anti-hell week
This week has been very kind to me. *knocks on wood and hopes to not jinx it* I actually got an A on last week's long test in Math! :D I will not even elaborate on how happy it makes me because a certain blockmate of mine is probably reading this right now and scowling at his/her monitor in a display of freudenschade . So instead, I'll tell you a few other reasons why this week is awesome. On Monday, we made ice cream for Chem Lab! It tasted like real ice cream, too. Ours was strawberry flavored. :3 If there's one thing I learned in that experiment, it's that if one wants to sample all the good flavors life has to offer, one shouldn't be afraid of sharing a little saliva. After the ice cream came Bondage! (Doesn't that just sound so wrong?) Anyway, Bondage is this yearly activity organized by the Pre-Medical Society of the Ateneo (PMSA), where people mosey on down to a grassy field in Ateneo and squirt each other silly with water guns. One person from each...