Two more weeks...

... until I board that plane to the Big M. I get butterflies in my tummy whenever I think about it!

The way I see it, it's sort of like riding a roller coaster. (Before you throw up from the cheeziness of that metaphor, relax, because I'm NOT going to say, "Life is like a roller coaster: you get your ups and downs." I'm NOT, okay!)

Anyway. It's sort of like riding a roller coaster. You don't really want go. Heck, if it were up to you, you'd pass the time just by hanging around the frozen bananas stand instead of being strapped down into your seat at the scariest ride in the park.

But, you're doing it. You're riding the Space Shuttle. Because your older cousins are making you... Or at least, that's what you think.

Deep down inside though, way, waaay past the big lunch you ate that's threatening to resurface at any moment now, you know that you're not just riding because your cousins made you. It's something else.

Something larger than life that you can't quite put into words.

You're strapped in now. As the train is being hauled up backwards, gathering momentum for the big plunge, you get that sick feeling in the pit of your guts. No turning back now.

You know you're in for one steep drop. You know that you're going to plunge down the tracks at a speed of around a bajillion miles per hour and be flipped upside-down four times.

And then there's always the risk of losing your lunch, and consequently, your dignity.

But you tell yourself not to worry anyway.

Because as long as you've got your friends and family on the ride with you, and as long as God is watching over you from up above - you know that taking those risks will be worth it in the end.

You've reached the top of the rail. Any moment now, you're going to be hurtling towards the ground at the speed of sound. You've gotten so vertical that your feet aren't even on the car floor anymore. Just dangling in the air.

The breaks release, and your cab shoots down like a bullet. Everything's coming at you so fast-

And yet, despite everything, you know you're going to be okay.

. . .

The past few days have been so amazing. I discovered what block I'm going to be in - block XX! Have you heard a cooler sounding block name? 8-)

Also, I've made a lot of friends online. Most of them, my future blockmates! And we're getting along really great. *knocks on wood* Don't wanna jinx it ;)

Two more weeks till I finally go to Manila.

It's scary.

But totally exciting. :)


  1. wow! you already know your blockmates?!?!
    i don't even know my blockmates that well til now, haha! *insert bitter laugh*

  2. Wish ya all the best, Aimz!

    I was rollercoaster-ed enough just entering Xavier. You're gonna be on a new school, in a new city!

    Okay, did I just make you feel worse? Sorry.

    But nah, you'll be fine. No one's ever died of butterflies in their stomachs, anyway. :P

  3. block XD ko.....ASA?! 8DDDDDDD


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