getting sick

         So I came down with a fever last week. Last Wednesday, to be precise. It was the first time I'd ever gotten sick in Manila, and since I'm not exactly the healthiest person around, having gone three months in a foreign land without getting sick, and scoring a can of dalandan soda in the process, was a pretty sweet deal.

        That was last week. And while I'm thankful that it was nothing like the "I can see a light at the end of the tunnel" sort of illness, I'm still bitter about it.

        See, I had a ton of things to do, and a nice, long weekend to do them. My plan was to get everything done by Saturday so that I could spend the Sunday resting, watching How I Met Your Mother episodes on my laptop, and catching up on my reading and my sleep. I felt like I could've really pulled it off too, since I was in a real working mood last Wednesday.

       In fact, the fever came down on me while I was in the process of working on my lab report. True story. ;)

       But nooooooooooo. I had to get sick. Stupid... thing that caused my fever. Three days became the price of my recovery. Three days, a heaping pile of work that needed five days to finish, and a How I Met Your Mother-less weekend.

. . .

     Aside from it being my first time getting sick in Manila, it was also my first time nursing myself back to health (<--- terrible euphemism), and an experience which, I'm sure, you would NOT want to hear about...

       ...except maybe the part about the dalandan soda! My roommate Jean asked me recently, "What's with all the cans of dalandan soda?" at which I laughed. Because she had asked about cans of soda, when in fact, there is only ONE can of soda in the room. One can of Zesto Dalandan Soda that just keeps getting moved from bed to desk to other bed, creating the impression of a bazillion dalandan sodas, everywhere, all the time, and you're never at peace because you never know when the next can will show up. Under your sheets, in your closet, or even IN YOUR LAUNDRY HAMPER. MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

       Anyway. The real explanation for that one can of soda that I bought last Friday and until now have not opened is that I badly needed an ice pack to put on my forehead when I was sick. So I went to Rustan's to get a can of soda. The thing is, all the cans they had refrigerated were of the drinks I don't enjoy: Coke, Sprite, Pepsi, etc. etc. (Sprite being the more tolerable of the three), and the drinks that I DO enjoy (fruit juice :3 ) were not refrigerated.

      Being the resourceful and creative person that I am, I was not deterred. I selected a can of dalandan soda (because I remember my dad used to buy dalandan soda) from the shelf  and then discreetly put it in the fridge, hidden behind cans of softdrink. Yeah. That's right. I PUT DALANDAN SODA WITH THE COKES. And nobody caught me. B-)

     With the Mission Impossible theme still ringing in my ears, and an unexplainable wind breezing through my hair, I put on my shades in slow-mo as I exited the store. Of course, I came back an hour later to buy that same can, imagining to my own delight the shocked looks on people's faces had they seen me pulling out from the softdrink fridge not Coke, not Sprite, but ZESTO! Zesto! Because I had deliberately put it there! Against the shelving rules of the Rustan's staff! Oh yeah. I am so bad. B-)

      My head may have been burning, but I felt like one cool cat that moment in Rustan's. :))

P.S. I hope you have a good sense of sarcasm, because if you don't, then I look like a total dork right about now.


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