
Taken from Michael Eric Dyson's "Be Like Mike?: Michael Jordan and the Pedagogy of Desire"...
"Jordan's body is also the screen upon which is projected black desires to emulate his athletic excellence and replicate his entry into reaches of unimaginable wealth and fame. But there is more than vicarious substitution and the projection of fantasy on to Jordan's body that is occurring in the circulation and reproduction of black cultural desire. There is also the creative use of desire and fantasy by young blacks to counter and capitulate to, the forces of cultural dominance that attempt to reduce the black body to a commodity and text that is employed for entertainment, titillation or financial gain. Simply said, there is no easy correlation between the commodification of black youth culture and the evidences of a completely dominated consciousness."
You know what that all amounts to? It's essentially the same as saying:
Michael Jordan represents more than the desires of the blacks to achieve in the field of athletics and to gain money and popularity. He is also a means for the black youths to resist the commodification of the black body. Because of this, it is hard to prove that the commodification of black youth is due to their being culturally dominated.
Why do these writers have to use such big words :'(


  1. Is this your research paper? Whats ur topic anyway? Basketball?:O

  2. Nope. It's this essay that we tackled many weeks back. Mr. Pulan is bringing it back into our lives by making us summarize, paraphrase and quote the thing, as practice for note-taking.

    My topic's about children in conflict with the law in the Philippines... BUT IT'S NOT ENOUGH FOR SIR </3 He wants me to use Foucault as my framework.


    English is driving me mad. MAD I TELLS YA

  3. i feel ya, i have that 2 whats worse is I already did note-taking but havent started n my paper yet :(

  4. ...
    hang on. are you Appeasement Anonymous?

  5. yeah why? Lol is it guessing time again?

  6. YEAP! So you're in En 12.. :-? And you have Ma18... :-? Sounds like a SOSE guy to me!

    Anyway, 2 papers? 2 research papers? :O HOW CAN THAT BE!?

  7. Thats not necessarily true :P, what do u mean 2 papers and 2 research papers?

  8. i mean, 2 research papers :))


  9. im not affirming nor denying:P U have to do 2 research papers??? Seriously?

  10. I thought YOU did :O didn't you say "i have that 2 whats worse is.." :|

  11. i meant i have that TOO, 2 is internet shorthand like 2morow etc.

  12. gawd, difficult piece. interesting task, trying to crack it, though ::D

  13. anyway have u started with it na?

  14. it's difficult, dear, but i think the upside of this is that you people in ADMU are being guided on how to think critically, how to dissect meanings from seemingly complicated data. These are essential tools which all successful people have mastered. The downside is that in the meantime, you feel like you're living in hell. hehehe.


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