
You know how you can password-protect Word files? Well, I keep a file like that in my laptop to use as a virtual diary. I've been writing in it since the summer of 2009.

I mention this because I was going over my old entries yesterday, and I remembered how apathetic I had become during my last year of high school. Take for example this snippet I found, dated Thursday, August 20, 2009, 10:25 pm:
My life is so bleak. I wish I could just break away from all of this, you know? Break away... Unhinge myself from this bleakness that I seem to be so lost in. Somehow I wish I could go somewhere to get lost. To wander around. To find myself. And when I come back, I'll be refreshed and shiny and new again. Not like what I am now: so dull. So normal. So... jaded?
God. SO BLEAK. So bleak I can’t stand it anymore. 
I HAVE NO LIFE. Seriously. It’s all just Facebook. It's all just school, and homework, and endless sleep, and unfulfilled dreams.
For reasons I can't divulge on the Internet, I guess I'm not as satisfied with my high school life as my classmates and batchmates seem to be. The sad thing is, they say high school years will be the best years of your life. So if those years were my best... I shudder to think about my worst.

. . .

Anyway, enough of this emo crapola. I'm really happy now, living in the present. Living in Manila. Going to Ateneo, bonding with my blockmates, learning more about society and life and God and myself.

My college life is keeping me so busy that I don't have much time to write proper blog entries very often (which sucks, because I had promised to update this thang every day).  But alas, I have found the answer to this:


That means that I can write all these blog posts at one time, and then publish one each day! That way, this thang really WILL be updated every day, and also, I will no longer be such a disappointment to you, my one and only Appeasement Anonymous!

So this is the first in a series of queued posts. It doesn't count as an actual, substancial blog, yes (and when have I ever written something like that?), but it'll have to suffice for now.

Busy, busy week I'm having. Next week will be even busier. There's gonna be something happening every day...

  • Monday- I'm attending Isapelikula, collective name for the Loyola Film Circle's filmmaking lessons. It's gonna be our second session, and it's gonna be held right after Block XX's Chemistry lab experiment that involves handling chemicals toxic enough to turn our brains into mush if we "inhale the resulting gas." Also, group reporting for English! (Have I mentioned that I'm really starting to regret being put in Honors English? I don't understand half the things Mr. Pulan makes us read! Although, Literature class is still really cool. It's my favorite subject now!) 
  • Thursday - MATH MIDTERSZSZSZ (The difference between the Midterms and the long test? The Math long test picks up where the previous one left off. The Midterms cover all the topics we took up from June to this week.)
  • Friday - Possibly our midterms for PE will be moved from tomorrow to next Friday, since classes had to be canceled last week. PLEASE LET IT BE MOVED, PLEASE, OH LORD... Oh, also, KAPELIKULA! Woohoo! It's this up-close-and-personal talk we're going to be having with Arnold Arre, writer, illustrator and director! And, the fun doesn't stop there! There's going to be FREE COFFEE AND SNACKS!!! MABUHAY LFC!!!
  • Saturday - UBE (Ultimate Bonding Experience) Pabangasan - it's an Amazing Race-type activity brought to you by the Health Sciences Society! MABUHAY HSS!!!! (Just thought I'd add that so my home org won't think I love LFC more than them.)
There you have it. This Saturday, I'm going out with Jason (high school classmate and current schoolmate in Ateneo) to visit Karen and Michael (high school classmates who are in Enderun) at Fort Bonifacio, and then we're going maaaaalling! Woohoo!

So, yes, August is a busy busy month. I'm going home on the 28th, by the way! MABUHAY CDOC!!!!

Hahaha. Advanced happy birthday to my sister Caitlin! MABUHAY CAIT-

Okay I'll stop now.


  1. :( emo ka rin pala

    anyway.. I think college in ateneo is far better than my high school because i know its worst than your experience... and the ateneo experience is... fun.. maybe

  2. Appeasement level appeased, Ateneo is hard worst year is 2nd year, or thats what they tell me

  3. Hey its still me anyway what happened to your PAWs thing?

  4. Karlo: I'm not emo!!! Not anymore :)) You had a bad high school life too? Hayaan mo nalang. College na tayo \m/

    Anonymous: 2nd year is the worst? Really now? :O
    Oh, glad you asked! I'm going over there next week \m/

  5. hmmm well thats wat i heard :P hmmm i heard the bio org is cooperating with PAWs. its 1 of their programs or sumthing


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