pictures I forgot to upload, and my wisdom tooth

Let's start from oldest to latest. 
1.  Would you look at that? KONG HUA BOYS!!! IN MANILA!!!

PSYCH! Those are Ateneo grade school boys. They were in the college campus for some reason last last Thursday, the same time we had a fire drill. Everyone was made to move out of the buildings (AND CLASSES WERE INTERRUPTED!!! \m/ ). Also, it was raining during the fire drill. Raining. During a FIRE drill. Our teacher told us to leave our things in the classroom, but bring our umbrellas.

2. Last Thursday, some of my English blockmates and I were digging through the books in the Rizal Library, looking for answers for our research assignment. Look at this insanely old volume I found!

3. Old Rizal Library. I'll let this picture do all the talking.

4. Yesterday, my classmates from Kong Hua School and I went to Trinoma! That's Joseph (he's in UP), Karen (Enderun), me, and Jason. 
I found some insanely cool stuff over there.
A CENTRAL PERK SHIRT!!! From Friends! :D~~ 
DC Shirts, like the ones Sheldon from Big Bang Theory wears! 
Note: EVERYTHING COST MORE THAN P1000. Urgh. That's a week's worth of food right there.

5. My right molar had been hurting like crazy since Saturday. These toothaches would come with splitting headaches. I decided to consult the Ateneo clinic this morning. They gave me Biogesic for my headache, and some good piece of advice for my toothache: Go see a dentist.

So I did. I found a nice little clinic across the street from KFC. I was elated when I stepped inside the clinic and heard the sounds of Disney's Mulan coming from one of the rooms. The receptionist told me I could have my teeth checked right then and there, since there were no other patients besides me.

So it was a done deal. I was led to this room (where there was a TV on the wall, playing Mulan!) and after a while of waiting, the dentist came and introduced herself as Dra. Syjuco. She gave my teeth a look-see, and gave my mouth a quick X-ray. 

She said that there were two possible causes for my toothache. It was either the small cavity on my right molar, or my wisdom tooth, which is still inside my gums. She said that it's normal for people whose wisdom teeth are coming in to get headaches or fever. But given the little space at the back of my mouth (I have big teeth, okay), my wisdom tooth is forced to press against the rest of my molars, giving me even greater pressure than normal (oh joy).

She said I could opt to either take the tooth out, or leave it be. If I don't touch it, the headaches might subside after some time, but come back sooner or later. Either way, dental surgery was out of the question for me. I shudder at the thought of somebody ripping apart my gums and extracting a premature tooth (the X-ray revealed that it hasn't even sprouted any roots yet. Awww!). I called up my mom, and she said she'd rather I had this operation in Cagayan, should the need arise. "Because you need someone to hold your hand!" she said.

The dentist also told me she could remove a cavity on my right molar. All the while I was thinking, WHAT. Remove... a cavity? Isn't a cavity supposed to be a hole? How does one remove a hole? And if that hole is removed, won't that leave an even bigger hole? :O

Now I won't bother you with the details of my visit there, but I will tell you that compared to my last visit to the dentist (last summer, and still in Cagayan de Oro), this one was a field of dasies. I quite enjoyed it, actually. The pain in my tooth and my head is gone now, but then again it might come back sometime later, so I'm not celebrating until I'm certain the boo-boo's gone bye-bye!

But still. It feels great to have my head and my mouth back to normal. Nothing left to distract me from studying!
Yyyyyep. No distractions now. Yup. Yep. Yeppity yep...
...No distractions at all.


  1. That's a nice Central Perk shirt, dear. Buy one for yourself. My treat.

    Thanks Dad, but I myself am not willing to fork over more than P1000 for that thing.

    It would cost about as much as a plane ticket home. You could treat me to that! :D


  4. Rap: Seriously. How can Green Lantern and Red Lantern coexist in the same world? One would surely call the other out for copyright infringement. Also, their colors might clash :))

  5. Karens pretty :O

  6. OHOHOHOHO!!! Indeed she is, Anon! She'll be so happy to hear about this :))

  7. ... you sound like santa claus :P and lol at least tell me what she says thru here :P

  8. lol y scary? :O im an anon we cant do anything, cos we stop existing after we sign out :P so i take it shes not gonna give a second opinion:P

  9. besides u sed shed be happy >.>

  10. that shirt is really expensive... it costs two F&H shirts already o_O

    anyway.. you are really lucky about the wisdom.. in my case, i was advised to take a surgery :(

  11. Anon: Oh I'm sorry! She IS happy! She's so happy, she's scared of how happy she is :)) <3

    Karlo: Gurh SO expensive. It's more than a month's worth of Internet!
    I was advised to get a surgery too. Ugh. No way. Not in Manila, at least.
    Did you? Get a surgery, I mean.

  12. no.. it's too expensive in my dentist and i still owe them about 20k for my root canal

  13. ... fine >.> thot she wouldnt have been scared of the happiness though </3

  14. karlo: ugh. root canal. if my tooth isn't better in three weeks, i'm gonna have to get that. masakit ba? :(

    anon: that's what i said! she was scared of how happy she is:))

  15. but at least she couldve been excited not just happy >.>

  16. she was excited to open the link to your comment! :D i guess! :D

  17. ... >.> but not excited nuf to want to meet anonymous >.>

  18. Beeecause... she's scared of anonymity. And when you reveal yourself, I'll introduce you guize! :D :D :D REVEAL YOURSELF!

  19. well.. guess which anonymous i am then we can guess hu i am :P

  20. is there any other anonymous as dedicated to your blog as I am? :P

  21. none at all. and that is why I now proclaim you my favorite Anonymous n_n

  22. yay i feel so appreciated ^^ now are u gona guess hu i am? :D

  23. someone I already know :-? and have already met in person!

  24. ... if thats the casethen hu am i? or at least describe :P

  25. :-? i don't think i know enough to venture a good guess yet. care to drop a hint? :D

  26. there was a time you saw me twice
    the second time i was eating rice
    whether its night or day
    i cannot say

  27. AHAHAHAHAHA!!! Brilliant. You're like The Riddler now.

    Hmmmm. I will mull this over. Thank you for this hint :)

  28. isnt the feeling weird :P i might have seen u tons of times but uve never seen me once :P

  29. the feeling is now on the borderline between weird and creepy :))

    if i've never seen you once, like you say, then that must mean I don't know you. yet.

    so guessing would be useless then @-)

  30. guess, u could have a guess, cmon guess

  31. Ummmm. Okay. I'm guessing that I met you at an event once.

  32. hmmm which event was that? :P

  33. ... Scholar's party? :D Just a guess!

  34. nope im not a scholar :P guess again

  35. nope :P wait am i a guy or a girl?

  36. Only you can tell. That's cool, dude. Take your time. Nobody's pressuring you to come out of the closet just yet :))

    Kidding. Guy :D

  37. fine:P anyway im not lfc anyother guesses?

  38. Okay. Not Refreshie then. :)) It was this spiritual thing for Freshmen organized by J-Zone Ateneo.


    Orsem? ._.

  39. i might have been behind u in a line during orsem but u probably didnt notice me :)) at this rate i could probably assassinate u from the shadows (dont worry i wont)

  40. Woahhhhh! We're getting somewhere now.

    So, it was just that one event that we "met", then? Or did you get other opportunities to assassinate me? @-|

  41. well i did have an oppurtunity two months ago I was sitting next 2 u sumwer, itd be too much if i told u wer and wen :p There another hint :P

  42. You're making me really self-conscious now, Anonymous :)) Was it at a PMSA thang?

  43. nope :P i dont want to help Guidon no offense to them

  44. It wasn't at an org thing, then? @-|

    This is getting really hard. 'Nother hint!

  45. Why does it have to be an org thing? Is that all ur life about? Orgs? :Ov

  46. Because org events are like the only events where I get to meet people outside my block @-)

    Okay. So it's not an org thing then. Was it... a play?

  47. Hmmm that would be too telling wouldnt it cmon guess

  48. Tell me if it's any one of these things :))
    1. Walang Sugat
    2. at the library once
    3. in any one of these classes: English, Chem, P.E.

    this is killing me x_x

  49. why do i have to tell u stuff, fine if i was at walang sugat who would i be? Same goes for library and those other classes

  50. :P cmon im xure ud get it

  51. ._. i'm starting to think i don't know your name after all.

    you're not my blockmate, are you.

  52. do u wish i was? :O

  53. ...

    you're not my blockmate. you're a freshman, you have en 12, and you're under mr. tolentino.

    gee, that sure narrows things down :))

    okay. so i know your name already, right?

  54. does anonymous count as a name, if not I highly doubt it :P

  55. O_O WHUT. So what's the point of making me guess if I don't know who you are after all?:))

  56. u could describe the guy u think i am :P like i sed uve probably seen me here or there, u just havent learned my name

  57. do you look like dev patel?:)) i've seen a guy like that around a lot :))

  58. i dont look indian >.> any other guesses? 3 more and well... we could give up, I'll introduce myself if ever we get in2 a class 2gether

  59., only during classes where Im not in front or the second row. Any other guesses ? ;)

  60. okay, it looks like i'm getting only two more tries here, so i'll just ask you some dumb questions in this one comment right now:

    1. are you a polo-shirt-and-checkered-shorts kind of guy, a T-shirt and jeans sort of guy, or a metrosexual?

    2. where in school do you usually hang out?

    3. backpack or sling bag?

    4. height and weight? :D

    5. physical appearance? :D

    okay so i may be cheating with those last two questions there, but it's worth a shot :)

  61. 1.t shirt nd jeans
    2. ha! thatl just make u look for me :P
    3 back pack
    4. average and thin
    5. uhmmm black hair :P

  62. really now. that could be anyone :|

    but i'll be on the lookout anyway :))

  63. fine uhmmm i have messy hair and my eyes look like dog's eyes since its hard to see the whites in them sometimes

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