

Can you tell by the huge and gay countdown timer at the top of this post? It's only TWO WEEKS AWAY!!! Goodbye Manila and hellooooo SUBIC! (please)

In other news, ATENEO WINS! It's a three-peat! I'd never paid much attention to UAAP games before, but when you're studying in Ateneo, you just can't help but embrace the sports culture. The campus itself is decked out in posters of the basketball players wearing Nike and tarps saying "GO ATENEO BLUE EAGLES!". Even the teachers suspend their consultation time to watch games.

In other, other news, I just took what is probably the worst test of my life last night, Mr. Pulan's notorious English 12 critical thinking exam. Ugh. Worst. Test. Ever.

I guess that just goes to show what a critical thinker I am. Hurrr durrr. Twilight is better than Harry Potter, durrrr.


  1. what subic? if you want to go, then we have to change the date of your plane ticket.

  2. your moms right what subic? can i come? :O

  3. Subic? I live there. But I'm in QC, for now. :D

  4. Momster: Heeheehee :D The schedule's hard to explain online. I'll tell you about it over the phone :3

    1st Anon: The Block's going to Subic as a sem-ender vacation :D :D :D <3 <3 <3 And, that depends. Which anonymous are you? /:)

    2nd Anon: Is this Julian or Miah?:)) I've been to Subic only once, and it's beautiful <3

  5. Appeasement...:(

  6. ill be out of place anyway ur clock is depressing me, 9 days b4 the research paper s due >.<

  7. 9 days :O What's your topic about, anyway?

    Also, you say your teacher is Mr. Tolentino, right. There's a chance we'll be meeting sa final exams, Appeasement. :>

  8. ... lets not talk bout it, ur deadline has hurt my feelings


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