought it's really hard.Thanks c: Srry I really have no experience yet in this things.3 years(including 11 &12) before graduating.


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