anti-hell week

This week has been very kind to me. *knocks on wood and hopes to not jinx it* I actually got an A on last week's long test in Math! :D I will not even elaborate on how happy it makes me because a certain blockmate of mine is probably reading this right now and scowling at his/her monitor in a display of freudenschade.

So instead, I'll tell you a few other reasons why this week is awesome.

  1. On Monday, we made ice cream for Chem Lab! It tasted like real ice cream, too. Ours was strawberry flavored. :3 If there's one thing I learned in that experiment, it's that if one wants to sample all the good flavors life has to offer, one shouldn't be afraid of sharing a little saliva. 
  2. After the ice cream came Bondage! (Doesn't that just sound so wrong?) Anyway, Bondage is this yearly activity organized by the Pre-Medical Society of the Ateneo (PMSA), where people mosey on down to a grassy field in Ateneo and squirt each other silly with water guns. One person from each team is wrapped from head to toe in tissue paper, and the team whose mummy has the most tissue left at the end of the game wins. Unfortunately, I was my team's mummy, which meant I had to hide behind Jethri all the time, shielding myself with his umbrella. At one point in the game, I actually tripped on a rope (Who put that there?) and landed on my back. All these people from the enemy teams started swarming around me - while I was down. :| Chivalry is SO dead. But the activity was still a lot of fun, despite the fail. The rain, the water, the having to pick up all these clumps of soggy tissue paper after the event, not to mention being able to shoot my friends in the face with water - yyyyup. Monday was a good day. :3
  3. On Tuesday, I got an A in Math :> *insert annoying, self-satisfied smirk here*
  4. Wednesday marked the start of Season 2 of Glee! I went with some of my friends to Alyssa's condo to watch it! I don't know why Charice is getting all this flak for her starring in Glee. Pinoy pride, yo. (Wish I had gone to Rythm In Blue! Tickets were sold out @-| )
  6. My dad's coming over! :D In about an hour, I expect! YES! I'm gonna be spending the weekend at my aunt's house in Pasig with him and my cousins. I'm so looking forward to going to the mall with my dad, because I never feel like I get the most out of going to the mall with my friends Karen, Jason, and Michael, who usually go to check out the stores that sell expensive shoes and expensive clothes. Zzzzz. 
That's pretty much it. In other news, the new Coke vending machine in the Kostka building has its own Facebook page now. Gee, I wonder who started it.


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