a night out

(Have you noticed that when you click the title of any of my blog posts, the tab you opened it with is gonna have the words, "the perils of: [blog title]" written on it? This one says "the perils of: a night out". Which I find pretty epic. That's why recently, I've been making sure to name all my posts with nouns. Yeah, useless information... Please still be friends with me.)

       Wow. I had an awesome Saturday. This afternoon, I went to the Rizal Library and finished reviewing for the Chemistry long test to be held on Wednesday. I had made plans with Jason to go out to Kenny Rogers for dinner earlier, and he decided to bring along two of his friends from the dorm, Gerard and Paolo.

      Gerard is this guy from my city who went to Oro Christian Grace, a school whose history is closely intertwined with Kong Hua's (that's my school). I think we're the only two Chinese schools in Cagayan de Oro, which makes Kong Hua, like, blood relatives with OCGS (kidding). We're not really sister schools, but there are just a lot of kids who shift between OC and KHS.

      But anyway. We ate dinner at Kenny Roger's in Katipunan. It was my idea, really. I had eaten there for the first time with my blockmates two days ago, and I just loved it so much that I wanted to come back. And I was excited because I had P300 to spend on dinner alone (because I didn't eat breakfast, and lunch was on Auntie Oning at the Chocolate Kiss cafe' in the UP Diliman campus).

      Delish. Kenny Roger's is just awesome. It's a fastfood, but by the way they designed the interiors of the place, you'd think you were eating at a five-star restaurant. It gets me all warm and fuzzy just thinking bout it. :)

     The only bad thing about that place is the video they play on the TV while you're eating. The TV was off the last time I went there, but tonight, it was this documentary about polar bears.

    Don't get me wrong. I love polar bears. They're cute and deadly at the same time. It's just that the video they were showing featured polar bears hunting and eating fish. They were just ripping the animal apart. Guts came spilling out, and the bears got blood all over their mouths and fur. It was all pretty epic, really. But looking at polar bears gnawing at fish heads... Eh, it's just not very appetizing for me.

    After dinner, Jason decided to bring us to this Internet cafe' to play Rock Band. (WHAT!? You don't know what Rock Band is!? Click this, you poor, sweet fella.) It was all really awesome, especially since there were only four of us, which meant we each had an instrument to play. Drums was my favorite, of course. But I'm pretty awesome on bass guitar too ;)

    We stayed there for two whole hours. And when it was time to go, the guys walked me to my dorm.

    I am now getting the feeling that we're gonna be doing this a lot more in the future. Rock on, Ateneans, and GOOD NIGHT, KATIPUNAN!!! \m/


  1. Glad to hear you're having so much fun! maybe I will have to cut your allowance by 90%. Bwahahahaha! (evil laughter)

  2. What! That barely leaves me enough money to buy frozen yogurt in a cone at I Heart Fro Yo. Haha.

    The blockmates when RockBand-ing again today, but I didn't go because I had an essay to write for English 0:-)


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