To-Do for 2011

Oh, 2010. You went by so quickly. You filled up so many diary pages. So many things happened. And so many people came into my life. And I shall miss you.

Without further ado, here is my to-do list for 2011:

Things to do:

  1. Asian poses with Larz! (hello, summer of 2010)
  2. Check out the block of cement near Shell, Katipunan where a crazy guy writes social commentaries every day
  3. FINALLY SIGN MYSELF UP FOR PAWS (Note: Remember to set alarm for orientation day this time. :|)
  4. Show some people my novel.
  5. Help out some of the graduating seniors pick out a college and a course
  6. Make thirty MS Paint comic strips, all featuring different people (and actual conversations I had with them!)
  7. Head an LFC project! \m/
  8. Play in a band! In front of people! Whilst sounding good!
  9. Get an A in my final grade!
  10. Get that first aid and CPR license PMSA promised us if we'd join the first aid training!
  11. Make a (good) movie
  12. Learn to cook something (this has been a to-do since 2007)
  13. Try: Smallows, Meiji macadamia nuts, Nutella, gingerale :))
  14. Go to: Xocolat, Tiendesitas, Chinatown!, Fairview, to look at the science thing :))
  15. Give back <-- Sounds pretentious as hell, but whatever
I'll let you know how it goes. 

Thank you so much for helping me get through 2010, by the way. Thanks for all the support you've given me and this blog. Honestly, I've never written so much in my entire life (I'm not just talking about the blog posts)! I'm so grateful. :')

Happy New Year's, everyone.


  1. aaahhhh, chinatooown!


  3. Cheryl: WOOO! Tour mo kami. :)) We'll eat bull balls. :))

    Andy: We have yet to have a Tumblrific conversation ourselves!


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